Hi list,

syslog-ng2 [2.0.3] from ports is hanging on me after minutes of usage with state ptsopn:

5507 root        1   5    0 12832K  1788K ptsopn 1   0:07  0.00% syslog-ng

This happens 5-10 minutes after I restart it, or about 3 days if I restart the server and let it run.

Running on FreeBSD 7.0-RC1 amd64. The load on the syslog server is moderate, about 200KB/s of UDP packets (load balancer logs).

ktrace will stop output when it gets in 'ptsopn', the last thing before that is:

 5507 syslog-ng RET   read 44/0x2c
5507 syslog-ng CALL open(0x7fffffffc1f0,O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_NOCTTY,<unused>0x7b)
 5507 syslog-ng RET   open 11/0xb
 5507 syslog-ng CALL  write(0xb,0x7fffffffc270,0x80)
 5507 syslog-ng RET   write 128/0x80
 5507 syslog-ng CALL  close(0xb)
 5507 syslog-ng RET   close 0
 5507 syslog-ng CALL  read(0xa,0x52cda0,0x2c)
 5507 syslog-ng RET   read 44/0x2c
5507 syslog-ng CALL open(0x7fffffffc1f0,O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_NOCTTY,<unused>0x7b)

Any hints?

Best regards,

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