Hello everybody!

I can't umount smbfs volume and can't mount them under non super user.

Here is part of my fstab:

//Administrator@hw/c    /hw/c           smbfs   rw,noauto,-N    0       0
//Administrator@hw/d    /hw/d           smbfs   rw,noauto,-N    0       0
//Administrator@hw/e    /hw/e           smbfs   rw,noauto,-N    0       0
//Administrator@hw/z    /hw/z           smbfs   rw,noauto,-N    0       0

When I mount_smbfs under root all OK.
But how can I mount_smbfs under any other user?

When I tried to mount it said:

~> mount /hw/d
Warning: no cfg file(s) found.
smbfs: can not setup kernel iconv table (default:tolower): syserr = Operation not 

I can't umount smbfs volume if I used it at least one time!
It answers:

~# umount /hw/e
umount: unmount of /hw/e failed: Device busy

But fstat says nothing:

~# fstat /hw/e
USER     CMD          PID   FD MOUNT      INUM MODE         SZ|DV R/W NAME

What can you advice?

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