Re: Installworld on amd64 fails on libc.a on r255342

2013-09-15 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 09/13/2013 02:46 PM, Eir Nym wrote:
> I get this error for a while, and don't know what to do with.
> I build the world, then try to install it into DESTDIR. And at this point I
> always get error that libc.a can't be found.
> To eliminate any mistakes in commits I've run snapshot r255342 from FTP in
> VM and build sources it contains.
> my building and installing world with following commands:
>  # make toolchain buildworld __MAKE_CONF=/dev/null SRCCONF=src.conf
>  # make hierarchy distrib-dirs distribution installworld

Ensure all the variables you define on the make command line are the
same for all invocations of make, unless you're absolutely certain they
don't apply:

make -C /usr/src __MAKE_CONF=/dev/null SRCCONF=/my/src.conf buildworld
make -C /usr/src __MAKE_CONF=/dev/null SRCCONF=/my/src.conf
DESTDIR=/path distrib-dirs distribution installworld

Setting some knobs for buildworld but not for installworld will, at
best, compile things that won't be installed; and, at worst, attempt to
install things that haven't been compiled.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: syslog-ng33 fails to build

2013-09-15 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 09/13/2013 01:53 AM, C. L. Martinez wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I am trying to build syslog-ng33 (release 3.3.9) using a poudriere
> server, but build process fails:

> configure: error: in
> `/wrkdirs/usr/ports/sysutils/syslog-ng33/work/syslog-ng-3.3.9':
> configure: error: The pkg-config script could not be found or is too
> old.  Make sure it
> is in your PATH or set the PKG_CONFIG environment variable to the full
> path to pkg-config.
> Alternatively, you may set the environment variables EVTLOG_CFLAGS
> and EVTLOG_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
> See the pkg-config man page for more details.
> It is strange, because previous build (on August 27) works without problems 
> ...
> Any idea??

Probably because syslog-ng relies upon pkgconfig, but assumes it will be
installed by one of the dependent ports so doesn't explicitly declare
the dependency. Poudriere has a habit of only installing the immediate
dependencies of the package it is currently compiling, so exposes such
issues when a port is updated, but none of its dependencies are. Bug
ports/181098 is another I found like this.

Add this to the port's Makefile after the include of

USES+= pkgconfig

If that corrects the issue you're seeing, submit a pr.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: mail from Charlie

2013-06-13 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 06/13/2013 11:36 AM, Pol Hallen wrote:
> Hi all :-)

Wow: the combination of your domain name and the subject you chose
really made this message look like spam.

> I use 9.1... I don't known why, from yesterday I didn't received any
> mail from Charlie :-/

Check that periodic has completed: sometimes it gets stuck when disks
fail or filesystems disappear unexpectedly during a security scan or
what have you, and the periodic process will hang around in ps forever.

> postfix runs perfectly and I don't known how investigate about this
> problem...

Check the postfix mail log. I think it defaults to /var/log/maillog ;
that will tell you if anything even attempted to send mail. Unless you
changed the defaults, cron will kick off periodic daily at 03:00 local time.

> Also portaudit should be send an email?

This should be included in the security run email.

> thanks for help!

Hope this helps!

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: make release fails

2013-05-31 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 05/23/2013 06:52 AM, Jack Mc Lauren wrote:
> Hi

> find //usr/obj/usr/src/release/dist/doc -empty -delete
> find: -delete: //usr/obj/usr/src/release/dist/doc: relative path potentially 
> not
>  safe
> *** [distributeworld] Error code 1

> What's wrong with this?
> Thanks in advance

Huh. Apparently I ran across this myself in the past, since I found a
patch lurking in my source tree.

diff --git a/Makefile.inc1 b/Makefile.inc1
index 4567e5d..1830483 100644
--- a/Makefile.inc1
+++ b/Makefile.inc1
@@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ distributeworld installworld: installcheck
 .if make(distributeworld)
 .for dist in ${EXTRA_DISTRIBUTIONS}
-   find ${DESTDIR}/${DISTDIR}/${dist} -empty -delete
+   find ${DESTDIR}/${DISTDIR}/${dist} -empty -exec rmdir {} +


The reason this occurs is because you and I are building with NODOC,
which leaves dist/doc empty, and the above find construct will refuse to
-delete if the directory specified on the command line is one of the
ones that would have been deleted.

Either patch the makefile as above, tell make to ignore the return code
of this find invocation, or put some non-empty files into
/usr/obj/usr/src/release/dist/doc during the release building process
(like a README pointing to the docs tarball on the mirrors) to make it
not trigger the empty condition.

Hope this helps!

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: Can I avoid the display of pkg-messages in portmaster?

2013-05-12 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 05/12/2013 12:37 AM, Leslie Jensen wrote:
> I do some work on remote machines and sometimes I have a need to execute
> additional commands after for example a portmaster -a command.
> Normally I use the "&&" to separate commands but this does not work when
> portmaster displays pkg-messages.
> I cannot see in the portmaster manpage that there's a possibility to
> make the choice on displaying pkg-messages.
> Maybe a suggestion to further enhance portmaster in the future.
> To work around this I was thinking of maybe making a script that ran
> portmaster -a then a command to "press space" until one is sure that all
> messages has been displayed.
> On this I could need some help. My scripting skills are not that good.

To avoid interaction when scripting or logging portmaster, in addition
to the --no-confirm option, I usually set the following environment
variables prior to invocation:


The former should avoid any build-time port interaction (and mark the
port BROKEN if it must, so I can deal with it manually); the latter
causes portmaster to use 'cat' instead of 'more' to display the
pkg-messages afterwards.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
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Re: WANTED: Tool to verify installed package/port consistancy

2013-05-11 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 05/10/2013 03:04 PM, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:

> pkg_sanity: ImageMagick- +CONTENTS file does not exist -- skipped
> pkg_sanity: ORBit2-2.14.19: /usr/local/lib/ File failed MD5 
> checksum
> pkg_sanity: ORBit2-2.14.19: /usr/local/lib/ File failed 
> MD5 checksum
> pkg_sanity: ORBit2-2.14.19: /usr/local/lib/ File 
> failed MD5 checksum
> pkg_sanity: OpenEXR-1.7.1: /usr/local/lib/ File failed MD5 
> checksum
> pkg_sanity: aalib-1.4.r5_6: /usr/local/lib/ File failed MD5 checksum

Are these mismatches symlinks? If so, are you checking the contents of
the symlink (with, for instance, stat(1) or readlink(1)), or the
contents of the file to which the symlink is referring?

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
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Re: pkgng / poudriere oddity

2013-03-31 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 03/31/2013 08:58 AM, Andrei Brezan wrote:
> Hello list,
> It seems I'm experiencing some issues while trying to install packages
> that have dependencies that have other dependencies as well, or at least
> that's how I understand it.
>  # uname -a
> FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #0 r243825: Tue
> Dec  4 09:23:10 UTC 2012
>  amd64
> # pkg install mtr-nox11
> Updating repository catalogue
> Repository catalogue is up-to-date, no need to fetch fresh copy
> The following packages will be installed:
> Installing gettext:
> Installing pcre: 8.32
> Installing libiconv: 1.14_1
> Installing glib: 2.34.3
> Installing libffi: 3.0.13
> Installing perl: 5.14.2_3
> Installing python27: 2.7.3_6
> Installing mtr-nox11: 0.84
> The installation will require 149 MB more space
> 0 B to be downloaded
> Proceed with installing packages [y/N]: y
> Checking integrity... done
> Installing gettext- dependency libiconv-1.14_1
> # pkg rquery "%n-%v" libiconv
> libiconv-1.14_1
> Is there an obvious reason why gettext dependencies are not pulled in
> and installed?
> If I do "pkg install gettext" all goes well and libiconv in installed as
> dependency.
> I've already did a "poudriere bulk -j jail_name -p ports_tree -c -f
> pkg_list.txt" for the pkg repo to no avail.
> To mention that on the host using pkgng I did several pkg delete -f for
> all packages installed except pkg.

Try turning PARALLEL_JOBS to 1 in poudriere.conf and then rebuilding all
the packages.

This sounds very similar to a behaviour I was witnessing with non-pkgng
repos constructed by Poudriere, whereby the INDEX was ending up
incomplete, and so the dependencies were never installed by pkg_add -r.
I would imagine a similar race condition could be affecting pkgng as
well. I just haven't had time to troubleshoot it very far, and the above
seemed to alleviate the issue.

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Re: Don't replay to spam

2013-03-23 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 03/23/2013 01:20 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> The original "trying freeBSD 9.1 [...]" mail is spam, since the original
> message had a "signature" about face lifting or something like that.
> Take a look at
> Once you visited the page from the link in the signature, you even can't
> leave this page.
> It's hard to train spam filters, if people reply to spam.

That spam sig appears to be NetZero appending advertisements to
legitimate outgoing messages. I doubt the OP has much control over that
behaviour; especially if that happens to be their ISP.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: backups using rsync

2013-03-04 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 03/04/2013 05:35 AM, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
> As a result of this past Black Friday weekend, I now enjoy a true abundance
> of disk space, for the first time in my life.
> I wanna make a full backup, on a weekly basis, of my main system's shiny
> new 1TB drive onto another 1TB drive that I also picked up cheap back on
> Black Friday.
> I've been planning to set this up for some long time now, but I've only
> gotten 'round to working on it now.
> Now, unfortunately, I have just been bitten by the evil... and apparently
> widely known (except to me)... ``You can't use dump(8) to dump a journaled
> filesystem with soft updates'' bug-a-boo.

You can use dump(8) to dump a SU-journaled filesystem; you just cannot
create a snapshot. This implies that dump(8) will be run against the
live and possibly changing filesystem, which can lead to issues with the
consistency of the contents of files thus dumped; but not necessarily
with the consistency of the dump itself. Any tool that backs up a live
filesystem, such as rsync or tar, will have these issues.

> Sigh.  The best laid plans of mice and men...
> I _had_ planned on using dump/restore and making backups from live mounted
> filesystems while the system was running.  But I really don't want to have
> to take the system down to single-user mode every week for a few hours while
> I'm making my disk-to-disk backup.  So now I'm looking at doing the backups
> using rsync.

I've used rsync to back up Linux and FreeBSD machines daily for years,
and I've never had a problem with the backups nor subsequent
restorations. Especially for restorations of the laptop that ate SSDs.

Having a decent snapshot capability on the backup target filesystem can
help a lot if you want to maintain multiple sparse backup revisions;
otherwise, you're stuck using creative scripting around rsync's
--link-dest option.

> I see that rsync can nowadays properly cope with all sorts of oddities,
> like fer instance device files, hard-linked files, ACLs, file attributes,
> and all sorts of other unusual but important filesystem thingies.  That's
> good news, but I still have to ask the obvious question:
> If I use all of the following rsync options...  -a,-H,-A, -X, and -S 
> when trying to make my backups, and if I do whatever additional fiddling
> is necessary to insure that I separately copy over the MBR and boot loader
> also to my backup drive, then is there any reason that, in the event of
> a sudden meteor shower that takes out my primary disk drive while leaving
> my backup drive intact, I can't just unplug my old primary drive, plug in
> my (rsync-created) backup drive, reboot and be back in the sadddle again,
> almost immediately, and with -zero- problems?

There will /always/ be problems. The best you can do is become familiar
with the tools and procedures so you can tackle them when they happen.

My suggestion for something that you can use as a warm standby is to
create it as a warm standby: go through the entire installation
procedure again for the backup drive, and then use rsync or suchlike to
periodically synchronize the second filesystem with the first. When you
update the boot code on one, do so on the other.

Be extremely careful if you decide to do this with both disks attached
to the same machine: if you use geom labels (gpt, ufs, glabel, et alia)
or dynamically numbered storage devices, you can easily run into a
situation where a reboot with both devices attached suddenly starts
using your backup instead without you realizing it, or flips back and forth.

> P.S.  My apologies if I've already asked this exact same question here
> before.  I'm getting a sense of deja vu... or else a feeling that I am
> often running around in circles, chasing my own tail.
> P.P.S.  Before anyone asks, no I really _do not_ want to just use RAID
> as my one and only backup strategy.  RAID is swell if your only problem
> is hardware failures.  As far as I know however it will not save your
> bacon in the event of a fumble fingers "rm -rf *" moment.  Only frequent
> and routine actual backups can do that.

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Re: ZFS pool data recovery

2013-02-19 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 02/18/2013 08:06 AM, Jonni Nakari wrote:
> It seems, that while testing suspend to RAM on my machine by running
> "acpiconf -s 3" I managed to break a RaidZ zpool. The machine went to
> sleep fine, but after waking up commands (e.g. reboot) reported I/O
> error. When booting after a hard reset the machine fails to mount the
> root filesystem:
> Trying to mount root from zfs:/vault/root []...
> Mounting from zfs:/vault/root failed with error 5.
> I booted the system from FreeBSD-9.1-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img and
> tried to import the zpool in the shell:
>  # zpool import -f vault
> cannot import 'vault': I/O error
> Destroy and re-create the pool from
> a backup source.
> Command "zpool import -nfF vault" from the memstick system gives no
> output. (I thought it should always give some output?)
> What should I try next to repair the zpool or recover the data? I
> started "zpool import -nfFX vault" but it seems to take quite long.
> Some more information about my system:
> zpool vault consists of 5 block devices:
> whole disks: ada1, ada2, ada3
> cache: ada0s1e
> log: ada0s1d
> The system boots from a UFS filesystem ada0s1a. The zpool and rest of
> the system was created with FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE.

Does dmesg or syslog show anything with regards to the supposed I/O
errors? Do the disks pass a read-only scan or 'long' SMART test? While
unlikely, it is possible that one of the devices picked that precise
moment to fail.

It's also possible a disk did not appreciate being put to sleep; I've
had several SSDs that simply stopped responding under such conditions,
prompting warranty replacement.

Fuzzy love,
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Re: Setuid binaries and File Ownerships in FreeBSD9.0

2013-01-23 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 01/23/2013 02:26 PM, Martin McCormick wrote:
>   The executable in question is a C program whos file
> permissions are 4755 and the file belongs to root so all files
> it opens are also owned by root and that works properly, but
> what I need is for this application to first open a few files owned by
> the caller and then later, upgrade back to root and write to
> files the caller can not write to. I was hoping to avoid using
> chown and chgrp and simply let the privilege level of the
> application dictate ownership of any file it opens.
>   When the application first runs, it gets the UID and GID
> of the user and uses 
> setuid(heruid); and setgid(hergid); to temporarily downgrade and
> those files are owned by the right user but setuid(0); doesn't
> appear to upgrade back to root.
>   Is there any other strategy that gets one back to root
> short of using chown and then a system call and never
> downgrading privilege?

seteuid(2) ?

Alternately, open the privileged files before dropping root; you should
still be able to write to them afterwards.

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Re: bogus "No protocol specified" message

2013-01-10 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 01/10/2013 05:09 PM, Perry Hutchison wrote:
> When trying to open an X application on a remote display,
> I am getting
> No protocol specified
> Error: cannot open display:
> The "No protocol specified" message is bogus:  the display is
> specified correctly*, and the same operation -- with exactly
> the same setting of DISPLAY -- was working yesterday.  There's
> no problem with network connectivity between the two systems:
> ping and rlogin both work in either direction, and the specified
> X server is running and accepting connections.
> What does that message actually mean, and how do I fix it?

The error is with regards to the X protocol, not the TCP or UNIX socket
protocol. Check that both sides have compatible and matching X authority
information using xauth(1), or that the connecting host or user was
allowed to connect using xhost(1).

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Re: Build linux,ko kernel module standalone

2013-01-03 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 01/03/2013 06:57 AM, Martin Laabs wrote:
> Hello,
> if I wanna build a kernel module standalone (without the kernel e.g. for
> testing) I do it the following way (wlan in this example):
> cd /usr/src/sys/modules/wlan
> make all
> maybe make install if I wanna install it.
> Now I want do build the linux.ko module with the symbol DEBUG defined and
> tried the following:
> cd /usr/src/sys/modules/linux

make depend

> make -DDEBUG all

Be wary of changing compile options for only certain parts of the
kernel, as this may lead to problems with mismatching code.

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Re: FreeBSD: GIT instaed of SVN?

2013-01-02 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 01/02/2013 02:31 AM, O. Hartmann wrote:
> When it comes to keeping sources, most developer and most large 
> dislocated and non-centralized projects prefer GIT over
> Subversion.
> FreeBSD has moved from the ancient CVS to Subversion not long ago
> and I was wondering why freeBSD would have done this, since
> Subversion lacks in so many aspects of a modern revision system.
> Well, I face several odds now since I need a kind of hot
> replication system that replicates my Subversion repositories and I
> feel uncomfortable with the way Subversion performs this. I decided
> to move forward to GIT which seems more appropriate in any aspect
> and while I do not have so much legacy to carry on with, I think
> for me pesonally the move is more logical.
> But what is with the FreeBSD project? Are there any attempts or 
> intentions to bring GIT also to the sources (the base system, the
> ports)?

Basically, the workflow practiced by the FreeBSD developers and
release engineers would have to change completely, otherwise Git would
fight them every step of the way.

There are those of us who maintain Git mirrors of the project repos
(with or without local patchsets), but they are in no way official.

Fuzzy love,
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Re: Warning - FreeBSD (*BSD) entanglement in Linux ecosystem

2012-08-22 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 08/21/2012 09:04 PM, David Jackson wrote:
> In reference to the claims that systemd developers "do not care about
> portability", this is deceptive and misleading. It implies that he is
> building in a dependance on intractable hardware platform dependance when
> this is absolutely not the case, there is no dependance on a hardware
> platform.There is nothing about systemd that FreeBSD could not easily
> support. Yes, his software does use system call facilities provided by
> Linux, but since this is a dependance on software systems, FreeBSD could
> easily add these facilities to its own libraries and kernel. This fact
> exposes what the complaints from some people are about, it has nothing to
> do with portability, because these issues can be easily addressed in
> software code by FreeBSD, it has to do with FreeBSD not wanting to
> implement equivalent functionality as  Linux.
> The fact is, FreeBSD can fully support systemd and all kernel and system
> features, there is nothing here that is impossible for FreeBSD to support.
> By doing so, it would give users MORE freedom rather than less freedom.
> FreeBSD would not even be required to use systemd for its own bootup
> sequence, which can be BSD init scripts still, but, systemd could be made
> available on FreeBSD, called from FreeBSDs init scripts, for users that
> wants to use it.
> Some here would make it seem like it is impossible for FreeBSD to support
> systemd, nothing could be further from the truth. No one is stopping
> FreeBSD from implementing it or any other feature found in Linux.
> I carefully looked through the documentation of systemd, I could see
> nothing except for a well designed, powerful and flexible start up system
> that is a major improvement. It IS backwards compatable with SysV and init
> scripts, so, no one can say they are taking away someones capability to use
> their own init scripts. BSD could continue to use its own startup init
> system and optionally allow systemd to be called from this for software
> that needs systemd. So, FreeBSD does not even have to change much about its
> current init system to support systemd. systemd could be called from
> FreeBSDs current init scripts as an addon rather than needing to replace
> any of the existing init system.
> I basically cannot see a rational reason to not support it.

If I were to hazard a guess, it's because systemd is intended to replace
a subsystem which is simple and has had decades of testing with
something that is as yet largely unproven. If not done properly, and
with competent oversight, it could result in an unmaintainable system
that requires more than just a text editor to repair. Just imagine
losing a library against which systemd is compiled: no single-user mode
because 'init' couldn't start at all now, and no /bin/sh because the
startup scripts required to get the machine into a usable state are no
longer written in bourne shell.

But the larger issue, in my analysis, is that it forces feature creep
into any other posix implementation that must support it to run software
that depends upon it. FreeBSD has a jail implementation that is far more
advanced and secure than anything Linux currently offers; yet systemd
requires what basically amounts to a neutered version (containers) so
that it can keep track of processes. Not a dishonourable endeavour in
and of itself, but then it's like GEM/KMS all over again, where smaller,
more resource-constrained teams are rushing to add otherwise-unneeded
features to their kernels in such a way that won't cause instability or
security vulnerabilities. In this case, there isn't even any
compatibly-licensed reference code for containers that can be freely
used; the implementation must be engineered from scratch.

Lastly, it's also LGPL-licensed; either someone will have to convince
the authors to dual-license it, or a BSD-licensed implementation will
have to be written. With the current FreeBSD GPL-exodus, I don't see the
adoption of further GPL/LGPL code having much chance of succeeding;
especially when said code is required to actually bootstrap the userland.

Personally, I think diversity is good, and systemd does offer alternate
options that were previously lacking in a sysvinit/bsdinit world; but
systemd could be a lot more flexible in supporting platforms that are
other than Linux or GPL.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: FreeBSD vs Hurd what is the differences?

2012-07-09 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 07/09/2012 05:25 PM, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
> The string I saw was in file jquery.js:
> /^(?:color|date|datetime|datetime-local|email|hidden|month|number|password|range|search|tel|text|time|url|week)$/i,bJ=/^(?:about|app|app\-storage

This is a part of the jQuery javascript library. The example above is a
regular epxression used to pick apart input tags on the page in which
jQuery is running, so fun stuff can be done to them.

You can see the same code in the development version from the jQuery
website itself; any nefarious behaviour therein would presumably be
noticed by the extensive community utilizing and modifying said library.

just search for the string |password| in that file

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: A bash scripting question

2012-06-21 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 06/21/2012 08:40 AM, Odhiambo Washington wrote:
> How Can I simplify/perfect the following script, so that I read _ALL_ the
> lines in the file and act on the content as shown below, so that I do not
> have to specifiy an action per line?
> This below is doing exactly what i need BUT reading one line at a time
> untill the 10th line, if i want more i add manually...
> This might help some1 someday! But if there is a way to perfect it please
> do so.
> #!/usr/local/bin/bash
> smsfile=email_to_sms
> `grep Subject /var/spool/mail/sms >>$smsfile`
> if [[ -s $smsfile ]] ; then
> cat /dev/null > /var/spool/mail/sms
> sed -i 's/Subject: //g' $smsfile
> echo `sed -n '1p' $smsfile` | /usr/bin/gammu --sendsms TEXT `awk 'NR==1
> {print $1}' $smsfile`
> echo `sed -n '2p' $smsfile` | /usr/bin/gammu --sendsms TEXT `awk 'NR==2
> {print $1}' $smsfile`
> echo `sed -n '3p' $smsfile` | /usr/bin/gammu --sendsms TEXT `awk 'NR==3
> {print $1}' $smsfile`
> echo `sed -n '4p' $smsfile` | /usr/bin/gammu --sendsms TEXT `awk 'NR==4
> {print $1}' $smsfile`
> echo `sed -n '5p' $smsfile` | /usr/bin/gammu --sendsms TEXT `awk 'NR==5
> {print $1}' $smsfile`
> echo `sed -n '6p' $smsfile` | /usr/bin/gammu --sendsms TEXT `awk 'NR==6
> {print $1}' $smsfile`
> echo `sed -n '7p' $smsfile` | /usr/bin/gammu --sendsms TEXT `awk 'NR==7
> {print $1}' $smsfile`
> echo `sed -n '8p' $smsfile` | /usr/bin/gammu --sendsms TEXT `awk 'NR==8
> {print $1}' $smsfile`
> echo `sed -n '9p' $smsfile` | /usr/bin/gammu --sendsms TEXT `awk 'NR==9
> {print $1}' $smsfile`
> echo `sed -n '10p' $smsfile` | /usr/bin/gammu --sendsms TEXT `awk 'NR==10
> {print $1}' $smsfile`
> else
> echo "***Sorry the SMS FILE "$smsfile" is empty."
> fi
> gammu-smsd start
> cat email_to_sms >> email_to_sms2
> cat /dev/null > email_to_sms

Off the top of my head:

#!/bin/sh -e

sed -e '/^Subject: /!d; s/^Subject: //' /var/spool/mail/sms > "${smsfile}"


xargs -L1 /usr/bin/gammu --sendsms TEXT < "${smsfile}"

mv -f "${smsfile}" "${smsfile}.bak"

No loops necessary.

By the way, what's gammu, and why is it in /usr/bin ?

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: urtw0 wireless device on FreeBSD problems

2012-06-19 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 06/18/2012 09:07 PM, Antonio Olivares wrote:
> Dear Folks,
> Is there a place where the panics/oops are saved to retrieve them and
> cut + paste them here?
> /var/log/, /tmp/ ?

If you have set dumpdev in rc.conf to the location of a swap device (or
AUTO to have it pick one), the core dump (and a neat automated analysis,
on 8.x and later) should end up in /var/crash.

Keep in mind that coredumps can be as large as the machine's installed
RAM, so you will probably want at least that much swap and disk to hold
it. Also, there may still be some issues with obtaining consistent
coredumps on multiprocessor machines, but I got rid of the miscreant
hardware before I could test that claim on anything newer than 8.1.

You can find more comprehensive information in the handbook[1].


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Re: Free space in ZFS

2012-06-16 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 06/15/2012 04:02 PM, John Levine wrote:
> I made a three disk zraid ZFS pool yesterday from three new 1 TB
> disks, which I'm using for backup.  Then I did a backup and made a zfs
> volume.  The free space numbers don't make sense.  This is on 8.3, ZFS
> version 15.
> # zpool list
> backup2  2.72T   310G  2.42T11%  ONLINE  -
> Given that it's zraid, the total available space should be a little
> under 2TB since the third disk is for parity.  But zpool gives me a
> total of 2.72T, as though the third disk was for data.

raidz does not operate entirely like a traditional raid5. It stores
enough redundant information to survive a full disk failure, but that's
where the similarity ends.

When you write to a raid5, the data is striped in even strides across
n-1 disks, and parity is written to the remaining disk. The layout is
very rigidly structured, such that you can always determine where a
particular piece of data will end up by performing simple arithmetic.

When you write data to a raidz1, a single ZFS data block is chopped up
into n-1 equal-sized pieces (plus 1 piece for parity), and stored
wherever it will fit inside the pool. The storage allocator will make
sure that each piece ends up on a separate physical disk, but that's the
only restriction on placement.

So, when looking at the zpool itself, you see raw capacity that is
burned through at a rate of four-thirds (for a 4-disk raidz) as you
commit data to the pool.

> # zfs list
> backup2 206G  1.58T  31.3K  /backup2
> backup2/20120615206G  1.58T   206G  /backup2/20120615
> Well, that makes more sense, total is 1.78Tb.

...but, when looking at the dataset itself, you see how much
(compressed, deduped) data is present (since you don't care about parity
at this level), and how much more data the allocator predicts you can
safely store on this dataset (which is affected by things like
compression, deduplication, reservations, and quotas).

> # df -g
> Filesystem1G-blocks Used Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> backup216180  1618 0%/backup2
> backup2/20120615   1825  206  161811%/backup2/20120615
> Now the total is 1.82Tb.  Huh?  The backup filesystems are compressed,
> but surely they're showing me the actual size, not the uncompressed
> size.  Or are they?

Don't bother with df. Because df was designed in the era of static
filesystems that never change capacity and always write verbatim, zfs
has to be 'creative' to represent the size in a manner that would be in
any way useful to a user. It doesn't always work. Google 'ZFS versus
df'[1] for more information.

Hope this helps!


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Re: slowoffice doesn't work

2012-06-14 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 06/13/2012 11:49 PM, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
> trying to start openoffice shows:
> [wojtek@wojtek ~]$ openoffice-3.4.0-swriter
> XDM authorization key matches an existing
> client!/usr/local/openoffice-3.4.0/openoffice.org3/program/soffice.bin
> X11 error: Can't open display:
>Set DISPLAY environment variable, use -display option
>or check permissions of your X-Server
>(See "man X" resp. "man xhost" for details)
> everything else works, doing
> xhost +
> "fixed" the problem. any idea what is wrong.
> deleting .openoffice doesn't change anything

This was a big problem with certain programs that like to re-exec
themselves very quickly upon startup. It affected Firefox[1] and
Thunderbird[2] circa 2003-2004.

The pedantically correct solution is to fix the limitation in the
xsecurity protocol.

The realistically correct solution is to fix the bug in OpenOffice.

The more useful solution is to put something like this in your
.xinitrc/.xsession script:

# Tell X to authorize me
xhost +si:localuser:$(id -un) >&/dev/null


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Re: buildworld problem

2012-05-19 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 05/19/2012 03:29 AM, Andriy Babiy wrote:
>>> "Makefile.inc1", line 160: CPUTYPE global should be set with ?=.
> In make.conf I have CPUTYPE=nocona

As it says, you need CPUTYPE?=nocona instead of CPUTYPE=nocona in
/etc/make.conf or /etc/src.conf; otherwise the build process chokes
while building the 32-bit compatibility stuff, since it cannot override
your 64-bit CPU selection with a 32-bit one.

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Re: FreeBSD X?

2012-05-18 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 05/17/2012 07:36 PM, Vance Siemens wrote:

My favourite part was when the article sourced other articles on the
same blog as 'developers'.

Fuzzy love,
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Re: (c)dialog working differently during boot in script called by rc system than after boot?

2012-02-23 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 02/23/2012 12:21 PM, Robarrght wrote:
> Does anyone out there see what I'm missing?

Setting TERM in your script's environment? To my knowledge, the boot
scripts have a VERY minimal environment.

Tried on 9.0-RELEASE:

$ dialog --msgbox "Test message" 6 25

shows a message, whereas

$ TERM="" dialog --msgbox "Test message" 6 25

shows a black screen.

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Re: 'rm' Can not delete files

2012-02-08 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 02/08/2012 12:02 PM, David Brodbeck wrote:
> 2012/2/7 Ingo Hofmann :
>> What helps me sometimes is wrapping it up:
>> for i in *; do rm $i; done
> Won't that just expand the * and result in the same problem?  It seems
> like you've just moved the problem from the rm statement to the for
> statement.

This error arises during exec(3) when the length of the program
arguments exceeds a certain size. Since 'for' is a shell builtin, there
is no such practical limitation thereupon.

See the ERRORS section in execve(2), specifically [E2BIG], for more details.

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Re: kgzip(8) regression in RELENG_9 GENERIC

2012-01-23 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 01/23/2012 11:26 AM, Carl Johnson wrote:
> On my system:
> $ uname -a
> FreeBSD birch.localnet 9.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE #0: Tue Jan  3 
> 07:46:30 UTC 2012 
>  amd64
> $ whereis kgzip
> kgzip: /usr/src/usr.sbin/kgzip
> $ grep kgzip /usr/src/usr.sbin/Makefile*
> Makefile.amd64:# kgzip: builds, but missing support files
> Makefile.i386:SUBDIR+=  kgzip
> So it appears to be i386 only.

Good catch. This build system of mine is amd64 as well.

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Re: kgzip(8) regression in RELENG_9 GENERIC

2012-01-23 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 01/23/2012 12:30 AM, Devin Teske wrote:
> On Jan 21, 2012, at 1:41 AM, CyberLeo Kitsana wrote:
>> On 01/20/2012 09:02 PM, Devin Teske wrote:
>>> Taking a GENERIC 9.0-RELEASE kernel and running kgzip(8) on it produces an
>>> unusable kernel which causes immediate BTX halt in loader(8).
>>> ...
>>> 4. Say: kgzip kernel
>> Curious, it doesn't even look like that binary is hooked into the build
>> process at all on 9.0-RELEASE.
> Can you clarify what you mean by the above?

On a brand new GENERIC box running 9.0-RELEASE with no special knobs:

(4b18d544)[cyberleo@jenga ~]$ which kgzip
(4b18d544)[cyberleo@jenga ~]$ apropos kgzip
(4b18d544)[cyberleo@jenga ~]$ cd /usr/src/usr.sbin
(4b18d544)[cyberleo@jenga /usr/src/usr.sbin]$ ls | grep kgzip
(4b18d544)[cyberleo@jenga /usr/src/usr.sbin]$ grep kgzip Makefile
(4b18d544)[cyberleo@jenga /usr/src/usr.sbin]$

So it's there, but the SUBDIR entry in the usr.sbin Makefile that hooks
it into the build process seems to be missing, whereas things that do
exist (freebsd-update, &c) are present.

>> It's manpage indicates that it is unsuitable for loader(8) use,
> Likewise, can you clarify the above?

>From kgzip.8 in the aforementioned directory:

As symbols are lost, the usefulness of this utility for compressing ker-
nels is limited to situations where loader(8) cannot be used; otherwise
the preferred method of compressing a kernel is simply to gzip(1) it.

>> and that
>> just running gzip(1) on the kernel file is sufficient;
> I'm getting an error when loading a gzip(1)'d kernel...
>   don't know how to load module '/kernels/GENERIC-i386-9.0.gz'
> So I figure, maybe it doesn't like the '.gz' suffix. No go, same error.

I think we'll need more information on how your system is set up to
boot: partition layout, what boot blocks and loaders are in use, etc.
How are you instructing it to load that particular kernel, for example?

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Re: kgzip(8) regression in RELENG_9 GENERIC

2012-01-21 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 01/20/2012 09:02 PM, Devin Teske wrote:
> Taking a GENERIC 9.0-RELEASE kernel and running kgzip(8) on it produces an
> unusable kernel which causes immediate BTX halt in loader(8).
> ...
> 4. Say: kgzip kernel

Curious, it doesn't even look like that binary is hooked into the build
process at all on 9.0-RELEASE.

It's manpage indicates that it is unsuitable for loader(8) use, and that
just running gzip(1) on the kernel file is sufficient; a fact to which I
can attest, since I compress everything in /boot/kernel to save space on
my flashcard installs, and the loader has no problem decompressing it on
the fly.

kldload(8), on the other hand, still seems to be incapable of handling
gzipped klds.

Fuzzy love,
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Re: how to force 'device' sources to not compile?

2012-01-08 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 01/06/2012 03:39 PM, Коньков Евгений wrote:
> I have errors while compile kernel
> ===> et (all)
> cc -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -nostdinc   
> /usr/obj/usr/src/sys/KES_KERN_v9/opt_global.h -I. -I@ -I@/contrib/altq 
> -finline-limit=8000 --param inline-unit-growth=100 --param 
> large-function-growth=1000 -fno-common -g -I/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/KES_KERN_v9  
> -mno-align-long-strings -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -mno-sse -mno-mmx 
> -msoft-float -ffreestanding -fstack-protector -std=iso9899:1999 
> -fstack-protector -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs 
> -Wstrict-prototypes  -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline 
> -Wcast-qual  -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -fformat-extensions  
> -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option   -c 
> /usr/src/sys/modules/et/../../dev/et/if_et.c
> /usr/src/sys/modules/et/../../dev/et/if_et.c: In function 'et_dma_alloc':
> /usr/src/sys/modules/et/../../dev/et/if_et.c:782: error: 'ET_RING_ALIGN' 
> undeclared (first use in this function)
> /usr/src/sys/modules/et/../../dev/et/if_et.c:782: error: (Each undeclared 
> identifier is reported only once
> /usr/src/sys/modules/et/../../dev/et/if_et.c:782: error: for each function it 
> appears in.)
> /usr/src/sys/modules/et/../../dev/et/if_et.c:790: error: 'ET_STATUS_ALIGN' 
> undeclared (first use in this function)
> /usr/src/sys/modules/et/../../dev/et/if_et.c:845: error: 'struct et_softc' 
> has no member named 'sc_rx_mini_tag'
> /usr/src/sys/modules/et/../../dev/et/if_et.c:854: error: 'struct et_softc' 
> has no member named 'sc_rx_tag'
> /usr/src/sys/modules/et/../../dev/et/if_et.c:864: error: 'struct et_softc' 
> has no member named 'sc_tx_tag'
> how to disable 'et' from compiling?

This error is from the kernel build process attempting to build the code
for a kernel module.

Define either MODULES_OVERRIDE or WITHOUT_MODULES as detailed in
make.conf(5) to avoid building the if_et module.

Note that the syntax of the MODULES_OVERRIDE and WITHOUT_MODULES
variables consists of a space-delimited list of directory names found
under sys/modules/ and not the canonical module names as found in
/boot/kernel/, so some footwork is necessary.

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Re: hardwire scsi busses

2011-12-20 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 12/20/2011 10:59 AM, Gerhard Schmidt wrote:
> Hello list ... How can I hardwire the ahd to become scsibus1 and
> the twa to become scsibus0, that regardless if the external raid is
> online the boot disk is allways da0 an the extern raid ist da1 if
> online.

You can use glabel(8) as an easy alternative. It will create usable
device nodes based on the UFS label, GPT label, or a custom label
written by the glabel(8) command, and these nodes will always point to
the correct data (provided there are no conflicting labels, of
course). It is included in GENERIC.

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Re: 9.0 install and journaling

2011-12-17 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 12/13/2011 10:54 AM, Devin Teske wrote:
> We're seeing in 8.1-RELEASE that "nodev" is an invalid option for NFS mounts
> that causes your system to boot into single-user mode. Is this still the case 
> in
> 9.0-RC2/3 or has the option been re-added? "nodev" was a valid option in
> 4.11-RELEASE, not sure why it was removed (and/or made invalid).

Since the advent of devfs, device nodes no longer function anywhere
other than a devfs-backed filesystem; so 'nodev' is, in a sense, the
default. Try it yourself:

amani# dd if=/dev/zero count=1 | hd
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
512 bytes transferred in 0.46 secs (11126858 bytes/sec)
  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
amani# mknod zero c 0 26
amani# dd if=./zero count=1 | hd
dd: ./zero: Inappropriate ioctl for device

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Re: AHCI driver and static device names

2011-12-15 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 12/15/2011 10:02 AM, wrote:
> I suppose if someone wanted to track down the "official" way of
> solving this problem, they could look into how Windows handles it.

To my knowledge, Windows (XP, at least; probably others) labels the boot
filesystem on install, and just probes all disks every boot for a
filesystem with the given label. This is why you can move a Windows disk
around with relative impunity (as long as the controller drivers are
installed); but simply copying all those files to another filesystem
(a-la dump/restore on BSD) never results in a bootable OS, even if you
put them back in the same place.

This is also why booting with two attached clones of the same Windows
system disk is so fun.

Fuzzy love,
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Re: AHCI driver and static device names

2011-12-14 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 12/14/2011 03:18 PM, Rob wrote:
> On 12/3/11 11:04 AM, CyberLeo Kitsana wrote:
>> To answer your question, though: You cannot combine GPT with glabel (or
>> any other geom class that writes data to the first or last 34 sectors of
>> a disk, like gmirror) due to layout conflicts. MBR and BSD schemes can
>> be used, since they occupy only the first sectors of the device, and
>> their monikers will be appended to the label. Thus, labeling a
>> single-slice MBR disk (/dev/ada0) with 'test' would produce /dev/ada0,
>> /dev/ada0s1, /dev/label/test, and /dev/label/tests1; nesting a BSD table
>> within s1 would add /dev/ada0s1a and /dev/label/tests1a as well.
> Do gpt labels work the same as glabel, ie provide a static device name
> that can be acted upon with /etc/fstab, zfs, gmirror, etc?

Yes. It's actually handled by the same geom class.

>>> The other option seems to be to use tunefs or a partitioning tool to
>>> label each partition, which is even more ugly imo.
>> Ugly how? Labels appear a lot more semantically elegant than the opaque
>> 'ada4s1a' moniker.
> Ugly in that the driver has created a situation where we need
> workarounds to perform the tasks we need.  *nix systems have always
> relied upon static device nodes, and using dynamic names without
> updating the relating tools/methods is ugly.  The workarounds also could
> fail if someone forgets to perform them (specifically labels), since
> it's not necessary on just about any other *nix system.  It's perfectly
> within reason to assume people will forget to apply a label when
> replacing a disk.

Anything fails if you forget to do it. Administrative failure should not
be confused with technical failure.

Static device nodes are appropriate when the topology is fixed and can
be reasonably anticipated. With variable topologies, such as USB, iSCSI,
multipath, and PCI hotswap, the disk controllers may not even exist at
boot, or may be reordered based on probe order, or the order in which
the remote units respond; and that's before the kernel even gets around
to setting up the devices attached to those controllers. You cannot
reasonably expect the system to statically allocate device nodes for
every possible configuration that may exist for all technologies that
might be added to a machine, so why offer the expectation when the
system cannot possibly hope to fulfill it for even a fraction of the
common cases?

> Case in point.  I have a system with 15 drives in it.  I decided I
> wanted to install on the 2nd device instead of the 1st, but I
> partitioned all the other 14 drives.  I completed installation and when
> to boot the system and it failed.  Stupid me, the GPT boot loader found
> disk1 with a partitioning scheme but no fs.  So, I popped out disk 1 and
> when to boot again.  Hey, now it starts to boot only to fail to find the
> root fs because it's looking on ada1 and the fs is on ada0.  That is a
> mess.

Sounds like a bug in the BIOS or boot loader. The boot loader should be
able to ask the BIOS for the device from which it read the boot code,
and use that instead of just naively using the the first available
device in the system; the only instances where I've seen this fail have
been on machines that should've been put down years ago. Which isn't to
say it doesn't still happen.

> This is not necessarily common, but also not uncommon.  More likely is
> the case where you add a drive to the system and the above scenario
> plays out because the device names get re-ordered.  I'm not sure the
> problem the dynamic device nodes intends to solve, but it's certainly
> caused all sorts of pain and the need for the 2 (that I know of)
> workarounds.

How about when you add a PATA drive to a machine, but the cable is
blocking the last available bay; so you have to move an existing drive
to a different position on the cable to make room for the one you're
installing? Static device numbering won't save you now.

Or how about those silly BIOSes that assume that you must really want to
boot to the new disk you just attached to the machine, so helpfully
rearrange your boot order for you so now you're booting to a strange
disk with who knows what on it?

Honestly, there's so much that can go wrong. That's what sysadmins are for.

> I dislike the idea of having to use labels to get static functionality
> (increases the likelihood of something going wrong for a disk replace
> operation if I forget to label), but I'll give gpt labels a try.

I find that labels solve more problems than they introduce, when applied
properly. The semantic meaning given to the devices often mean I can
discover what's on a particular disk in my pile'o'drives just by
plugging it in a

Re: AHCI driver and static device names

2011-12-14 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 12/14/2011 03:20 PM, Rob wrote:
> Can glabels, gpt, and zfs all work together?  I have a system where I
> have disks with 4 gpt partitions. Partitions 2 and 3 are part of gmirror
> arrays, and partition 4 is part of a zfs pool.  glabel says it writes to
> the end of the partition, which I believe zfs also writes to doesn't it?

Yup. However, all nestable geoms protect their metadata (when it exists)
by providing a device that is smaller, so any nested consumer never even
sees the provider's metadata. The end of the glabel device to which zfs
writes its metadata in your implied example is actually several sectors
prior to the end of the device or partition to which glabel writes its

Explicit glabels are not strictly necessary with the GPT partitioning
scheme, since the glabel module can peek into the GPT data structure,
extract label names from there, and automatically create appropriate
/dev/gpt/ entries for those labels.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
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Re: AHCI driver and static device names

2011-12-03 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 12/04/2011 04:28 AM, wrote:
> CyberLeo Kitsana  wrote:
>> You cannot combine GPT with glabel (or any other geom class
>> that writes data to the first or last 34 sectors of a disk,
>> like gmirror) due to layout conflicts.
> This is overstated.

Thanks for the clarification. It occurs to me now that I was less than

Fuzzy love,
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Re: AHCI driver and static device names

2011-12-03 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 12/03/2011 10:04 AM, Rob wrote:
> glabel looks to place a label on the whole disk, but the manpage is
> unclear (to me) how the partitions are handled.  If I use glabel to
> label a disk "test" and this disk has 4 partitions on it, then how is
> each partition accessed?  testp1...testp4 for gpt?

Ideally, you would label the partitions according to their usage. glabel
will automatically create labels for GPT partitions based on the GPT
'label' field; likewise for UFS, MSDOS, and ISO9660 filesystems.

For example, one of my (few remaining non-ZFS) machines looks like this:

/dev/iso9660/root on / (cd9660, local, read-only)
/dev/ufs/boot on /boot (ufs, local, read-only)
/dev/ufs/conf on /conf (ufs, local, read-only, soft-updates)

The root filesystem on this machine is actually mounted off a
uzip-compressed iso image on a BSD partition burned to some flash; but
the unimportant details are hidden behind the label, which just presents
a plain filesystem.

It doesn't really matter where these filesystems are: they can be moved
to completely different disks with wildly different partition schemes,
or even to iscsi- or ggate-imported disks, and the system will find them
perfectly by their labels.

This works for ZFS as well: since there's no guarantee where these disks
will show up, and the ZFS code will not be able to find them across
reboots if their names change, labels are useful for assigning static
names to the partitions or slices that make up a pool:

  pool: amani
 state: ONLINE
 scrub: none requested

amani ONLINE   0 0 0
  mirror  ONLINE   0 0 0
gpt/amani/r0  ONLINE   0 0 0
gpt/amani/r1  ONLINE   0 0 0

To answer your question, though: You cannot combine GPT with glabel (or
any other geom class that writes data to the first or last 34 sectors of
a disk, like gmirror) due to layout conflicts. MBR and BSD schemes can
be used, since they occupy only the first sectors of the device, and
their monikers will be appended to the label. Thus, labeling a
single-slice MBR disk (/dev/ada0) with 'test' would produce /dev/ada0,
/dev/ada0s1, /dev/label/test, and /dev/label/tests1; nesting a BSD table
within s1 would add /dev/ada0s1a and /dev/label/tests1a as well.

> The other option seems to be to use tunefs or a partitioning tool to
> label each partition, which is even more ugly imo.

Ugly how? Labels appear a lot more semantically elegant than the opaque
'ada4s1a' moniker.

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Re: ZFS Filesystems wont auto-mount on boot

2011-12-03 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 12/03/2011 12:28 AM, APseudoUtopia wrote:
> Hello,
> I followed a couple tutorials I found through google to setup RAID-Z1
> on root on FreeBSD 9.0-RC2. Everything works well, except it always
> drops me into a recovery shell on boot. I'm forced to run `zfs mount
> -a` to get all my data visible. Here's the boot log:
> Trying to mount root from zfs:root []...
> Dec 3 01:23:07 init: login_getclass: unknown class `daemon`
> cannot open /etc/rc: No such file or directory

You did not provide a list of your filesystems, so this is just a guess,
but I'd say that, judging by this error, you have /etc on a separate

At least /bin, /sbin, /lib, /libexec, and /etc must be on your root
filesystem for the boot process to function, since the system bootstrap
(/etc/rc et alia) resides in /etc and uses components in the other
listed directories; it is the system bootstrap which automounts your ZFS
filesystems on boot (zfs_enable).

> Enter full pathname of shell or RETURN for /bin/sh:
> I then hit return, then run `zfs mount -a` to mount all my zfs filesystems.
> How can I have zfs automount these filesystems on boot so that the
> system can continue booting without being interrupted?

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Re: problem formating disk with gpart

2011-12-01 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 11/30/2011 03:01 PM, Robert Huff wrote:
>   One of my systems has a hot-swap eSATA device, which reports as
> "ad1".  I'm trying to use this to prepare a new disk using gpart and
> something (possibly my understanding) is broken.
>   After removing another disk and inserting the new one, I do:
>>> gpart show ad1
> =>   34  976773101  ad1  GPT  (465G)
>  34  976773101   - free -  (465G)
>   ... which is the value for the disk just removed.
>   If I do (to start clean):
>>> gpart destroy ad1
> gpart destroy ad1
> gpart: Input/output error
>   Huh?

If I remember correctly, the old ATA subsystem (ad*) does not support
hotswap notification, so the kernel will not see a device change until
reboot or reinit. You should probably be using AHCI (if the driver
supports your chipset) or very careful use of atacontrol detach, attach,
or reinit.

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Re: problem in changing serial console speed!

2011-11-27 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 11/27/2011 12:07 AM, h bagade wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to change serial console speed on freebsd 8.2. I've found out
> different way of doing so but none was successful! I've tried the following
> ways:
> 1- change /boot.config: add -S*speed
> *2- change /boot/loader.conf: add following lines
> boot_multicons="YES"
> boot_serial="YES"
> comconsole_speed="115200"
> console="comconsole,vidconsole"
> 3- change /etc/ttys as follows:
> ttyu0"/usr/libexec/getty std.115200"vt100on secure
> none of the above methods worked and only changing /etc/makefile had an
> effect on serial console speed which is not appropriate.
> Is there anything else should be take in to consideration in any of the
> ways? What am I missing?

You have to do all of them.

With my Intel SS4200 NAS boxen (which are headless), I do the following:

Set the serial port to 115200 in the bios and disable console
redirection after boot.

Add to /boot.config to set boot block serial speed:
-h -S115200

Add to loader.conf to set /loader serial speed:

Edit /etc/ttys to set serial login speed:
ttyu0 "/usr/libexec/getty std.115200" vt100 on secure

This is sufficient to completely replace the emulated VGA with native
serial output across all phases of the boot sequence, from the boot
block through /loader, kernel and startup messages, all the way to login.

Some changes may be necessary if you intend to use a serial port other
than 0, or if you wish to have both serial and VGA consoles available.

Fuzzy love,
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Re: wireless access point in FreeBSD 8.2p2

2011-08-28 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 08/27/2011 11:08 PM, Paul Beard wrote:
> On Aug 27, 2011, at 8:48 PM, CyberLeo Kitsana wrote:
>> tcpdump(1) is your friend; it seems cryptic and obtuse at first glance,
>> but it will help immensely
> I wasn't sure there was any reason to use that yet: I can't even ping it from 
> another host. 

It is especially useful when you cannot ping, as it can tell you if the
packets are even arriving. In my case, it helped indicate that packets
were arriving, but that, because I had re-used the SSID, the client was
applying encryption settings (from the old AP) that the new AP was not
expecting, and so the packets were arriving horribly mutilated.

>> wlan0 itself will not assign v4 addresses to clients; you need a DHCP
>> server for that
> I plan to use static addresses as I do already (this is just a backup in case 
> my WRT54G develops any issues). 

Static is just fine; just covering all points that came to mind.

>> The hostap machine must be explicitly told to route packets, by setting
>> gateway_enable="YES" in rc.conf and adding the appropriate routes
> I have that and the existing wired interface has the route set (I am 
> connecting through that to make this work). This raises the question of 
> whether I am expecting the functionality of a bridge without having 
> specifically made one. 

Bridging using if_bridge(4) is a different beast, but one that seems
much easier to set up in comparison. I am using it in a slightly
different configuration for another project, and it's pretty

Bridging does not require gateway mode to be enabled, as the packet
forwarding is performed within the bridge driver, instead of within the
network stack. Because of this, however, proper firewalling of wired and
wireless clients is more difficult, and can weaken the security of your
implicitly trusted cat5 cables.

>> If you're intending this to be a home gateway, you will likely also need
>> NAT.
> I think NAT is handled by the telco hardware (on cable) for now. 
> Hmm, starting to think this may not work as I expect. It might be fine as an 
> additional AP but not as a replacement without some configuration changes 
> that I will have forgotten how to make by then. The WRT box runs the PPPoE 
> connection for DSL which I should be switching back to. I'm sure it can be 
> done with this but I think I'm asking for trouble. 

I cannot say this is an easy task, given the number of components
involved in a functioning gateway. I can say that it is quite possible
given the software involved, though, since I've been running a homebrew
FreeBSD-based gateway for years, and just yesterday introduced built-in
wireless to replace the aging WRT54G AP and reduce power requirements

> So maybe this is a solution in search of a problem. Might be to just find a 
> spare WRT54G or its modern equivalent. 

That would probably be the easiest solution; perhaps not the most
satisfying, though.

> But that doesn't mean I don't want to figure this out. 

Getting the wireless component functional by itself seems to be the
biggest hurdle at the moment; after that, it's just one block atop another.

I did recall one more potential issue: during testing with a Gentoo
machine with an iwlagn adapter, my adjustments frequently confused the
adapter so thoroughly that it refused to function correctly without a
reset, even when the settings were correct. It's more annoying, but a
full reset of all hardware involved after each change might help isolate
any changes that put the hardware into an inconsistent state.

Hope this helps!

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: wireless access point in FreeBSD 8.2p2

2011-08-27 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 08/27/2011 11:21 AM, Paul Beard wrote:
> I seem to be missing something, possibly from reading too many HOWTOs. What I 
> am trying to do is get a system with a wireless card to stand in as a 
> wireless AP should my aging LinkSys base station develop a tragic smoke leak. 
> It's an ath0-based card and the following steps suggest it should work (it 
> has HOSTAP capabilities and offering robust encryption). 

I just finished something almost exactly like this a little while ago.

> But various permutations of rc.conf, hostap.conf and many iterations of 
> /etc/rc.c/netif restart leave me with two ifconfig entries, one of the ath0 
> interface and one for wlan0. None of the examples show this so I suspect it's 
> wrong. The IP address is pingable from the host it's installed in but not 
> from anywhere else. And I can see the AP from another system and attach to it 
> but it doesn't route any traffic. 
> redacted results of ifconfig: 
> ath0: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu 2290
>   ether 00:0d:88:93:21:3a
>   media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect mode 11g 
>   status: running
> wlan0: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu 1500
>   ether 00:0d:88:93:21:3a
>   inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
>   inet6 fe80::20d:88ff:fe93:213a%wlan0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x7 
>   nd6 options=3
>   media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect mode 11g 
>   status: running
>   ssid lower channel 8 (2447 MHz 11g) bssid 00:0d:88:93:21:3a
>   regdomain FCC indoor ecm authmode AUTO privacy OFF txpower 27
>   scanvalid 60 protmode CTS wme burst dtimperiod 1 -dfs

This looks correct so far, for an unsecured wireless access point. The
wlan0 device is the interface you will use for communicating; the ath0
device exists solely as a target for wlan0 creation.

Things to keep in mind:

tcpdump(1) is your friend; it seems cryptic and obtuse at first glance,
but it will help immensely

wlan0 itself will not assign v4 addresses to clients; you need a DHCP
server for that

The hostap machine must be explicitly told to route packets, by setting
gateway_enable="YES" in rc.conf and adding the appropriate routes

If you're intending this to be a home gateway, you will likely also need

> Yes, I am trying it without any encryption until I see some packets being 
> passed. 

Good idea.

Hope this helps!

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: Lennart Poettering: BSD Isn't Relevant Anymore

2011-07-18 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 07/18/2011 06:50 AM, Aryeh Friedman wrote:
> The issue your talking about is actually caused by a fundamental flaw
> in *ALL* pure open source projects namely in return for the freedom to
> look at the code and stuff we give up market forces.

Perhaps the benefits inherent in enriching the global pool of free
knowledge and understanding can far outweigh the drawbacks of
contributing without recompense?

That's certainly why I'm here.

Fuzzy love,
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Re: e2fsprogs trouble on freebsd

2011-06-04 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 06/04/2011 01:30 PM, Lucas Araujo wrote:
> I'm trying to install systemimageer on freebsd 8.1 .But I'm having troubles
> with the e2fsprogs package.When I use the ./configure in the directory of SI
> package the system says:
> - libuuid not found!
> - Try installing the e2fsprogs-devel package
> So i've installed all the packages called e2fsprogs in ports. And the
> problems still remains .

Did you try this one?

Port:   e2fsprogs-libuuid-1.41.14
Path:   /usr/ports/misc/e2fsprogs-libuuid
Info:   UUID library from e2fsprogs package

A quick glance suggests that SystemImager a Linux-centric software
package; if the above does not work, perhaps it needs to be told that
the library is installed in /usr/local ?

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Re: start X in background without it taking over the console?

2011-05-11 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 05/11/2011 05:36 AM, Chris Telting wrote:
> I already do... I'm want to automate it.  Every other virtual screen
> terminal can start without grabbing the console, I don't want X to
> either.  I do development and I suffer crashes.  I want to do work while
> it boots up for a couple minutes and I'm tired of manually switching
> back to text mode.  It's gets annoying the 200th time.

You could script it right after X starts, as such:

vidcontrol -s 1 # Equivalent to Alt-F1

I don't think X is currently designed to start without initializing the
graphics hardware, though, so the initial vt change is probably
unavoidable. Perhaps once KMS trickles down?

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Re: gpart questions

2011-04-26 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 04/24/2011 12:24 PM, Helmut Schneider wrote:
> Hi,
> i'm playing around with (virtual) disks within a VMware ESXi 4.1 server:
> ...
> So, what did sysinstall that gpart didn't?

You forgot to gpart create the inner BSD label on da1s1.

# mdconfig -a -t swap -s 512M
# gpart show md0
gpart: No such geom: md0.
# gpart create -s mbr md0
md0 created
# gpart show md0
=>  9  1048563  md0  MBR  (512M)
9  1048563   - free -  (512M)

# gpart add -b 63 -s 1048500 -t freebsd md0
md0s1 added
# gpart show md0
=>  9  1048563  md0  MBR  (512M)
9   54   - free -  (27K)
   63  10485001  freebsd  (512M)
  10485639   - free -  (4.5K)

# gpart show md0s1
gpart: No such geom: md0s1.
# gpart create -s bsd md0s1
md0s1 created
# gpart show md0s1
=>  0  1048500  md0s1  BSD  (512M)
0  1048500 - free -  (512M)
# gpart add -b 16 -s 1048484 -t freebsd-ufs md0s1
md0s1a added
# gpart show md0s1
=>  0  1048500  md0s1  BSD  (512M)
0   16 - free -  (8.0K)
   16  1048484  1  freebsd-ufs  (512M)

# ls -la /dev/md0*
crw-r-  1 root  operator0, 153 Apr 26 02:57 /dev/md0
crw-r-  1 root  operator0, 157 Apr 26 02:58 /dev/md0s1
crw-r-  1 root  operator0, 159 Apr 26 03:03 /dev/md0s1a

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Re: ZFS and zfsloader

2011-04-26 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 04/25/2011 07:10 PM, Peter Toth wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've recently migrated my old laptop to a new one (both running R8.2 +
> ZFS). Used zfs send/recv and corrected mountpoints.
> On the old laptop I had my / sitting in zpool, on the new one I've
> created a separate zpool/root for /.
> Everything is working OK except one strangeness - the boot loader still
> reads the kernel out of zpool/boot instead of zpool/root/boot.
> I've reinstalled the boot code and the loader but this did not help.
> Anyone has an idea how to fix this?

zpool set bootfs=zpool/root zpool

The bootfs property on the zpool tells zfsboot which dataset contains
the next boot stage (/boot.config or /boot/loader).

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Re: full disk encryption with geli - where does the stuff in /boot/kernel

2011-04-11 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 04/10/2011 09:34 PM, Gil Mordron wrote:
> # mount /dev/ad0.elia /fixed
> # export DESTDIR=/fixed/
> # cd /dist/6.0-RELEASE/base && ./

The 'base' distribution does not include any kernels. Take a look in
/dist/6.0-RELEASE/kernels for those. Note that kernels/ will
not populate /boot/kernel either; instead, it'll drop the kernel into
/boot/GENERIC (for the generic kernel) for you to do with as you wish.

Fuzzy love,
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Re: syslog and chrooted isc-dhcpd

2011-01-29 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 01/28/2011 09:22 AM, Michael wrote:
> I'm running my isc-dhcp41-server with chroot option.
> Is it possible to get it working with syslog? I don't know how to let
> chrooted dhcpd to talk with my syslog.

Apparently, you can either provide the -l flag via rc.conf
(syslogd_flags) or add the full log socket path to
/var/run/syslogd.sockets on the host.

Fuzzy love,
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Re: kernel config =?> kernel code

2011-01-02 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 01/02/2011 03:07 AM, wrote:
> This feels like a really dumb (as in, the answer should be obvious)
> question, but so far it has eluded me:  Given an option name in the
> kernel configuration file, how -- exactly -- does the directive to
> include or exclude that option get translated into particular code
> (source lines, .o files, symbols, etc.) that are thereby included in
> or excluded from the kernel?

This is of interest to me as well, as I have been trying for a while to
create something to avoid building or installing kmods whose
functionality is already built into the kernel proper. The furthest I
got in my investigation was some parsing of sys/conf/files[1].


Fuzzy love,
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Re: portupgrade causes kernel message: maxproc limit exceeded by uid 0

2010-12-07 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 12/05/2010 10:45 AM, Lowell Gilbert wrote:
> Yuri  writes:
>> Beginning at some time less than 1 month ago I started getting such
>> message. Increasing maxproc doesn't help. Current values are like
>> this:
>> kern.maxproc: 6164
>> kern.maxprocperuid: 5547
>> What may be causing such condition?
> limits(1), perhaps?

I DoSed a remote box building devel/glib20 too. Just now reproduced it

It manifested as a forkbomb somewhere in gnome-libtool while building
glib-2.26.1 inside a clean chroot (not a jail). The issue seemed to only
manifest within the chroot, regardless of whether the configuration was
identical to the host or not. It did not occur when attempting to build
on the host machine.

Every other package I built worked just fine.

I eventually tracked it down to a stray colon at the start of the PATH
variable in my chroot build environment:


Thus, it might be a good idea to verify that your build environment
variables and config files are sane.


mv -f .deps/gdatetime.Tpo .deps/gdatetime.Po
/bin/sh /usr/obj/usr/ports/devel/glib20/work/gnome-libtool  --tag=CC
--mode=link cc  -O2 -pipe -O2 -pipe -march=nocona -fno-strict-aliasing
-Wall  -L/usr/local/lib -lintl -o strfuncs strfuncs.o
../../glib/  -lm
mv -f .deps/regex.Tpo .deps/regex.Po
/bin/sh /usr/obj/usr/ports/devel/glib20/work/gnome-libtool  --tag=CC
--mode=link cc  -O2 -pipe -O2 -pipe -march=nocona -fno-strict-aliasing
-Wall  -L/usr/local/lib -lintl -o string string.o
../../glib/  -lm
printf: Cannot fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
printf: Cannot fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
printf: Cannot fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
printf: Cannot fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
printf: Cannot fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
/libexec/ Shared object "" not found,
required by "printf"


Fuzzy love,
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Re: a gmirror disappears after adding gjournals to its partitions

2010-11-24 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 11/24/2010 04:52 AM, wrote:
> It looks to me as if gjournal is confused:

It is not gjournal that is confused; it's bsdlabel. The gjournals lie
entirely within the partitions defined within the bsdlabel, and don't
care about anything outside of that. The ambiguity here is that the
bsdlabel is stored at the beginning of the disk, and is very loose about
what it accepts as valid, since there is no direct harm in being eager.

The metadata for gmirror is stored at the end. The metadata for the
bsdlabel is stored at the beginning. When bsdlabel tastes before
gmirror, it sees the same label on the component disks that would be on
the gm0 mirror. Moreover, all the partitions it then creates are
identically sized, and contain exactly the same data, as they would on
the mirror. It will complain that partition 'c' doesn't cover the whole
unit, but this is not a fatal error as it doesn't take exclusive access,
and so you are always free to use that same bsdlabel through another
geom path.

The problem arises when bsdlabel tastes ad0 before gmirror, and creates
all the partitions thereupon, which triggers a taste of all the newly
created devices by gjournal, which opens the devices exclusively once it
finds the metadata it needs within the partitions. Now that they're
opened exclusively somewhere, all the other paths to that device through
the geom graph are withered, and cannot be tasted or used by anything
else, including gmirror.

Hardcoding provider names into gjournal makes it reject these
ambiguously created devices. Since gjournal doesn't take exclusive
access, gmirror can now taste the still-available ad0, see that it's a
mirror, and launch gm0, which triggers a taste by bsdlabel (and creates
the partitions) which triggers a taste by gjournal, which matches the
names its expecting.

That was difficult to keep clear. I hope it makes sense!

>> ... either make the two look different somehow (use a different
>> geom that stores its metadata at the beginning of the provider,
>> instead of the end, thus eliminating ambiguity in the bsdlabel
>> taste),
> When I asked earlier how to subdivide gm0, bsdlabel was recommended.
> Is there something else that would work better?  (This machine is
> likely too old to understand GPT.)

The machine's bios does not need to understand GPT to use it on a pure
data disk; only as a boot disk. There are a few bioses that throw fits
when not all the disks include mbr/slice tables, but those (thankfully)
tend to be the minority. Plus, since GPT expects metadata at both the
beginning and end of the disk, seeing gmirror metadata instead may
prevent it from creating these ambiguous device nodes as well (but test
this assumption before relying on it).

>> or to make the inner geom avoid the outer devices (hardcode
>> provider names in metadata). Since you have an outer geom that
>> provides a static name, hardcoding the name of the gmirror into
>> the gjournal metadata shouldn't cause anything to break if your
>> disks change places, either.
> But I suspect this may not scale well.  Suppose I later decide to
> mirror the swap instead of using ad0s2b and ad8s2b as separate swap
> partitions.  Is there not a 50/50 chance of the swap mirror becoming
> gm0 and my current gm0 becoming gm1, thereby breaking any metadata
> that depends on hard-coded provider names?

When you create a mirror, you give it an explicit name, which will not
change over the life of the mirror without your explicit action. This
name does not have to be 'gm0' or some such. I have named mirrors after
the hostname, or 'hostname-purpose', such as 'sc1425-root' and 'sc1425-swap'

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
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Re: a gmirror disappears after adding gjournals to its partitions

2010-11-23 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 11/22/2010 10:19 PM, wrote:
> krad  wrote:
>> On 21 November 2010 06:10,  wrote:
> ...
>>>  manually-created config files, while still in chroot after install
>>> Fixit# cat /boot/loader.conf
>>> geom_mirror_load="YES"
>>> geom_journal_load="YES"
>>> vfs.root.mountfrom="ufs:/dev/mirror/gm0a.journal"
>>> vfs.root.mountfrom.options="rw"
> ...
>>>  output from kldstat, after booting the newly-installed system --
>>>  and manually mounting the root FS -- showing that geom_mirror.ko
>>>  did get loaded.
>>> Id Refs AddressSize Name
>>>  16 0xc040 bb5504   kernel
>>>  21 0xc0fb6000 14540geom_journal.ko
>>>  31 0xc0fcb000 16ed4geom_mirror.ko
> ...
>> sounds silly but are you loading the gmirror kernel module via
>> loader.conf
> Yes, I'm even setting geom_mirror_load to "YES" before setting
> geom_journal_load to "YES" (although I doubt the order of these
> settings in loader.conf makes any difference).
> If the kldstat Id numbers are assigned sequentially, it looks as
> if geom_journal got loaded first and this may somehow be related
> (although I don't entirely see how -- absent geom_mirror to make gm0
> and its partitions visible, I'd think that geom_journal "should not"
> be able to find its metadata at all).

>From what I've found, this is because there is no taste difference
between a bsdlabel on a gmirror and a bsdlabel on a non-mirror.

Since both gmirror and gjournal are greedy (they take exclusive access
of their parent providers upon successful taste, and not upon exclusive
access to their own providers like glabel), the first one to
successfully taste and start is the winner; the other will never get to
taste those devices.

The trick here is to either make the two look different somehow (use a
different geom that stores its metadata at the beginning of the
provider, instead of the end, thus eliminating ambiguity in the bsdlabel
taste), or to make the inner geom avoid the outer devices (hardcode
provider names in metadata). Since you have an outer geom that provides
a static name, hardcoding the name of the gmirror into the gjournal
metadata shouldn't cause anything to break if your disks change places,

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: kldunload(8) returns 0, although it fail

2010-11-04 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 11/03/2010 05:34 PM, Alexander Best wrote:
> hi there,
> is this a known issue with kldunload(8)?
> ***beginn***
> otaku% kldunload sound
> otaku% echo $?
> 0
> otaku% kldstat
> Id Refs AddressSize Name
>  1   35 0x8010 a2da40   kernel
>  21 0x80b2e000 295e8snd_hda.ko
>  31 0x80b58000 85110sound.ko
>  41 0x80bde000 da4bb8   nvidia.ko
>  54 0x81983000 418e0linux.ko
>  61 0x819c5000 80e8 ng_ubt.ko
>  72 0x819ce000 fa78 ng_hci.ko
>  82 0x819de000 2bd0 ng_bluetooth.ko
>  93 0x819e1000 15e68netgraph.ko
> 101 0x81c12000 3edb linprocfs.ko
> 113 0x81c16000 4698 pseudofs.ko
> 121 0x81c1b000 31b3 procfs.ko
> 131 0x81c1f000 a37  linsysfs.ko
> otaku% kldunload sound
> kldunload: attempt to unload file that was loaded by the kernel
> kldunload: can't unload file: Device busy

sound.ko was presumably loaded by snd_hda.ko, as it is a dependency. You
must unload all the modules depending on sound.ko before it will unload.
At that point, I believe I've seen it unload itself.

Same with netgraph.ko, and the modules that require it (ng_*.ko).

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
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Re: UDP packet spoofed LAN source address?

2010-10-17 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 10/17/2010 06:37 PM, Brandon Gooch wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 4:59 PM, Nerius Landys  wrote:
 Maybe, is there a simple 10 line C program that I can run and compile to
 check if this scenario is possible on _my_ server?
>>> 'netcat' has the capability built in.
>> root# echo "hi" | nc -u -w 1 -p 30002 -s daffy 30001
>> nc: bind failed: Can't assign requested address
>> I don't seem to be able to spoof a source address using netcat, unless I'm
>> missing something in the man page.
> I think you need to have the IP address you wish to spoof bound to an 
> interface.

Or use Nemesis as root.


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Re: Help with RealTek 8201 / rlphy

2010-10-07 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 10/07/2010 11:50 AM, Mark Moellering wrote:
>  I am installing FreeBSD 8.1 on an MSI wind notebook, which has a
> RealTek 8201 wireless chip.  The kernel acknowledges the chip as rlphy0
> on mii but I have no idea of how to actually configure it.
> It shows up as miibus/rlphy in kldstat and as dev.rlphy.0
> It does not show up under ifconfig

RTL8201 appears to be a phy for interfacing with 10/100baseT ethernet
networks, and is generally paired (via miibus) with a media-independent
adapter using one of rl(4) or re(4).

This is not an 802.11 wifi device.

You will probably have to look elsewhere in pciconf or usbconfig for
evidence of your notebook's wireless adapter and its true chipset.

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Re: Like it or not, Theo has a point... freebsd is shipping export-restricted software in the core

2010-10-07 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 10/07/2010 12:46 PM, Rob Farmer wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 10:19, Gonzalo Nemmi  wrote:
>> If you have a point, then there´s no point in me addressing your point
>> .. unless you are asking me for legal advice ..
>> Should that be the case, just let me know; I charge by the hour .. no
>> "pro bono".
> Seeing as your messages says things like "El 07/10/2010" and "Rob
> Farmer escribió" and you seem unwilling to actually talk about US law,
> I'm curious to know where you attended law school and what states you
> are licensed to practice in, since you seem to be offering paid
> professional services.



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Re: BIND: could not configure root hints from 'named.root': file not found

2010-10-01 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 10/01/2010 12:52 PM, Matthew wrote:
> I would be grateful for any pointers on how to resolve this.  I suspect
> the error message may not be exactly descriptive of whats happening.


Here's a few points to keep in mind when working with bind in FreeBSD:

* By default, named runs in a chroot jail rooted at /var/named/.

* For security reasons, named cannot write to anything in that tree,
except the dynamic, slave, and working directories.

* named uses its current working directory to resolve relative pathnames
in the configuration file.

* With a recent change to ISC Bind 9, named started complaining if it
couldn't write to its current working directory. At the time, this was
(chroot)/etc/namedb/; this was subsequently changed to
(chroot)/etc/namedb/working/ to make named happy without compromising

When the working directory for named was (chroot)/etc/namedb/,
everything was peachy. Since this was changed, relative pathnames no
longer work as expected because the reference point is different. The
easiest solution is to alter your configuration file to include only
absolute pathnames, relative to the root of the jail.

The default named config file (in /var/named/etc/namedb/named.conf) is
an excellent source of examples for this.

Fuzzy love,
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Re: Disappearing available space with ZFS...what am I missing?

2010-09-29 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 09/29/2010 12:56 AM, Aaron wrote:
> I've created a ZFS pool with zpool create tank raidz ada0 ada1 ada2
> ada3, and then I add some additional mountpoints (I think they're
> called) using zfs create tank/storage, etc. In zpool list, I see the
> pool with 3.62T available. With df -h, I see 2.4T available for tank,
> and tank/storage. When I first created tank, it had the 3.62T
> available as I expected. What am I missing? I do have compression set
> to gzip-9 on tank which gets inherited like I want, don't know if that
> would affect anything.

zpool list shows raw space, and zfs list (and, to a certain extent, df)
shows effective capacity. You've configured a raidz, which chews up
extra space to store the redundant parity information; thus, for a
4-disk raidz, 1GB of stored data will use up about 1.33GB of raw space.

Since effective capacity in ZFS is so variable, due to things like ditto
blocks, raidz, compression, and (soon to be added) dedup, the numbers
provided by df no longer make much sense.

This blog posting can provide further elaboration as to why df doesn't
work for advanced file storage:

Fuzzy love,
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Re: Mount order for ZFS, jails, and nullfs

2010-09-24 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 09/24/2010 11:03 AM, Torbjorn Granlund wrote:
> ...
> Unfortunately, FreeBSD's mount seems unable to perform mounts of ZFS
> volumes.

Sure, it can:

(f84104b2)[r...@akisha ~]# zfs create akisha/mnttmp
(f84104b2)[r...@akisha ~]# touch /zfs/akisha/mnttmp/test
(f84104b2)[r...@akisha ~]# ls -l /zfs/akisha/mnttmp
total 1
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  - 0 Sep 25 01:39 test
(f84104b2)[r...@akisha ~]# zfs set mountpoint=legacy akisha/mnttmp
(f84104b2)[r...@akisha ~]# ls -l /zfs/akisha/mnttmp
ls: /zfs/akisha/mnttmp: No such file or directory
(f84104b2)[r...@akisha ~]# mount -t zfs akisha/mnttmp /mnt/tmp
(f84104b2)[r...@akisha ~]# ls -l /mnt/tmp
total 1
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel  -  0 Sep 25 01:39 test
(f84104b2)[r...@akisha ~]# umount /mnt/tmp
(f84104b2)[r...@akisha ~]# ls -l /mnt/tmp
total 0
(f84104b2)[r...@akisha ~]#


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Re: compat4x broken in FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE?

2010-09-22 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 09/21/2010 10:01 PM, Steve Polyack wrote:
> ...
> options COMPAT_IA32 # Compatible with i386 binaries
> ...
> $ file /usr/local/ventrilo-server/ventrilo_srv
> /usr/local/ventrilo-server/ventrilo_srv: ELF 32-bit LSB executable,
> Intel 80386, version 1 (FreeBSD), dynamically linked (uses shared libs),
> for FreeBSD 4.5, stripped
> $  ldd /usr/local/ventrilo-server/ventrilo_srv
> ldd: /usr/bin/ldd32: Exec format error

I ran into this exact error message when I upgraded one amd64 machine
from 8.0 to 8.1, and didn't read UPDATING close enough. Apparently
COMPAT_IA32 was renamed to COMPAT_FREEBSD32 (20100406), and the new
kernel I built lacked support for 32-bit binaries. UPDATING now says
(20100417) that COMPAT_IA32 is an alias for COMPAT_FREEBSD32, but it
could be something to double check in your case.

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Discard file cache

2010-09-15 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana

I'm helping port a utility [1] to program the EyeFi card [2] and I seem
to be running into problems properly manipulating the configuration.

The card is programmed by writing encoded commands to certain hidden
files on the card, and reading the coded responses back from other
files. Since the card modifies the data in these files independently of
the host operating system, there is a need to avoid all caching (read
and write) whenever interacting with the card's interface. fsync(2)
works for eliminating write caching, so that's no issue.

While the Linux port of the software successfully accomplishes avoiding
read caching by utilizing posix_fadvise and POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED to clear
the caches for a particular file, the same does not appear to function
on FreeBSD. I have also tried using msync with MS_INVALIDATE, but this
doesn't appear to work either.

Is there an official (or at least consistent) API for discarding a
file's cached read data, so that it may be fetched afresh from the
backing store?



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Re: kernel replacement in installation media

2010-09-10 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 09/10/2010 07:57 PM, Samuel Martín Moro wrote:
> Hi,
> ...
> The thing is, it only have a 128M flash disk (seen as /dev/da0)
> GENERIC needs almost 250M.

I have run into something similar, while building a ZFS install to run
on an Intel SS4200EHW NAS device. Utilizing a series of scripts I have
developed[1], I was able to compact an entire functional FreeBSD system
into 4.6MB /boot and 84MB root with mkisofs and mkuzip, without
permanently tying up a bunch of the machine's limited RAM with an MFS,
and with acceptable performance despite the IDE channel's speed limit of
1.6MB/sec. Plus, boot and root are read-only, so the CompactFlash card
won't wear out prematurely.

You can make use of src.conf(5) while building world and kernel to
eliminate a lot of unnecessary userland components, and MODULES_OVERRIDE
and WITHOUT_MODULES to control what modules get built, as the kernel
build process will build all modules regardless of what might be in your
kernel config. Be prepared to perform lots of testing, though, as a
missed critical dependency can appear to succeed, but leave something
else broken.


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Re: Exporting ZFS Pool

2010-09-07 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 09/07/2010 09:25 PM, Pete Erickson wrote:
> I'm relatively new to ZFS and have been playing around with different
> file-backed set ups to determine how I will eventually configure my
> pools. I've recently come across a problem with exporting a pool, but
> I'm not sure if it's a bug or just my poor understanding of ZFS. I
> create a simple pool using 2 128MB files. After exporting the pool, I am
> unable to import it and the pool is not found by the zpool command. Any
> advise would be appreciated. I'm currently running 8.1 STABLE.

Curious, neither can I (8.1-RELEASE):

(f84104b2)[cyber...@akisha /tmp/zp]$ truncate -s 256m d1 d2
(f84104b2)[cyber...@akisha /tmp/zp]$ sudo zpool create pool /tmp/zp/d1
(f84104b2)[cyber...@akisha /tmp/zp]$ zpool status pool
  pool: pool
 state: ONLINE
 scrub: none requested

pool  ONLINE   0 0 0
  /tmp/zp/d1  ONLINE   0 0 0
  /tmp/zp/d2  ONLINE   0 0 0

errors: No known data errors
(f84104b2)[cyber...@akisha /tmp/zp]$ sudo zpool export pool
(f84104b2)[cyber...@akisha /tmp/zp]$ sudo zpool import -d .
  pool: pool
id: 16288839965492350952
 state: UNAVAIL
status: One or more devices are missing from the system.
action: The pool cannot be imported. Attach the missing
devices and try again.

pool  UNAVAIL  missing device
  /tmp/zp/d1  ONLINE

Additional devices are known to be part of this pool, though their
exact configuration cannot be determined.

> If I then attempt to recreate the pool, I get an error indicating that
> one of the files is a part of an exported pool.
> ratchet# zpool create z /usr/tmp/disk1.dd /usr/tmp/disk2.dd
> invalid vdev specification
> use '-f' to override the following errors:
> /usr/tmp/disk1.dd is part of exported pool 'pool'

'zpool create' starts over from scratch, and will destroy all data on
the target devices; thus, it warns you if it detects that they are part
of an old pool. You must tell it that you intend to obliterate the old
pool to create a fresh new one. This is intentional.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
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Re: Need supported SAS controller

2010-09-07 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 09/07/2010 02:46 PM, Andrea Venturoli wrote:
> Il 09/07/10 20:26, Torbjorn Granlund ha scritto:
>> Is the any PCIe SAS controller that is supported by FreeBSD 8.1 that I
>> can purchase today?  The controller should preferably be low-profile.
>> RAID is not needed since I have just one disk, but if only RAID
>> controllers are available, I can live with that.
> I have never seen a non-RAID SAS controller in my life: notice I'm not
> saying mean they don't exist, but everyone I used was RAID capable.

I'm currently using a Perc5i PCIe 2-port SAS controller in production on
7.2-RELEASE amd64. It's whatever came with the Dell PowerEdge 1950 I'm
running, and it's been rock-solid; no RAID capabilities at all, but
hosts a gmirror just fine. It identifies as such:

m...@pci0:2:8:0:class=0x01 card=0x1f061028 chip=0x00541000
rev=0x01 hdr=0x00
vendor = 'LSI Logic (Was: Symbios Logic, NCR)'
device = 'SAS 3000 series, 8-port with 1068 -StorPort'
class  = mass storage
subclass   = SCSI

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Re: Howto create FAT32 bootable USB device with gpart?

2010-08-27 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 08/26/2010 10:34 AM, Hartmann, O. wrote:
>  Trying to create a bootable USB device (memory stick) with gpart - and
> failed. I need those USB mem sticks for BIOS flashing purposes on an
> older main PCB, utilizing FreeDOS. The old BIOS is capable of booting
> off from USB mem sticks, since I booted and installed FreeBSD via this
> method. But the creation of a bootable FreeDOS USB mem stick failed.
> I have FreeBSD 9.0 as a mastering operating system and 8 GB sticks.
> These are the boundary conditions. Is there any way to perform this task
> with gpart?

Bootable FAT is sort of a strange thing. As such, I have written up a
few methods for producing FAT boot disks using either Win98 DOS and
DosBox or using FreeDOS and a perl script called ''.

It shouldn't be too difficult to use the instructions to produce a
bootable memstick; just keep in mind that you may have to slice it and
install an mbr, as so-called 'superfloppy' layout isn't always supported.

Hope this helps!

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
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Re: Printing from Thunderbird

2010-08-20 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 08/20/2010 11:29 PM, Rem P Roberti wrote:
> Ah-ha!  In my case I am using the bash shell, and I believe the syntax
> that is needed for the .bashrc is different than what is used in your
> csh.cshrc.  Any idea where I can find the appropriate syntax for
> variables stored within .bashrc?

export PRINTER="Photoshop7760"

bash(1) has extensive documentation; as bash is a superset of the bourne
shell included in base, sh(1) is likewise useful for reference.

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Re: Any awk gurus on the list?

2010-08-20 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 08/20/2010 07:24 PM, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> Every modern system that can run awk can also run Perl.  Why not
> concentrate on Perl?

Unless perl is not installed, and you want to use only base system
components. I frequently do this on my minimalist flashcard installations.

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Re: ports INDEX file

2010-07-23 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 07/23/2010 03:56 AM, Fbsd8 wrote:
> Now the Freebsd method of the 22,000 individual ports each with 3 to 5
> files is a method which has out lived its usefulness. TAKE NOTE: NO
> FLAME WAR INTENDED. I just think a option should exist for us who don't
> follow the bleeding edge. Sure to some people that big ports tree is no
> big deal, but I bet they don't do backups. That ports tree directory is
> a large resource hog if you lift the blinders and look at the big picture.

Not really:

# mkisofs -D -R -no-pad -iso-level 4 -V ports-$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S") -o
ports.iso /usr/ports

# mkuzip -s 65536 -o ports.iso.uzip ports.iso

# mdconfig -a -t vnode -u 7 -f ports.iso

# kldload geom_uzip

# mount -t cd9660 /dev/md7.uzip /usr/ports

# du -sh ports ports.iso ports.iso.uzip # As of last update July 4th

Needs mkisofs and FreeBSD >= 7, but it reduces the impact of the tree
drastically, and can speed up metadata operations, if your disk happens
to be slower than your CPU, as the whole tree (or at least all the
filesystem metadata) can be feasibly cached compressed in memory. It
also ensures congruent package versions, if you process the tree on one
machine and distribute it to all others. Plus, you can exclude the tree
from backup entirely and just cache the compressed file someplace safe.

I use this same trick with Gentoo's Portage tree, with squashfs, and
observe similar benefits.

Fuzzy love,
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Re: system hangs on; "Probing devices, please wait (this can take a while)... "

2010-07-20 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 07/20/2010 02:42 AM, Thomas Mueller wrote:
> I've wondered why FreeBSD installation sets (base, etc, games, comp, man and 
> others) are broken into pieces of 1392 KB each as opposed to each 
> installation set in a single .tgz or .tbz (base.tgz, etc.tgz, comp.tgz, and 
> others: that's how NetBSD does it).  NetBSD installation CD also offers a 
> utility shell (sh).  With floppy disks and floppy drives showing their age, I 
> wouldn't be able to get enough good floppy disks together to install FreeBSD 
> from floppies...

If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say it's because not everyone who uses
FreeBSD is on a broadband connection, and a 56MB download (just for
base.??) is a bit too large to fetch in a single session, if for some
reason you are unable to resume the transfer after interruption.

But the floppy thing might be a good reason too. Especially since all
you really need is one working floppy disk and two floppy-drive-equipped
computers to do it.

Fuzzy love,
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Re: best open source site for Bourne .sh development project?

2010-07-05 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 07/05/2010 06:37 PM, Fbsd8 wrote:
> I developing a jailed environment application in Bourne script. Looking
> for recommends for a open source web site to join and add my code to so
> others may participate. The site needs to be able to host the code to be
> used as the download location for a freebsd port, and not be terminated
> when the project becomes dormant.

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Re: compiler flag -Werror

2010-06-16 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 06/16/2010 08:02 AM, akash kumar wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am working on building a freebsd kernel for mips. As part of this i built 
> cross  tool chain for mips from my host machine(i386).
> After that i was building my kernel using make buildkernel 
> KERNCONF="configfile"
> I noticed that the compiler flags -Werror is invoked  default with my 
> compiler. 
> I want to remove this flag because all the warning as taken as errors due to 
> which my compilation stops.
> Can you please help me how/where to remove this flag. 

I have run across this in the past, when building for a VIA C3-2 CPU; so
I have this in my /etc/make.conf:

# Inline limit warnings?
# Userland:
# Kernel: Just turn off inline warnings
WERROR=-Wno-inline -Werror

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Re: Atheros AR8131 Ethernet hangs shutdown

2010-06-08 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 06/07/2010 08:03 AM, Warren Block wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Jun 2010, CyberLeo Kitsana wrote:
>> I recently had the chance to play with a Foxconn NetBox-nT330i. It's
>> based off an Atom 330 CPU and an nForce MCP79 chipset. All aspects of
>> this device appear to function quite well with 8.1-BETA1, and it's
>> diminutive stature is quite cute.
>> The only issue I have encountered with it thus far is a seeming
>> propensity for it to lock up on shutdown or reboot if the Atheros AR8131
>> ethernet adapter is not connected to anything. It gets as far as
>> displaying the 'Uptime' line, then hangs; however, when connected, it
>> will display the uptime message, then indicate that the alc0 interface
>> is going UP and DOWN, then continue.
> If it's like the alc setup on an Acer Aspire One D250, the 10/100 alc
> chip is used with a 10/100/1000 Atheros PHY.  Don't remember the exact
> symptoms, but it only worked right after manually setting the media to
> 100baseTX.  That was on a gigabit network, but might also help with no
> cable connected.
> Rebuilding the kernel without the alc device ought to also work, but is
> less elegant.

I'm fairly certain it's gigabit the whole way, as I get transfer rates
greater than 12 megabytes per second. Unfortunately, forcing the phy to
100baseTX/full-duplex does not alter the symptoms at all, and just makes
transfers slower.

On one of the tests, issuing a shutdown -p after unplugging the ethernet
cord caused it to panic and reboot at the point it usually freezes, and
thereafter freeze during startup when running netif; I wasn't able to
copy down the panic info, though, as the reboot happened within half a
second. Alas, this box lacks obvious serial ports.

I may investigate building the kernel without the alc device, though,
and see if unloading the kld prior to shutdown allows the system to
continue past that point.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Fuzzy love,
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Atheros AR8131 Ethernet hangs shutdown

2010-06-07 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana

I recently had the chance to play with a Foxconn NetBox-nT330i. It's
based off an Atom 330 CPU and an nForce MCP79 chipset. All aspects of
this device appear to function quite well with 8.1-BETA1, and it's
diminutive stature is quite cute.

The only issue I have encountered with it thus far is a seeming
propensity for it to lock up on shutdown or reboot if the Atheros AR8131
ethernet adapter is not connected to anything. It gets as far as
displaying the 'Uptime' line, then hangs; however, when connected, it
will display the uptime message, then indicate that the alc0 interface
is going UP and DOWN, then continue.

What sort of information would be the most helpful to collect to assist
in tracking down the cause of this behaviour? If there is a better
mailing list with which to consult, that too would be helpful.

Thank you.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: .sh & getopts

2010-06-05 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 06/05/2010 10:56 PM, Aiza wrote:
>i) action="installworld"; $flag_count=$((flag_count+1));;
> ...
> What is still wrong here

Bourne shell expands variables to their contents before evaluating.
Thus, the above assignment ends up expanding to '0=1'. Leave out the $
on the target variable, and it becomes 'flag_count=1', which is more
likely what you intended.

The other syntax does make for some pretty nifty hacks, though.

Fuzzy love,
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Re: /var/empty has schg flag turned on. Why?

2010-06-04 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 06/04/2010 02:59 AM, Fbsd1 wrote:
> Why does the base RELEASE have schg flag turned for the /var/empty
> directory?
> Is that directory really used for anything?
> Is this a release build problem?

Certain daemons will chroot(2) to that directory to perform sensitive
privilege-separation operations, or when they know they will not need to
interact with the filesystem to perform their duties. The directory must
remain empty to ensure the operation is secure.

The best way to ensure no files are accidentally or intentionally
created there is to set it schg, which forbids any changes to the
directory (such as linking a file there).

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Re: Sluggish Apache Server

2010-06-04 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 06/03/2010 03:23 PM, Barry Steyn wrote:
> Hi guys,
> We're having a serious problem here with our live server, it's very
> sluggish all of a sudden. The problem is that Apache is *really* slow
> responding to https requests but still fairly quick on http.

Running out of entropy, perhaps? Public-key encryption needs quite a lot
to function securely.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: Squid not starting from rc in Jail, however works when run from root as command??

2010-06-01 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 06/01/2010 03:14 AM, Kaya Saman wrote:
> Kaya Saman wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I've just built a new BSD server running on a Mini-ITX NAS chassis and
>> it's working beautifully :-)
>> I also took the time to learn how to build jails too as this is only
>> my second BSD build so am still really new to it although not to UNIX
>> as I use Solaris and Linux frequently.
>> Anyhow I'm trying to migrate config which was on an old SPARC server
>> running Solaris 9 with a version of Squid got from the Blastwave repos
>> and currently I'm having major issues with it.
>> Basically I think I've worked through to figure out that running as
>> user Squid or Proxy doesn't give me access to ports <1024, basically
>> the 'well known' ports.
>> Here is the error message I get from Squid when trying to start it
>> using the rc.d file:
>> May 31 17:47:11 proxy squid[4360]: Cannot open HTTP Port
>> May 31 17:47:11 proxy squid[4358]: Squid Parent: child process 4360
>> exited due to signal 6
>> May 31 17:47:14 proxy squid[4358]: Squid Parent: child process 4364
>> started
>> May 31 17:47:15 proxy squid[4364]: Cannot open HTTP Port
>> May 31 17:47:15 proxy squid[4358]: Squid Parent: child process 4364
>> exited due to signal 6
>> May 31 17:47:18 proxy squid[4358]: Squid Parent: child process 4367
>> started
>> May 31 17:47:18 proxy squid[4367]: Cannot open HTTP Port
>> May 31 17:47:18 proxy squid[4358]: Squid Parent: child process 4367
>> exited due to signal 6
>> May 31 17:47:21 proxy squid[4358]: Squid Parent: child process 4370
>> started
>> May 31 17:47:21 proxy squid[4370]: Cannot open HTTP Port
>> May 31 17:47:21 proxy squid[4358]: Squid Parent: child process 4370
>> exited due to signal 6
>> If however I start Squid using /usr/local/sbin/squid -NCd1 as root I
>> get this and Squid works:
>> proxy# /usr/local/sbin/squid -NCd1
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Starting Squid Cache version 2.7.STABLE7 for
>> amd64-portbld-freebsd8.0...
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Process ID 4484
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| With 11095 file descriptors available
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Using kqueue for the IO loop
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Performing DNS Tests...
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| DNS Socket created at, port 39116, FD 6
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Adding nameserver from
>> /etc/resolv.conf
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Adding nameserver from
>> /etc/resolv.conf
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| logfileOpen: opening log /var/log/squid/access.log
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 11
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Swap maxSize 102400 + 8192 KB, estimated 8507
>> objects
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Target number of buckets: 425
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Using 8192 Store buckets
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Max Mem  size: 8192 KB
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| logfileOpen: opening log /var/log/squid/store.log
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Rebuilding storage in /usr/local/squid/cache (DIRTY)
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Using Least Load store dir selection
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Set Current Directory to /var/spool/squid
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Loaded Icons.
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Accepting accelerated HTTP connections at
>>, port 80, FD 13.
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 15.
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| WCCP Disabled.
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Configuring x-ray Parent x-ray/80/0
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Configuring zeta-ray Parent zeta-ray/80/0
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Configuring delta-ray Parent delta-ray/80/0
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Configuring g-stat-1 Parent g-stat-1/80/0
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Ready to serve requests.
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Done reading /usr/local/squid/cache swaplog (0
>> entries)
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| 0 Entries scanned
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| 0 Invalid entries.
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| 0 With invalid flags.
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| 0 Objects loaded.
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| 0 Objects expired.
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| 0 Objects cancelled.
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54|   Took 0.4 seconds (   0.0 objects/sec).
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54| Beginning Validation Procedure
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54|   Completed Validation Procedure
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54|   Validated 0 Entries
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:54|   store_swap_size = 0k
>> 2010/05/31 17:55:55| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
>> Running uname -a gives me this:
>> #0: Sat Nov 21 15:02:08 UTC 2009
>>  amd64
>> and also Squid was built from ports too!!
>> Because I built the system in a J

Re: bash while read question

2010-05-05 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 05/05/2010 08:25 PM, Evuraan wrote:
> I cant figure out why the variable in in loop2 does not hike to +1?
> (its a friday, i am dazed, I admit. but this should not be a mystery!)
> any help would be much appreciated.
> $ cat loop2
> #! /bin/bash
> date > /tmp/somefile
> b="1"
> cat /tmp/somefile | while read blah; do
> let b=(b+1)
> done
> echo "variable is $b"

This particular syntax executes the 'while' block in a subshell. The
variables set or altered in the subshell are never propagated back up to
the parent shell.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
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Re: Installation on HP Proliant via iLO -> "Error mounting /dev/acd0 on /dist"

2010-04-23 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 04/23/2010 06:51 AM, Ewald Jenisch wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 06:36:39PM -0600, Tim Judd wrote:
>> ...
>> Most remote management devices like Dell's DRAC and HP's iLO should
>> present the drive to the OS as a USB rom.  The new IPMI management
>> cards are still unknown.
> Oops, now I understand.
> Just curious: Why can the machine boot off the CD/DVD then during
> installation goes south - shouldn't it be either "I recognize this
> drive" or "I don't recognize this drive"?

During boot, the loader uses the bios-supplied routines to load the
kernel, modules, and md root. One would hope the bios knows how to
communicate with its hardware.

By the time sysinstall is running (from the preloaded memory disk), the
kernel has mapped all the hardware it knows, and no longer utilizes the
bios routines for I/O. Thus, if FreeBSD knows not of the hardware
connecting the CD drive, it will not be able to present it as an option.

Fortunately, once you get this far, you need not actually use the CD to
install; network installation works quite well.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: Ports overlay

2010-03-08 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
On 03/07/2010 03:47 AM, Matthew Seaman wrote:
> On 07/03/2010 08:45:41, CyberLeo Kitsana wrote:
>> By necessity and convenience, I have developed a series of additions and
>> changes to the ports tree. These changes are probably not worthy of
>> inclusion into the official tree, so I'm looking to maintain an overlay,
>> of sorts, in the spirit of Gentoo's overlay capability.
>> Is there an official method of hooking changes into a ports tree, while
>> maintaining the ability to csup or portsnap the unmodified version? How
>> do others tackle this particular problem?
> Yes, you can add your own local ports or even whole categories of local
> ports without too much difficulty.  You can even add some tweaks to an
> existing port -- you don't have complete freedom to do anything there,
> but you can do quite a lot.
> If you create a Makefile.local at any level in the ports tree it will be
> included alongside the usual Makefile.  This means you can override a
> lot of the available settings at will.
> So, if you create /usr/ports/Makefile.local
> with the contents:
> SUBDIR+=myports
> then you can create a directory /usr/ports/myports and put your own
> ports inside it -- you'll need a /usr/ports/myports/Makefile just like
> the other category directories.

This is an excellent idea, and one I ultimately ended up using. However,
I've found that the ports infrastructure really doesn't tolerate
creating arbitrary categories, so I had to put a VALID_CATEGORIES+= bit
at the top of each of my ports' makefiles to get it to work without
patching any tracked files.

> If you want to modify an existing port, probably the best approach is to
> create your own slave port -- see the docco on MASTERDIR in the Porter's
> Handbook and look at eg. games/freeciv-nox11 for about the simplest
> possible example.  It's not fool proof -- some modifications will always
> need support in the master port's Makefile, but there's a lot you can do
> without that.

Another good suggestion. I find annoyance in that devel/glib20 (among
others) requires all of Perl and Python at runtime just to service two
script files that appear to be used only for certain compilation
options. It tends to bloat the embedded images that I build.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Ports overlay

2010-03-07 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana

By necessity and convenience, I have developed a series of additions and
changes to the ports tree. These changes are probably not worthy of
inclusion into the official tree, so I'm looking to maintain an overlay,
of sorts, in the spirit of Gentoo's overlay capability.

Is there an official method of hooking changes into a ports tree, while
maintaining the ability to csup or portsnap the unmodified version? How
do others tackle this particular problem?


Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: Eject CD

2010-02-28 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
Matthew Seaman wrote:
> On 28/02/2010 05:01:48, Olivier Nicole wrote:
>> What in a standard installation of FreeBSD, on a server running only
>> MySQL and Postgress, could cause the CD tray to open by itself from
>> time to time?
> Dodgy hardware?  If the manual eject button is a bit sticky, it could
> have that effect.  Seems the most likely explanation to me.
> Otherwise, you'ld have to send a specific command to the device to make
> it open up -- something that would be pretty unlikely to happen
> randomly.  Unless you're running any applications that understand how to
> make the CD eject?  Something along the lines of
> camcontrol/atacontrol/cdcontrol?  Perhaps hald/dbus -- not that there's
> any reason to run those on a dedicated DB server?

I had a 4x CD burner that liked to do that. I chalked it up to drive
hardware failure after the second time it ejected the tray during a disc
read, and launched the rapidly spinning CD across the room.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: OT: finding every file not in a list

2010-01-28 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:
> I have a list of files that should be in a dir tree and want to remove
> any files from the tree not in list (i.e. if it is on the list keep it
> else rm it)... any quick way to do this?

# ls -1F
# find old
# find new
find: new: No such file or directory
# cat keep
# ( cd old; cat ../keep | cpio -pld ../new )
0 blocks
# ls -1F
# find new

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: Transfer zfs pool to new hardware

2009-12-18 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
mailinglists wrote:
> ...
> r...@flappie:...home/rob#zpool list
> data  -  -  -  -  FAULTED  -

Try removing /boot/zfs/zpool.cache and rebooting to clear out the stale
zfs config pointing to the old device names, then re-importing the pool(s):

nas:~# zpool list
no pools available
nas:~# zpool import
  pool: data
id: 12298073319825187638
 state: ONLINE
action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier.

nas:~# zpool import data
nas:~# zpool list
data931G721G210G77%  ONLINE -

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: FreeBSD is too filesystem errors sensitive

2009-12-08 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
cronfy wrote:
>>> ...
>>> Is there a way to say "Dear kernel, don't panic, I'am holding your hand,
>>> keep working please-please-please?" If so, can it lead to complete
>>> filesystem corruption indeed or it is not so serious?
>> Drop to DDB, fix it, and 'continue'?
> If I type 'continue' kernel says 'Dumping... rebooting...'. What magic
> am I missing that you probably meant under "fix it"?

That's the point.

Once you have the requisite knowledge and understanding of the innards
of the kernel and the intricacies of the filesystem, and how these two
interact, then you will know how to 'fix it'. With that understanding,
you may also know when it is safe to tell the kernel to ignore a panic
that occurs to inform you of a critical problem that could cause far
more damage were it left alone.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
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Re: FreeBSD is too filesystem errors sensitive

2009-12-08 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
cronfy wrote:
> ...
> Is there a way to say "Dear kernel, don't panic, I'am holding your hand,
> keep working please-please-please?" If so, can it lead to complete
> filesystem corruption indeed or it is not so serious?

Drop to DDB, fix it, and 'continue'?

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
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Re: FreeBSD is too filesystem errors sensitive

2009-12-08 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
Ivan Voras wrote:
> cronfy wrote:
>> ... but the hell why is it required to panic and kill everything
>> that would be working happily even if something very disasterous
>> happen to /backup partition, in example?
> All those errors indicate file system corruption. To protect other data
> from getting corrupted (e.g. by invalid pointers or calculations), the
> kernel panics.

...and (hopefully) reboots, determines that there were filesystem
errors, and attempts to correct them with fsck(8)

Fuzzy love,
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Re: [FreeBSD Questions] Filesystem image as root

2009-11-16 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
James Phillips wrote:
> --- On Sun, 11/15/09, CyberLeo Kitsana  wrote:
>> James Phillips wrote:
>>>> Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 20:29:59 -0600
>>>> From: CyberLeo Kitsana 
>>>> Subject: [FreeBSD Questions] Filesystem image as
>> root
>>>> The single IDE connector is accessible via the
>> legacy ISA
>>>> ports, and is
>>>> thus limited to PIO modes (about 1.6MB/sec max,
>> even with
>>>> an actual hard
>>>> drive instead of a CF card).
>>> You are off by an order of magnitude (base 2 or 10):
>>> Pio mode 0 is ~3.3 MB/s
>>> Pio mode 4 is ~16.7 MB/s
>>> You can probably set PIO mode 4 for with:
>>> # atacontrol mode ad0 PIO4
>> If only that were true in this case.
>> (85eef1f3)[r...@ss4200 ~]# atacontrol mode ad0 PIO4
>> current mode = PIO2
>> (85eef1f3)[r...@ss4200 ~]# atacontrol mode ad0 PIO4
>> current mode = PIO2
>> (85eef1f3)[r...@ss4200 ~]# dd if=/dev/ad0 of=/dev/null
>> bs=4096 count=4096
>> 4096+0 records in
>> 4096+0 records out
>> 16777216 bytes transferred in 10.111748 secs (1659181
>> bytes/sec)
>> Nothing I've tried seems to boost the throughput, hence the
>> desire to
>> use a compressed cached filesystem image.
>> Thanks for the suggestions, though!
> Ouch!
> I thought the laptop I was "fixing" last week was bad: running Vista with a 
> 10MB/s transfer rate :P
> The drive in my Pentium 166 gets 11-12MB/s.
> I actually looked up both the PIO modes:
> And the spec sheet (assuming Tom's hardware was wrong) before composing my 
> original reply:
> Intel® Entry Storage System SS4200-E
> Technical product specification [PDF]
> I noted that the ATA port is not listed as a feature, which is not a good 
> sign. It does appear in the block-diagram labeled:DOM
> Glossary definition: Disk On Module

The model I have is the SS-4200EHW. Identical, save the lack of a DOM
and firmware. And price.

> If I had to guess: Intel did something "weird" or "non-standard" to the port, 
> so the standard BSD driver does not work properly.
> Have you read the ata(4) manual page?
> The following  /boot/device.hints are suggested for ISA:
> hint.ata.0.port="0x1f0"
> hint.ata.0.irq="14"

This is actually how I got the amd64 build to recognize the port. These
lines were present in x86, but missing in amd64 device.hints.

> . . . port '1' probably not needed
> I had a thought: it could just as easily be "pc98" if they don't intend for 
> you to touch the "firmware."

Hm. This might be something to look into.

> The firmware has source code available under a GPL license.
> EMCLifeLineOEMSW-1.0-GPLComponents.tar.gz
> Ver:1.0   Date:9/24/2009  Size:125585 (KB)
> EMCLifeLineOEMSW-1.1-GPLComponents.tar.gz
> Ver:1.1   Date:9/24/2009  Size:244406 (KB)

I checked previously, and Linux has the same limitations. The port is
recognized as a legacy ISA IDE port by the ide-generic driver, and maxes
out at a ludicrously low throughput. The official firmware gets around
this by preloading filesystems into RAM.

> If you are worried about license contamination, you may have to get somebody 
> to look through that and document any changes (to the ATA interface). 
> Hopefully it is based on a well-know code-base like Linux and the "diff" 
> utility can be used.
> Of course, the term "components" implies they only expose a HAL of some kind.
> Regards,
> James Phillips
> PS:"# atacontrol mode ad0" will simply print out the current mode.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: freebsd-questions Digest, Vol 284, Issue 11

2009-11-15 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
James Phillips wrote:
>> Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 20:29:59 -0600
>> From: CyberLeo Kitsana 
>> Subject: [FreeBSD Questions] Filesystem image as root
>> The single IDE connector is accessible via the legacy ISA
>> ports, and is
>> thus limited to PIO modes (about 1.6MB/sec max, even with
>> an actual hard
>> drive instead of a CF card).
> You are off by an order of magnitude (base 2 or 10):
> Pio mode 0 is ~3.3 MB/s
> Pio mode 4 is ~16.7 MB/s
> You can probably set PIO mode 4 for with:
> # atacontrol mode ad0 PIO4

If only that were true in this case.

(85eef1f3)[r...@ss4200 ~]# atacontrol mode ad0 PIO4
current mode = PIO2
(85eef1f3)[r...@ss4200 ~]# atacontrol mode ad0 PIO4
current mode = PIO2
(85eef1f3)[r...@ss4200 ~]# dd if=/dev/ad0 of=/dev/null bs=4096 count=4096
4096+0 records in
4096+0 records out
16777216 bytes transferred in 10.111748 secs (1659181 bytes/sec)

Nothing I've tried seems to boost the throughput, hence the desire to
use a compressed cached filesystem image.

Thanks for the suggestions, though!

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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[FreeBSD Questions] Filesystem image as root

2009-11-14 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
I have been thinking and experimenting for weeks, but I cannot figure
this out.

I have an Intel SS4200 NAS that I wish to use as a ZFS NAS with FreeBSD 8.0.

The device has 4 SATA bays, and I don't want to use one for a UFS root disk.

I don't want to use up hundreds of megabytes of RAM preloading an
mfsroot that can never shrink.

The single IDE connector is accessible via the legacy ISA ports, and is
thus limited to PIO modes (about 1.6MB/sec max, even with an actual hard
drive instead of a CF card).

Performance is acceptable when using a geom_uzip image from a CF card on
the IDE connector, as a lot of it ends up cached in RAM (and is
evictable in case of memory pressure, unlike an mfsroot).

Try as I might, I am unable to figure out how to use a uzip imagefile on
UFS as a root filesystem, without dedicating a slice/partition to it.
There seems to be nothing approximating GNU/Linux's pivot_root, and
using a stub init (which cannot be a shellscript...?) to mdconfig and
mount the image, then chroot to that to exec /sbin/init appears to lead
to instant deadlock.

I don't really like the idea of mounting the image somewhere below root,
and using symlink spaghetti to get everything proper; especially since I
wish to place such essentials as /sbin and /etc thereupon, which leads
to a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem with setting up and mounting an
image that contains its mdconfig and mount...

Am I missing something obvious here, or am I truly treading unexplored

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: ZFS on FreeBSD 7.2

2009-10-02 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
Graeme Dargie wrote:
> Hello all
> I currently have machine with 6x500gb hdd`s running under ZFS RaidZ
> everything is working just fine, I have bought 2x3bay ICY Dock bays for
> this machine, my questions is do I have to make sure the drives go back
> on to the same sata ports as they are currently on or will ZFS sort it
> self out?

Before you remove the drives, export the zpool; after moving them,
import the zpool. This will scan all connected devices and put
everything where it needs to be. If you forget to export before
shuffling the devices and zfs complains, just export and import the pool
and it should sort itself out.

freenas:~# zpool list
data931G630G301G67%  ONLINE -
freenas:~# zpool export data
freenas:~# zpool list
no pools available
freenas:~# zpool import
  pool: data
id: 12298073319825187638
 state: ONLINE
action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier.

freenas:~# zpool import data
freenas:~# zpool list
data931G630G301G67%  ONLINE -

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: what www perl script is running?

2009-08-25 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
Colin Brace wrote:
> Ruben de Groot wrote:
>> Try a find through the entire filesystem for files owned by this user that 
>> you can't account for. Also check your cron and at files under /var/cron
>> and
>> /var/at
> I found the cronjob which keeps restarting the script: 
> [r...@venus /var/cron/tabs]# ls -l
> total 12
> -rw---  1 root  wheel  3440 Aug 25 12:06 colin
> -rw---  1 root  wheel   240 Jul 28 23:49 www
> [r...@venus /var/cron/tabs]# cat www 
> # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
> # (cron.job installed on Tue Jul 28 23:49:28 2009)
> # (Cron version -- $FreeBSD: src/usr.sbin/cron/crontab/crontab.c,v 1.24
> 2006/09/03 17:52:19 ru Exp $)
> */1 * * * * perl /tmp/tmpfile
> I removed it, so now at least the script stops relaunching.
> /tmp/tmpfile is of course the script.
> In a subdirectory of tmp, there is a whole bunch of source code, all owned
> by 'www':
> /tmp/.,]# ls -l
> total 5692
> -rw-r--r--  1 www  wheel  2844160 Mar 27 10:00 m.tgz
> drwxr-xr-x  4 www  wheel  512 Nov 10  2008 ml
> -rw-r--r--  1 www  wheel43419 May 27 23:22 scanxml.txt
> ]# ls -l ml
> total 3208
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 www  wheel 411 Mar 27 09:57 1.user
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 www  wheel 422 Mar 27 09:57 2.user
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 www  wheel  505767 Aug  3  2008 LinkEvents
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 www  wheel2154 May 16  2003 Makefile
> -rwx--x--x  1 www  wheel  418490 Dec  3  2005 bsd
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 www  wheel 941 Dec  3  2005 checkmech
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 www  wheel   23237 May 16  2003 configure
> -rwx--x--x  1 www  wheel  397274 Dec  3  2005 crond
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 www  wheel   22882 May 16  2003 m.h
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 www  wheel1054 Aug  3  2008 m.lev
> -rwx--x--x  1 www  wheel   6 May 25  2008
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 www  wheel1320 Mar 27 09:56 m.set
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 www  wheel   10240 Nov 10  2008 m.tgz
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 www  wheel  167964 Mar 16  2001 pico
> drwxr-xr-x  2 www  wheel 512 Mar  4  2005 r
> drwxr-xr-x  2 www  wheel1024 Dec  3  2005 src
> If anyone is interested in looking at this stuff, or wants more info, please
> let me know.

Are these files available in a tarball someplace public, for those of us
who enjoy performing autopsies on virii?

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: vsftpd with ssl - compile option

2009-08-09 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
Stefan Miklosovic wrote:
> hi,
> I would like to use vsftpd with ssl support.
> If I install it from ports, there is an option to
> compile it against ssl librarie(s) (VSFTPD_SSL)
> If I download it by pkg_fetch and extract the package
> and use ldd on vsftpd in libexec directory,
> there is no ssl library, in complied way, there are some.
> => /usr/lib/ (0x280b)
> => /lib/ (0x280f1000)
> I would like to use that program on other computer, but there
> is not port tree and installing of port tree is really not an option.

Build it as you want it on another machine using ports, then run on that
build machine:

pkg_create -b -R 

This will turn the selected install (and all its dependencies, with the
-R flag) into tbz packages in the current directory suitable for pkg_add
on the target machine.

If there are any missing dependencies on the target machine, pkg_add
will try to load them from the same directory from which you are adding
the main package. If they do not exist, it will most likely fail, so you
will likely want to copy over everything that pkg_create spits out,
unless you know it's already installed and up to date on your target.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: msk0: watchdog timeout (missed Tx interrupts)

2009-04-04 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
Fred wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently upgraded from 6.3 to 7.1 (7.1-RELEASE-p4) with freebsd-update,
> and I now have problems with msk0 very often (which I did have before) :
> Mar 30 20:14:19 blackbox kernel: msk0: watchdog timeout (missed Tx
> interrupts) -- recovering
> Mar 30 20:14:58 blackbox kernel: msk0: watchdog timeout (missed Tx
> interrupts) -- recovering
> ...
> which lead to not being able to access the net at all.
> I saw some people had this issue at different version of fbsd etc, due to
> some issue of the nic itself that had to be workaround, so I tried
> some early source code for msk :
> but I still have this issue (I make buildkernel, installkernel; at first I
> only compiled
> the module, but it seems that in 7.3 it's in the kernel itself so that the
> module won't load)
> Here is some info from dmesg about my nic:
> mskc0:  port 0x7c00-0x7cff mem
> 0xfddfc000-0xfddf irq 17 at device 0.0 on pci3
> msk0:  on mskc0
> msk0: Ethernet address: 00:50:43:00:45:3e
> miibus0:  on msk0
> mskc0: [FILTER]
> Thanks for you help, this issue is really painful,

I have witnessed this same issue on an Intel Mac Mini, after a few
gigabytes of network transfer. The workaround I found was to disable
MSI. If I remember my testing correctly, I tested this fix in 7.1, then
reinstalled FreeNAS (6.4) to try it there.

mskc0:  port 0x1000-0x10ff mem
0x9020-0x90203fff irq 16 at device 0.0 on pci1
mskc0: Unexpected number of MSI messages : 0
msk0:  on mskc0
msk0: Ethernet address: 00:16:cb:b0:d6:62
miibus0:  on msk0
e1000phy0:  on miibus0
e1000phy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX,
1000baseTX-FDX, auto
mskc0: [FAST]



uname -a:

FreeBSD 6.4-RC2 FreeBSD 6.4-RC2 #0: Fri Nov  7
17:30:32 UTC 2008
r...@vmbsd64i386:/usr/obj/freenas/usr/src/sys/FREENAS-i386  i386

Hope this helps!

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: ipfw, pf and ALTQ on outbound traffic? (or: "The net is slow when I upload!")

2009-03-24 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
Morgan Wesström wrote:
> Jubal Kessler wrote:
>> (To put it another way: When I max out my upstream, and my upstream is
>> capped lower than my downstream, my downstream becomes useless and I am
>> forced to wait until the upload finishes before I can resume using the
>> downstream. This is a problem, and I'd like to solve it.)
> This is exactly the reason why I built my own router several years ago.

I have done the same with PF and AltQ for the past few years. It is so
effective on my 1536/384 ADSL that I now have the opposite problem: a
large download will lag both downloads and uploads. Sadly, this is a
more difficult issue to tackle without full access to hardware at both
ends of the slow link.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
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Re: gmirror slice insertion, "FAILURE - READ_DMA status=51"

2008-11-01 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
Thomas Sparrevohn wrote:
> The error occured after I had the disk for a couple of days - WHat puzzled me 
> was that the drive
> did not do it automatically 

Hard disks will not map uncorrectable bad sectors on read automatically,
as it no longer knows what the contents of that sector should be. In
this instance, the sector is usually remapped during a write.

Given the symptoms of the problem described above, it looks like this
uncorrectable sector is located in a portion of the disk that isn't
touched by FreeBSD's newfs or installation procedure, and would never
have a chance to be written to and corrected. Then, when the mirror sync
occurs (which copies every block verbatim, regardless of whether it's in
use or not) it's choking on that sector and locking up the disk, thus
freezing the OS.

One thing to try prior to RMAing the disk is to fill the entire disk
with zeroes (dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ad6 bs=131072 or similar) to give
its firmware a chance to remap all flakey sectors, and rewrite all ECC
information. I do this with every new or freshly acquired disk that's
guaranteed to be empty, to ensure that no surprise errors bite me later
on, as well as to make sure no previous data hangs around.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: VNC server embedded into Xorg server

2008-10-06 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
Laszlo Nagy wrote:
>  Hi All,
> There was a port called net/vnc that contained a file. That file
> could be loaded into the Xorg server and then I was able to monitor the
> X desktop with VNC.
> Now I'm using gnome, and gnome2-fifth-toe installs tightvnc. It
> conflicts with net/vnc. So I cannot install net/vnc. What other options
> I have to run an X server?
> The only extra wish is that the X server must be able to start
> automatically, e.g. without logging into gnome. I need this because the
> X server will be located at a distant location and I have to be able to
> use it after a system restart.

I use x11vnc (net/x11vnc), as it doesn't require loading anything into
the X server itself--it's a standard X client.

>From there, it wouldn't be difficult to hack together something that
starts x11vnc when the X server starts up. XDM and GDM tend to store
their X authority files in easy-to-find locations.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: [OT] Apache SSL certificate authentication

2008-09-29 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
Fraser Tweedale wrote:
> - Create my CA key and a CSR, and have CACert sign it.

Are you sure it's signed as an intermediary CA?'s website
suggests they will only sign leaf certificates.

Fortunately, your client certs need not be signed by the same CA as your
server cert, and it's probably somewhat pointless to have a client cert
(which will be used for your infrastructure alone) vetted by a third party.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: automagically share knoqueror with ff3-- bookmarks?

2008-09-13 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
Gary Kline wrote:
>   Yes!  Thanks to both you gents, RW and Polyt.  In konq there was
>   Bookmarks-> edit [pops up the Edit file].  Then File -> Export,
>   and choose HTML.  Save somewhere until mv to the firefox
>   directory.

Keep in mind that Firefox 3 uses an sqlite database to store bookmarks,
history, session, etc.. The 'bookmarks.html' file isn't read anymore,
except during initial profile conversion.

Thus, you will need to import the resultant HTML manually into your
firefox profile.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: setup cronjob

2008-09-11 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
Darrell Betts wrote:
> I have wrote a small script put it in my home directory. I am trying to
> setup a cronjob to run it every six hours. When it runs the job I
> receive the error message " /usr/home/test/cronjobs/ not found"
> I have tripe checked the file permissions and they appear correct so I
> am stumped as to why this won't run? Any ideas?

Make sure that the shebang at the top of the script (#!/bin/sh or
similar) points to a valid shell, and that it uses unix-style end of
lines. If a control character or linefeed gets in there somewhere, the
kernel won't be able to find the proper interpreter to run the script,
hence the " '' not found."

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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Re: mail server DNS configuration questions

2008-09-11 Thread CyberLeo Kitsana
Andrew Falanga wrote:
> ...
> While diagnosing this, I connect to the server (using Putty) from a
> machine in PN1, using either a mail client or telnet I'm unable to make
> a connection to the mail server over port 25.  Using tcpdump during this
> putty session I do not even see the SYN packets for the start of the
> connection from the machines in PN1.  This is only when connecting to
> port 25.  Obviously, I can connect to the server because I'm using
> ...

Are you sure CableOne does not filter outgoing port 25 connection
attempts to any servers save it's own relay?

My ISP (A big name DSL provider; grep the headers if curious) does not
perform incoming port filtering, but rather aggressively filters
outbound TCP port 25 and (for reasons unexplained)  as well.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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