I don't know if this has come up but....
In upgrading sendmail 8.11 to 8.12 on FreeBSD 4.2 I found that the
parsing of the maillog by the 460periodic script was getting the arg1
and logging only the recipient domain with the script
perl -ne "print \"\$2\n\"
                     if (/reject=/ and
 /^$start.*ruleset=check_\S+,\s+arg1=(<[^@]+@)?([^>,]+).*reject=/o);" |
                 sort -f | uniq -ic | sort -fnr | tee /dev/stderr | wc
 -- cut
The solution is to change the string to move the parse to the right as
the new logs are in a different format. *ruleset=check_\S+,\s+arg1=
to:    *arg1=\S+,\s+relay=

John Laugenour
AFES Network Services

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