FreeBSD File System Comparison

2002-10-08 Thread David Lloyd

Is there any comparison that is easy for a non-kernel (Linux/Kernel)
hacker to understand between other file systems? I've discovered that:

* it's derived from something called the "Fast File System"
* that I need to add a -o ufstype=44bsd when mounting it under linux
* that it's not a journaling filesystem


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Re: Linking applications to /usr/local/bin/

2002-10-13 Thread David Lloyd


> Why does linking an application such as java/javac to the /usr/local/bin/
> directory make the java and javac commands global?  Whereas 'kmail' is not in
> there, but if I type it Kmail will launch anyways.

Do a "which kmail". You probably need to read about how FreeBSD (and
Linux and DOS for that matter) work out where commands should be looked
for if you just type "commmand_foo". Look for discussions about PATH and
the PATH variables.

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Re: running postifx and qpopper in jail

2002-10-16 Thread David Lloyd


> 1 message for USERNAME at (9014 octets).
> reading message [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1 of 1 (9014 octets) fetchmail:
> SMTP connect to localhost failed fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while
> fetching from fetchmail: Query status=10 (SMTP)

You need to have an SMTP server listening on your localhost for fetchmail to
work. Here's what happens:

1) fetchmail uses POP3 to speak to a POP3 server
2) it gets the mail and then uses SMTP to an SMTP server to deliver the mail

Now, the SMTP server by default is localhost. You can configure fetchmail
to talk to another host if that's your fancy.

You probably need to enable a local listening Sendmail on your local host.

Look for "sendmail" in /etc/defaults/rc.conf -- and choose one that seems to
fit your needs. Make sure you know the implications of starting up an SMTP
server such as sendmail before actually starting it up.


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Re: Your remove request has been successfully processed!

2002-10-16 Thread David Lloyd


> We have processed your remove request successfully. 
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> with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message

Why am I seeing this?

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Re: User name length

2002-10-20 Thread David Lloyd

I wouldn't like to remember a user name of:


...and type it in. Remember humans are using this


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2002-10-21 Thread David Lloyd


> >Can anyone explain how the DUMP levels work? I understand that 0 is a
> >full FS dumo, but what does 1, 2, 3, 4 etc etc etc stand for?

Level 0
 - full dump

Level 1
 - dumps only the files that have changed since the last level 0 dump

Level 2
 - dumps only the files that have changed since the last level 1 dump

Level 3
 - dumps only the files that have changes since the last level 2 dump

(and so forth)

Depending on the complexity of your backups you may want to have a look
at (I don't know whether it's in ports, currently
on my Linux box).

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Re: Re[2]: ppp: Chat script failed

2002-10-22 Thread David Lloyd


> GK> Any relevant messages in the system logs?
> As far as I understand, system log is the messages which I see at the
> console while I logged as root.

What's in /var/log/ppp.log ?

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Re: Whats the deal?

2002-10-24 Thread David Lloyd


> or
> to the kernel?

I tend to add a rule that is the equivalent of "accept everything" at
65534 or thereabouts _if_ and _only if_ I really want a firewall of this

The reason why firewalls tend to default to DENY is that it's
easier to ALLOW stuff you want rather than remember what STUFF you don't

Whilst your users might scream if you accidentally deny
ICQ/IRC/something else you shouldn't have denied, they'll be more upset
if the system goes down because you forgot to close some insecure port
and then lost the system so badly you needed to do a full rebuild...


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Re: SAP DB on FreeBSD

2002-10-25 Thread David Lloyd


> I would assume that SAP DB would work as well under Linux emulation,
> but it would be cool if a native FreeBSD port effort was underway. 
> However, with 6000+ source files it sounds like a monster to port.

The Handbook from 4.6 says that it runs under Linux; I've never tried it
but it's under the section called "The Cutting Edge". I would assume
that 4.7 hasn't broken it.

My question would be, if it runs as (or almost as efficiently) under
Linux emulation then why port such a huge project [apart from the
obvious reason "because we can"]?


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Mirror Command

2003-02-22 Thread David Lloyd

The mirror command is saying:

% ps axw | grep mirror
9704  p0- S  0:43.26 mirror \
Failed to get file 550 linux/6.2/en/os/i386/misc/src/trees/tmp/glibc-\

(The \ are to indicate it's really on one line but it won't wrap nicely
to 72 characters)

The job hasn't stopped. At least it hasn't returned from the bg and told
me it's died and it still appears to be doing *something*.

Does anyone know whether that's a major problem or whether that's just
mirror reporting something and continuing to mirror on?


I am big, it's the pictures that got small!
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FreeBSD Slices on a PC Compatible Logical Device

2006-09-09 Thread David Lloyd

Hi There,

I partitioned my PC Compatible machine like this:

/dev/hda1 - Normal partition
/dev/hda2 - Normal partition
/dev/hda3 - ~100 gigabyte logical partition

There's no sectors left to make another normal partition.

From what I can gather in the documentation, a FreeBSD slice (in this
case one made for/by FreeBSD 6.1) needs to be in a normal partition.
I've read the relevant parts of: the handbook, The Complete FreeBSD and
I have also seen what the FreeBSD 6.1 installer would attempt to do.

All of my reading seems to state that FreeBSD requires a "normal"
partition to make its slice(s) in.

That said, I seem to have a few options:

1. Somehow rearrange my partitions so that I can get a normal partition
   - GNU Parted would work except it doesn't seem to like XFS partitions

2. Reinstall my primary operating system (which happens to be Debian
   SID) and partition the disk such that I -can- put FreeBSD in an
   appropriate partition

3. Run FreeBSD under something like VMWare

My other alternative would be to take a great leap and use FreeBSD
exclusively and work out how to migrate my "home" data to FreeBSD.

Therefore, my questions would be:

1. Is there a way (other than using VMWare) to get FreeBSD onto a
   partition inside the large logical partition I have?

2. If not, does anyone know of any free (as in beer) tools that would be
   able to move Linux partitions about with XFS filesystems?
   - I don't think GNU Parted likes XFS filesystems

3. Would VMWare be a solution to my dilemma?

4. Is there an option that I haven't considered [apart from panickin!]?


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Re: FreeBSD Slices on a PC Compatible Logical Device

2006-09-09 Thread David Lloyd


Generally, FreeBSD needs a primary slice to boot and run.
I assume what you are calling 'normal partition' is what is
called a primary slice.

Thanks - I had a mental blank as to what to call primary slices :)

My suggestion is to shrink that 'logical partition' and make
a 4th slice that is primary and put FreeBSd there, unless one of
those other 'normal partitions' are are not needed.  Then, just use
the installer to delete what is in the slice and create it with
a FreeBSD slice and go from there.Alternately you can add
a disk.

I think that's what I'll attempt to do (i.e. shrink the logical partition).

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2006-09-19 Thread David Lloyd


>> How exactly does this spam-scam work? Does the spammer require a
>> proof-o-faith `donation' to initiate further communication or
>> something?
> Nigeria 4-1-9
> They send you a counterfeit money order/ cheque, you deposit it, your
> bank makes the funds available, you send the bad guy the the money, and
> then your bank discovers the counterfeit cheque, and debits your account
> for the bad transaction.

I presume that they have ways and means of not being detected, though,
or alternatively the place where they are turns a blind eye to such

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