Re: FreeBSD's Visual Identity: Outdated?

2005-07-02 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams in Portland Maine
> I am writing this e-mail hoping that someone will share my thoughts
> on how the world's best operating system should represent its attributes
> and users to the rest of the world.

representations are secondary to function. there are markets for which
this relationship is inverted. cost of entry is in the mid-eight-figure

> Being an architect as well as graphic designer, I feel it is about time
> for a complete revamp of the visual aesthetics of the FreeBSD project.

code is art, and feelings are nice. please fix ebcdic first. unicode too.

> The current logo and everything pertaining to it has long since lost its
> modern touch. I believe that if this image is strenghtened, so is the
> way outsiders view the FreeBSD project and the way they would judge it
> compared to other open source operating systems.

modernity is overrated.

> 1. Not only is the logo misleading (associating evil) but it also looks


>like something 10-year-olds could produce in Paint Shop Pro ten years
>ago. OpenBSD has an artistic touch to theirs, however I was very
>disappointed when I heard that the new NetBSD logo was in effect.

who, other than you, cares?

> 2. If it wasn't for the interesting content and structure of the FreeBSD
>website, it would be among the less beautiful. Yes, it serves its
>purpose well by being simple and straight to the point. But a redesign
>could offer just the same -- simplicity and accuracy -- without being

break your own website please.

> 3. The installation, even though it's text-only, could also be improved
>by simple restructuring to act more cognitive and human-centered than
>previously. Everything pertaining to the eye is important to improve.

break your own loader please.

> 4. There should be some kind of FreeBSD business card and letterhead
>available to all that support this project.

if i give you one will you agree to do something useful?

> How do I know though, that if I manage to pull together a team to work
> on this refined vision, that we won't be totally ignored even though we
> produce the most magnificent result?

most likely. its troll's fate.
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Re: Odd (alarming) http log exerpt

2005-01-14 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams in Portland Maine
Hi Colin,

I started seeing these in September. For a _very_ obscure and low hit url.

chars   dns date/time   
27680 11/Sep/2004:17:13:53
32713   stjhts18c101.nbnet.nb.ca09/Nov/2004:14:37:26
27670   13/Dec/2004:15:28:13
16630   20/Dec/2004:02:48:26
27670   20/Dec/2004:18:26:47
27670   11/Jan/2005:08:38:17
27679  12/Jan/2005:09:16:28

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Re: FreeBSD's Visual Identity: Outdated?

2004-12-23 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams in Portland Maine
> I am writing this e-mail hoping that someone will share my thoughts
> on how the world's best operating system should represent its attributes
> and users to the rest of the world.

representations are secondary to function. there are markets for which
this relationship is inverted. cost of entry is in the mid-eight-figure

> Being an architect as well as graphic designer, I feel it is about time
> for a complete revamp of the visual aesthetics of the FreeBSD project.

code is art, and feelings are nice. please fix ebcdic first. unicode too.

> The current logo and everything pertaining to it has long since lost its
> modern touch. I believe that if this image is strenghtened, so is the
> way outsiders view the FreeBSD project and the way they would judge it
> compared to other open source operating systems.

modernity is overrated.

> 1. Not only is the logo misleading (associating evil) but it also looks


>like something 10-year-olds could produce in Paint Shop Pro ten years
>ago. OpenBSD has an artistic touch to theirs, however I was very
>disappointed when I heard that the new NetBSD logo was in effect.

who, other than you, cares?

> 2. If it wasn't for the interesting content and structure of the FreeBSD
>website, it would be among the less beautiful. Yes, it serves its
>purpose well by being simple and straight to the point. But a redesign
>could offer just the same -- simplicity and accuracy -- without being

break your own website please.

> 3. The installation, even though it's text-only, could also be improved
>by simple restructuring to act more cognitive and human-centered than
>previously. Everything pertaining to the eye is important to improve.

break your own loader please.

> 4. There should be some kind of FreeBSD business card and letterhead
>available to all that support this project.

if i give you one will you agree to do something useful?

> How do I know though, that if I manage to pull together a team to work
> on this refined vision, that we won't be totally ignored even though we
> produce the most magnificent result?

most likely. its troll's fate.
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Re: Firefox for FBSD?

2004-12-17 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams in Portland Maine
use the instructions on the mozilla developer page to get the source
then the instructions on the mozilla developer page to build from source

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:136]% mozilla -v
Mozilla 1.8a6, Copyright (c) 2003-2004 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:137]% which mozilla
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:138]% ls -l `!!`
ls -l `which mozilla`
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  5215 Dec 16 22:00 /usr/local/bin/mozilla*

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:140]% uname -a
FreeBSD 4.10-STABLE FreeBSD 4.10-STABLE #0: Mon Sep 13 
08:38:55 EDT 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386

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Re: Firefox for FBSD?

2004-12-16 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams in Portland Maine
well, you could follow the instructions on the mozilla developer's
pages for getting the source, configuring the source, and building
the source.

its what i do for a 4.10 laptop (1.8a6, dec 3rd build).
i'm sort of lazy about having a browser on my 5.2.1 machine (1.7.2).

one minor data point, building for less than the whole suite fails,
and i don't care enough to find out why, since it is only cycles
and disk, and i've plenty of both. my .mozconfig follows. use with
care, it may contain iraqi weapons of mass distruction or ohio
voting machine recalibration code, or otherwise fry something near
and dear to you.

or you could use the port, which some nice person maintains.

# sh
# Build configuration script
# See for build instructions.

# Options for
mk_add_options MOZ_CO_PROJECT=suite

# Options for 'configure' (same as command-line options).
ac_add_options --enable-application=suite

geckoishly yours,
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Re: Mozilla core dump on FreeBSD 4.10

2004-09-11 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams in Portland Maine
well, you could try this:
% uname -a
FreeBSD 4.10-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 4.10-PRERELEASE #0: Mon May 17 
07:25:30 EDT 2004 root@:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386
% mozilla -v
Mozilla 1.8a4, Copyright (c) 2003-2004 

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Re: setup firewall/router/proxy

2004-09-01 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams in Portland Maine
Oki all,

If it isn't too much of a bother, someone asked me the same question,
but for a platform I'm unfamiliar with -- a 2.4.18-6mdk (Mandrake)
linux distro. As the target is not freebsd, I'll be happy with any
technical response, and off-list is probably better than on.


> > What are the best firewall - routing and proxy
> > packages for FreeBSD ?
> FW/Routing: IPFW + natd (both have man pages)
> Proxy:  squid (/usr/ports/www/squid)
> Steve
> > Have only experience with debian/proxy/masquerading/iptables.
> > Thansks in advance for the help.
> > mess-mate
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Re: Bind 9 answer limit question

2004-07-20 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams in Portland Maine
> Flaming aside, I did look for this answer in the bind docs before posting.
> Either I missed it, or its not there. I did see other things that reference
> round-robins, but not this.

Right. rrset-order defines the order in which multiple records of the same
type are returned, which wasn't quite the question asked (number limit).

In the 9.3.x release note mentions that this (rrset-order) is implemented,
somewhere else there was a note that in the 8.x code this was implemented,
and in the 9 (presumably 9.2.x code) this wasn't.

I'm modestly interested in the use case, never having used the MS dns
implementation (or Dan's either), and I expect I'll survive the sarcasm.

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Re: Bind 9 answer limit question

2004-07-20 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams in Portland Maine

I missed the 9 in the body of the post. And rrset_order isn't something
I've ever used, so please provide an answer.

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Re: Bind 9 answer limit question

2004-07-20 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams in Portland Maine
> I'm running Bind on FreeBSD, so it qualifies. ;)

version information might be useful. 4, 8 or 9?
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postscript on 5.x, -dSAFER and /

2004-04-03 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams in Portland Maine
Howdy folks,

My googling monkies have turned up several instances of the problem,
on several platforms, freebsd included. The log output is below.

Error: /invalidfileaccess in --.outputpage--
Operand stack:
   1   true
Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2  
 %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   
%stopped_push   1   3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   1 
  3   %oparray_pop   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   
2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   0   3   %oparray_pop   --nostringval--   
--nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1059/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:74/200(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: 13
GNU Ghostscript 7.07: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

If memory serves, gs et al did not take a lot of thought in 4.x.

Clue appreciated,
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Re: Anybody Use 2 or More CPU at Production Env. ( SMP )

2003-12-18 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams in Portland Maine
I have 5 (iXsystems) dual processors, all running 5.0-RELEASE or safely
behind -CURRENT, with one box unsafely at -CURRENT, so I can't comment
on the -STABLE question.
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