Hello there

I'm fairly recent  to FreeBSD, and a issue regarding  the ports has come
up that is bothering me a little  (FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE-p4 , i386).

I installed portaudit which has been warning me about a problem with the
mysql I have installed.

portaudit -a
Affected package: mysql-client-4.0.18_1
Type of problem: MySQL insecure temporary file creation (mysqlbug).
1 problem(s) in your installed packages found.

Although    this     bug    isn't     bothering    me     (chmod    0000
/usr/local/bin/mysqlbug), the fact that no port fix has come out is! :)

This is either due to:

a) a fix hasn't been applied to the port
b) I'm doing something wrong in the cvsup

Before today I  was inclinded for option  b), but I have  just updated a
few security related packages (png,rsync,...) using the same method, but
I'd like to be sure...

The steps I follow:

cvsup -L 2 supfile      
portsdb -Uu            
pkgdb -F
portversion -l "<"
portupgrade -r packages_to_upgrade

*default host=cvsup.uk.FreeBSD.org
*default base=/usr/local/etc/cvsup
*default prefix=/usr
*default release=cvs delete use-rel-suffix compress
*default tag=RELENG_4_9
ports-all tag=.

Any comments/advice?

thanks in advance
José Carlos Pereira

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