Re: portmanager core dumps

2006-03-08 Thread F. Even - fbsd-questions

On Sunday 08 January 2006 18:30, Robert Marella wrote:

Good Afternoon

At times when in a hurry or not thinking as fast as my fingers, I try
to run "portupgrade -s | grep OLD" from a regular user account instead
of "sudo portupgrade -s | grep OLD".

do you mean "portmanager -s | grep OLD" by any chance?

I would expect portupgrade to insult my intelligence and question my
heritage  or is that question my intelligence and insult my
heritage. Well, it doesn't do either. It core dumps. This will happen
on more than one system running 6 Stable and the updated portmanager.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~> pkg_info | grep portmanager
portmanager-0.4.1_4 FreeBSD installed ports status and safe update



Portmanager will only run as root, I'll make a note/bug to check error 
handling when someone attempts to run it as a normal user.


Please don't disable the ability to run this as a non-root user.  I've 
managed to get it to run by chowning it's config, files under /var/db 
and the entire ports collection to an update user.  Now I can run 
portmanager -s and it will give me an accurate run-down of what upgrades 
are needed.  I can also then download updates as a restricted user. 
Changing to root will allow me to update as I need to, and as long as 
the src is cleaned up, no files owned by root are left behind in the 
ports tree.  This actually works quite nicely.

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portsnap, excluding parts of the ports tree

2006-02-02 Thread F. Even - fbsd-questions
I know I can run "portsnap extract sysutils/portupgrade" ...or something 
to that effectbut that will not "register" say for a "portsnap 
update" after a new "portsnap fetch".  This is what I will get for an 
error if I try that:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/ports]$ portsnap update
/usr/ports was not created by portsnap.
You must run 'portsnap extract' before running 'portsnap update'. there any way I can only maintain a small portion of the ports 
tree while still using portsnap (or should I not bother and just use 
cvsup)?  I'd like to keep the parts of the ports collection around that 
I use, but not all of this box has space issues.

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Re: FreeBSD 6.0 - install critiques - install issues

2006-01-27 Thread F. Even - fbsd-questions
First I’d like to say that your website is very informative and I 
appreciate the links.  I would point out though that I’m not a newb and 
you missed the point of most of my message.

Message: 30
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 10:16:58 -0800
From: "Dan O'Connor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FreeBSD 6.0 - install critiques - install issues
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

I've noticed zero oddities, if you're prepared as recommended in the 

I was prepared, but the oddities I describe exist.

Installation of 6.0 was dirt simple. Here's how i did it: 

Yes, it is pretty easy.  That doesn’t necessarily mean that there are 
not oddities/issues/bugs in the install that could be looked over.

When setup asks if you want to go back and change anything (before it 
installs the system), if you say yes, you get sysintall's menu--where 
you can configure/reconfigure your network interfaces, as well as all 
the other options that you were asked about.

...and that’s fine.  I in fact did that, I know that.  But that misses 
the point.  I think it is safe to say that most anyone would expect to 
be returned to the point of the install where they were at when they hit 
the cancel button.  That is broken behavior, and the install has had 
these type of oddities for as long as I can remember.  I was just 
figuring since it seems like sysinstall has grown slightly with the rest 
of the OS that these little things might have been caught/fixed by now.

Or, you can finish the install and edit /etc/rc.conf's one 
line to configure a network card:

ifconfig_xl0="inet netmask"

I realize thatbut the issue is that sysinstall isn’t doing what most 
any person would probably expect in that part of the install (if you 
attempt to cancel out of it that is).

Sendmail is *always* installed as part of the base system, since so many 
programs rely on it being there.

I realize that...I thought that might have changed with the option of 
“No MTA” in sysinstall...but I’m starting to realize what that probably 
means is “sendmail_enable=NONE” in /etc/rc.conf?

You should install Postfix via the ports once your base system is up and 

Yes, maybe, no.  There is a menu option in sysinstall...I would expect 
it to work.  I ended up with postfix installed, but sendmail still 
running and no startup script for postfix (or changes to mailer.conf to 
enable it to start through the postfix sendmail binary).  It appears No 
MTA worked after I chose that after seeing sendmail up and running, 
because it added “sendmail_enable=NONE” to rc.conf and sendmail wasn’t 
running after a reboot when I choose “postfix” again in 
sysinstall, will it work this time?  I guess I’ll try it when I get home 
tonight and see.  Either way...this is most DEFINITELY “odd” behavior at 
the very least.

If you do that, it will prompt you if you want Postfix to edit 
/etc/mailer.conf. At the end of the install, it gives you the exact 
lines you need to put in /etc/rc.conf to disable sendmail and use 

Here's how I do it:

You missed the whole point.  I know how to install postfix.  That’s not 
the entire issue.  I can grab it from source and install it also.  No 
big deal.  The problem is that sysinstall isn’t working as expected here.

Don't be afraid of the ports collection. Ports are your friend!

Gee...I wonder how I got bash on my machine after it was up and running

There's no need to go back and reinstall.

A matter of perspective.  True...I suppose there is no *need*.  I like 
my systems to have gone through a completely event-less install process 
though before moving on.  Which technically means then that this install 
became my “dry run” (which if sysinstall had behaved as I think most 
people would expect, a “dry run” would be unnecessary).

You should consider the installation procedure as nothing more than a 
means of getting all the files off the CD and onto your hard drive. From 
that point forward, FreeBSD is easily configured without using 
sysinstall. All you need to know how to do is use a keyboard.  :-) 

*sigh*  Not at all condescending eh?  I’m aware of this.  BUT, having 
options in sysinstall DOES make some things easier.  Plus...what more 
could you ask for in a menuing system?  It’s concise, straight to the 
point, and works in a terminal.  Now if everything worked as expected, 
it’d be close to perfect.  Sometimes menu systems are nice, sometimes 
they make some things easier...and depending on the system, sometimes 
they help you learn about some things.  Have you ever seen SMIT in AIX? 
 It has a cool option to show you the command the op

FreeBSD 6.0 - install critiques - install issues

2006-01-24 Thread F. Even - fbsd-questions
OK...I've been running FreeBSD since 4.0...and I've always noticed 
"installation" issues here and there.  Mostly though, I've always been 
good to go after a good dry run (which I always recommend to everyone I 
recommend FreeBSD to) and usually on a 2nd run all the options are fine.

I've pretty much ran 4.x boxes for quite awhile...dabbled with 5.x, but 
didn't run it on anythingbut I do believe I installed the box a 
couple times to get my "options" correct.

But now I've installed 6.0 for the first time on a machine that I plan 
on making a production box, and I've still noticed some of the 
installation "oddities."

One big "nuisance" is that you cannot safely cancel out of many/some of 
the sysinstall options during install.  During install of fxp1 (the 
first and only NIC I chose), I chose to let it grab a DHCP address, then 
cancelled out of the NIC config.  Instead of dropping me back to choose 
another NIC, or the same NIC, the install just proceeded on, as if I'd 
completed my network config (I did revisit it at the end of the install, 
but still...esp. for a newbie, that's an unnecessary stumbling block).

The one that really hit me though was the mail config.  There were more 
mail config options than I'm used to from previous 4.x and 5.x installs, 
I cancelled out of it without choosing.  Post-install, sendmail was 
running.  I installed a default.  No big deal.

So...I fired up sysinstall, navigated to: Configure > Networking > Mail 
> Postfix (using FTP server as the source...didn't feel like putting in 
the CD). installed Postfix and it's dependencies, message popped up 
that it was the "default" MTAbut sendmail is still there, and 
postfix is not running (I don't see an RC script either to start it and 
/etc/mailer.conf is unchanged).  So...I went through, and picked "No 
MTA" in sysinstall.  Well...sendmail is still running, and postfix is 
still installed (can't say I expected removalbut the behavior for 
defaulting to sendmail and then going back and picking postfix later 
doesn't make sense).

I'd like to figure out how to correct this in the "base OS" structure 
without going back and re-installing (really shouldn't have to) OR going 
to ports (does the postfix port still have the "make replace" 
target...that was great).  Any hints?

Any help would be appreciated (granted, I haven't gotten that far to 
where I absolutely cannot re-install...but I really shouldn't have to. 
If sendmail was in some kind of a pkg_db or something, I could simply 
remove sendmail and hopefully picking postfix as the MTA from sysinstall 
would install it insteadbut it doesn't appear to be like that).

Thanks for any help in advance,

Currently, my rc.conf (with some output) looks like this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] cat /etc/rc.conf

# -- sysinstall generated deltas -- # Sat Jan 21 22:28:55 2006
# Created: Sat Jan 21 22:28:55 2006
# Enable network daemons for user convenience.
# Please make all changes to this file, not to /etc/defaults/rc.conf.
# This file now contains just the overrides from /etc/defaults/rc.conf.
#REMOVED: usbd_enable="YES"
ifconfig_fxp1="inet 192.168.X.X  netmask"
# -- sysinstall generated deltas -- # Tue Jan 24 01:22:02 2006
# -- sysinstall generated deltas -- # Tue Jan 24 01:27:09 2006

bash-3.0.16_1   The GNU Project's Bourne Again SHell
gettext-0.14.5  GNU gettext package
libiconv-1.9.2_1A character set conversion library
libtool-1.5.18  Generic shared library support script (1.5)
linux_base-8-8.0_6  Base set of packages needed in Linux mode (only for 

pcre-6.2Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library
postfix-2.2.5,1 A secure alternative to widely-used Sendmail

[EMAIL PROTECTED] cat /etc/mail/mailer.conf
# $FreeBSD: src/etc/mail/mailer.conf,v 1.3 2002/04/05 04:25:12 gshapiro 
Exp $

# Execute the "real" sendmail program, named /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail
send-mail   /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail
mailq   /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail
newaliases  /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail
purgestat   /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail
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