Is pkgng supposed to upgrade a dependency of a locked package?

2013-07-18 Thread Paul Mather
I am using pkgng 1.1.4_1 on RELENG_9 (r252725), operating on a local repo I 
maintain using poudriere 3.0.4.

Recently, I wanted to upgrade all packages on a client except two whose update 
I want to defer for now as they potentially impact locally-developed 
applications.  I figured I would use the pkgng "lock" functionality on those 
two packages (apache-solr and py27-Jinja2) to prevent them from being updated.  
I ran "pkg upgrade" on the client and, as expected, the locked packages weren't 
upgraded.  However, I was surprised to see that packages upon which the locked 
packages depended were upgraded.  Unless I'm misunderstanding something, the 
man page for pkg-lock states this should not happen:

 The impact of locking a package is wider than simply preventing modifica-
 tions to the package itself.  Any operation implying modification of the
 locked package will be blocked.  This includes:
 o   Deletion, up- or downgrade of any package the locked package depends
 upon, either directly or as a consequence of installing or upgrading
 some third package.

In my case, the following dependencies of apache-solr were updated, even though 
apache-solr is locked: java-zoneinfo: 2013.c -> 2013.d; libXi: 1.7.1_1,1 -> 
1.7.2,1; libXrender: 0.9.7_1 -> 0.9.8; and openjdk: 7.21.11 -> 7.25.15.  In the 
case of the locked py27-Jinja2, these dependencies were updated: gettext: -> 0.18.3; and py27-MarkupSafe: 0.15 -> 0.18.  Dependency 
information in the two locked packages was updated to reflect these new, 
upgraded dependencies.

Is this a bug, or am I misreading the man page?


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Re: One or Four?

2012-02-20 Thread Paul Mather
On Sat, 18 Feb 2012 08:39:53, Matthew Seaman  

> On 17/02/2012 22:17, Chuck Swiger wrote:
>> On Feb 17, 2012, at 2:05 PM, Robison, Dave wrote:
 We'd like a show of hands to see if folks prefer the "old" style
 default with 4 partitions and swap, or the newer iteration with 1
 partition and swap.
>> For a user/desktop machine, I prefer one root partition.  For other
>> roles like a server, I prefer multiple partitions which have been
>> sized for the intended usage.
> I thought the installer switched to the one-partition style based on
> disk size?  Whatever.  Personally I much prefer using one big partition,
> even for servers -- this applies to /, /usr, /usr/local, /var --
> standard OS level bits, and not to application specific bits like
> partitions dedicated to RDBMS data areas (particularly if the
> application needs to write a lot of data).  Having /tmp on a separate
> memory backed fiesystem is important though: if sshd can't create its
> socket there, then you won't be able to login remotely and fix things.
> The reasoning is simple: running out of space in any partition requires
> expensive sys-admin intervention to fix.  The root partition has
> historically been a particular problem in this regard.   Even if it is
> just log files filling up /var -- sure you can just remove some files,
> but why would you keep the logs in the first place if they weren't
> important?  Splitting space up into many small pieces means each piece
> has limited headroom in which to expand.  Having effectively one common
> chunk of free space makes that scenario much less likely[*].
> Yes, in principle you can fill up the entire disk like this.  However,
> firstly, on FreeBSD that doesn't actually tend to kill the server
> entirely, unless the workload is write-heavy (but see the caveat above
> about application specific partitions) and the system will generally
> carry on perfectly happily if you can get rid of some files and create
> space.  [Note: this is not true of most OSes -- FreeBSD is particularly
> good in this regard.]  Secondly, typical server grade hardware will have
> something like 80--120GB for system drives nowadays.  FreeBSD + a
> selection of server applications takes under 5GB.   Even allowing for a
> pretty large load of application data, you're going to have tens of Gb
> of free space there.  Generally your monitoring is going to flag that
> the disk is filling up well before the space does run out.  Yes, I know
> there are disaster scenarios where the disk fills up in minutes; you're
> screwed whatever partitioning scheme you use in those cases, just a few
> seconds slower than in the multiple partitions case.

I'm coming into this thread part way through, so maybe this has been pointed 
out already, but, if so, I didn't see it.

It seems from reading this thread that the focus has been on the running out of 
space aspect.  Using multiple partitions has a value that goes beyond that: it 
can afford extra protection and help enhance security and even performance.  
Separate partitions can have different mount options.  (Even in the Linux world 
they recognise this: the NSA hardening tips for RHEL 5 
[]  suggests 
putting areas with user-writeable directories on separately-mounted file 
systems and to use mount options to limit user access appropriately.)  Options 
like noexec and nosuid may help improve security.  Options like noatime and 
async may help improve performance.

Using multiple partitions is very helpful if you are backing up using dump.  It 
can also help segregate areas of high file system churn, e.g., /usr/ports; 
/usr/obj; /usr/src; etc.  I like to keep these on separate file systems so I 
can  treat them differently to system areas I consider to be more stable and 

> [*] Mostly I prefer ZFS nowadays, which renders this whole argument
> moot, as having one common pool of free space is exactly how ZFS works.

I almost always use ZFS-only installs these days, for exactly the reasons you 
mention.  You get the best of both worlds: pooled storage (meaning not having 
to agonize over partition sizes) and fine-grained control over file sets 
(meaning being able to tune attributes to enhance security and performance).



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Quantum SuperLoader 3 under Bacula on FreeBSD 8

2010-05-13 Thread Paul Mather
I am currently assembling a quote for an LTO-4 tape backup system.  So far, I 
am looking at using a 16-slot Quantum SuperLoader 3 with LTO-4HH drive as the 
tape unit.  Married to this will be a server to act as the backup server that 
will drive the tape unit using Bacula to manage backups.  The server will be a 
quad core X3440 system with 4 GB of RAM and four 1 TB SATA 7200 rpm hard drives 
in a case that has room for eight hot-swap drives.  I plan on using FreeBSD 8 
on the system, using ZFS to raidz the drives together to provide spool space 
for Bacula.  I will be using an Areca ARC-1300-4X PCIe SAS card to interface 
with the tape drive.

My main question is this: is the Quantum SuperLoader 3 LTO-4 tape drive 
supported by Bacula 5 on FreeBSD?  In particular, is the autoloader supported?  
The Bacula documentation indicates the SuperLoader works fully under Bacula, 
though not explicitly whether under FreeBSD.

The backup server will serve a network cluster of perhaps a dozen machines with 
over 6 TB of storage, most of which is on the cluster's NFS server.  Does 
anyone have good advice on sizing the spool/holding/disk pool for a Bacula 
server?  Is it imperative to have enough disk space to hold a full backup, or 
is it sufficient to have enough space to maintain streaming to tape?  (I don't 
have much experience of Bacula, having used it only to back up to disk.)  In 
other words, do I need more 1 TB drives in my backup server?

Finally, is 4 GB of RAM sufficient for good performance with ZFS?  Will ZFS on 
FreeBSD be able to maintain full streaming speeds to tape, given the various 
reports of I/O stalls under ZFS reported recently?

Thanks in advance for any advice or information.


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Re: pf suggestions for paced attack

2010-05-04 Thread Paul Mather
On Mon, 3 May 2010 09:41:10 -0500, John  wrote:

> The script kiddies have apparently figured out that we use some
> time-window sensitivity in our adaptive filtering.  From sshd, I've
> been seeing "reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo ... failed" and
> from ftpd (when I have the port open at all, which is rare), I am
> seeing probes at about 27 second intervals.  This stays well below
> the 3/30 (three connections in 30 seconds) sensitivity that I had
> been using.  It took them nearly two and a half hours to make 154
> attemps, but computers are very patient.
> I have now changed the timing window sensivity, but it's to the
> point now where there's a significant probability that someone could
> lock themselves out (temporarily, at least, I do clear these tables
> periodically) if they are having a bit of a fat-finger moment with
> their password.
> Anybody got any superior suggestions?

I'm not claiming these are superior, but they are suggestions. :-)

You might want to try security/sshguard-pf from ports.  It still uses a pf 
table to do the blocking, but hooks into syslogd and scans for various SSH 
login failure/abuse messages to add miscreants to that table.  (So, many 
successful logins won't cause a lockout.)  Sshguard will also block persistent 
offenders for progressively longer periods.  (Sshguard will also work with 
/etc/hosts.allow [security/sshguard], IPFW [security/sshguard-ipfw] and 
IPfilter [security/sshguard-ipfilter].)  Maintenance of the pf table is handled 
entirely by sshguard.

Also, you could consider instead of having a relatively short time window in 
which the connection attempts occur, you could try lengthening it, perhaps 
increasing slightly the number of permitted connection attempts.  So, instead 
of 3/30, you might use 5/300.  That still allows legitimate users some leeway 
when typing in incorrect passwords and allows for more multiple successful 
connections, but forces automated brute force attacks to lengthen their 
connection attempt delay considerably.  The downside is that if a legitimate 
user does provoke a lockout, he or she will be locked out for a little longer.



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Re: cups 1.2.2 and parallel port printers

2006-09-07 Thread Paul Mather
On Thu, 7 Sep 2006 08:42:11 -0400, Robert Huff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >  anybody seen this behavior before? or have a clue?
> I don't know if this is your problem, but I have seen similar
> issues.
> _In my case_, CUPS as ported does not like the permissions on
> /dev/lpt0*.  They default to "crw---"; setting them to
> "crw-rw-rw-" makes the parallel printer appear.
> There should be a way to tall devfs to change those
> permissions
> automatically, but I haven't been able to figure it out.
> Robert Huff

I have this in my /etc/devfs.rules file on a system successfully using
CUPS with a parallel port printer:

add path 'lpt*' mode 0660 group cups

(I also have 'devfs_system_ruleset="localrules"' in my /etc/rc.conf

That makes sure that CUPS can access the lpt* devices (including the
lpt*.ctl devices).  Mode 0660 also ensures that not everyone can access
lpt*, just root and members of the cups group (i.e., CUPS).



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Netgear FA511 + Linksys BEFSR41 v.2 = 6.1-STABLE woes

2006-08-31 Thread Paul Mather
Someone recently gave me a Linksys BEFSR41 v.2 10/100 four-port
switch/NAT router.  I had previously been using an eight-port 10baseT
hub.  To take advantage of the higher bandwidth now available on my LAN,
I bought some NICs from eBay to upgrade the 10baseT ones to 100baseT.
Unfortunately, I'm having problems with the Netgear FA511 Cardbus NIC I
bought for the Dell Inspiron 8600 laptop I'm using.  Sometimes, transfer
speeds plummet (e.g., when doing an FTP across the LAN), and often it
will have problems configuring via DHCP during boot (with "dc0: watchdog
timeout" kernel messages appearing every so often during the process).
To get it to configure via DHCP when it acts up like this, I have to
eject and plug back in the card.  Sometimes I have to do this several
times before the NIC finally is configured via DHCP. :-(

The trouble is, I don't know if the problem lies with the Netgear FA511
card or with the Linksys BEFSR41, or is a problem with the FreeBSD
driver.  I am running 6.1-STABLE, rebuilt very recently.

When I plug in the Netgear FA511 I get the following console output:

cardbus0: Resource not specified in CIS: id=14, size=400
dc0:  port 0xd000-0xd0ff mem 0xf6001000-0xf60013ff 
irq 11 at device 0.0 on cardbus0
miibus0:  on dc0
ukphy0:  on miibus0
ukphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto

pcconf -vl says the following about the card:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0:0:   class=0x02 card=0x511a1385 chip=0x19851317 
rev=0x11 hdr=0x00
vendor   = 'ADMtek Inc'
device   = 'AN985 FastNIC CardBus 10/100 Fast Ethernet Adapter'
class= network
subclass = ethernet

The strange thing is that the MAC address of the card is not probed
successfully.  I have an AN985-based Linksys LN100TX PCI NIC that
reports much the same information (minus the "cardbus0: ..." line, and
"dc0:  ..." instead of Netgear), but it also
reports "dc0: Ethernet address: 00:0c:41:21:..." after the ukphy0
information.  I get no such line with the Netgear NIC.  The "cardbus0:
Resource not specified in CIS: id=14, size=400" does look worrying.

The MAC address assigned to the card by the OS is 00:00:00:00:00:00, and
this is also the MAC address reported in Windows.  Surely this can't be
right?  The OUIs I could find assigned to Netgear are 00-09-5B,
00-0F-B5, 00-14-6C, and 00-18-4D; 00-00-00 is supposed to be Xerox.  The
card appears to work in Windows, but sometimes has speed problems, as in
FreeBSD.  Does the weird MAC address, along with the "cardbus0: Resource
not specified in CIS: id=14, size=400" indicate that perhaps the EEPROM
is faulty/incomplete, or could it be the FreeBSD dc driver can't
correctly probe the information?  The Netgear FA511 is on the hardware
compatibility list for 6.1 as being fully supported; I checked before I
bought it.

On the other hand, the reason I wonder whether the problem lies with the
Linksys BEFSR41 router is that I also had problems with the 3Com 3C589C
EtherLink III 10baseT Cardbus NIC I formerly used with the laptop.  The
3Com NIC worked fine with FreeBSD (using the ep driver).  However, it
would often cause problems with the LAN when attached to the Linksys
BEFSR41 when multiple 100baseT devices were active.  I have two desktop
systems using Intel PRO/100 PCI NICs (with the fxp driver) that would
suffer speed degradation problems during bulk transfers across the LAN
when the laptop was connected to it.

Does the Linksys BEFSR41 v.2 get muddled with autonegotiation?  (It is
running 1.46.02, Aug 03 2004 firmware.)  For example, I appear to have
better results in Windows with the Netgear FA511 if I force the media to
100baseT full-duplex, but if I try to do this in FreeBSD then the LED on
the Linksys indicating full duplex/collision does not illuminate (but
the link and 100baseT ones do).  Furthermore, the NIC never gets
configured via DHCP; just endless occasional "dc0: watchdog timeout"

So, do I have a faulty Netgear FA511 Cardbus NIC?  Is my Linksys BEFSR41
v.2 flaky?  Is this just one of those deadly combinations (I don't have
problems when just the two fxp devices are connected to the LAN)?  Will
a different Linksys firmware fix the problem (if so, which version)?
I'd love to know (and quickly, as I have to return the Netgear FA511 if
it is faulty).



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Re: Making APC 500 Back UPS (basic) work with FreeBSD

2006-02-21 Thread Paul Mather
Chuck Swiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Donald J. O'Neill wrote:
> > On Tuesday 21 February 2006 08:26, Chuck Swiger wrote:
> [ ... ]
> >> No.  If your UPS isn't smart and does not have an external USB or
> >> serial port, apcupsd has nothing to work with.
> > 
> > As best I can tell from the OP's description, and the APC website,
> they 
> > all have a UPS port. Go from there.
> All of the new Smart-UPS APC models that they are selling now have USB
> ports.
> There are plenty of older models around in the channel, and there is
> the entire
> Back-UPS model line that are not "smart", and thus have no
> monitoring/shutdown
> capabilities.  See the Subject: header...

For my home, I bought a Back-UPS Pro 1100 that was inexpensive.  It came
with a 940-0020C serial cable.  Unfortunately, this only supports simple
signalling, so you can't monitor the UPS for its vital statistics
regarding percentage battery life left, etc.  I guess that's why it was
inexpensive.  But, it does work with apcupsd, and you do get
notification of power loss and even a critical power low warning signal
you can use to trigger shutdown of your machines.  It has worked well
for me.

I don't know if your statement about the "entire Back-UPS model line"
also encompassed the Back-UPS Pro models.  I just wanted to say there
was at least one Back-UPS Pro UPS that did support monitoring/shutdown
capabilities, albeit the restricted simple signalling type.

I agree that if the OPs UPS doesn't have any type of data connection to
a host computer then it won't be possible to get it to interface with
apcupsd.  However, I haven't heard of an APC UPS that didn't come with
some kind of data cable, so it would be useful if the OP posted the
precise model: there are several in the Back-UPS 500 line, such as the
Back-UPS 500; Back-UPS CS 500; Back-UPS ES 500; etc.  All of them
support either a serial or USB cable.  (The CS supports both.)



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
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Re: backup strategies

2005-10-31 Thread Paul Mather
On Mon, 2005-10-31 at 13:53 -0600, Dan Nelson wrote:
> In the last episode (Oct 31), Paul Mather said:
> > The other thing to note about FreeBSD snapshots that I don't think
> > has been mentioned is that they are only supported on UFS2
> > filesystems, meaning they are unavailable under FreeBSD 4.x and
> > earlier (or on older filesystems created by those older versions of
> > FreeBSD).
> Snapshots work just fine on UFS1 filesystems; you just need to be
> running 5.x or newer.

You are correct, sir; ignore me---I must have been thinking of native
extended attributes support...

(Unfortunately, this still means you can't take snapshots on 4.x and
earlier, though, which is a shame because I find the feature very



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
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Re: backup strategies

2005-10-31 Thread Paul Mather
On Mon, 31 Oct 2005 18:59:21 +0100, Csaba Henk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 31, 2005 at 10:32:02AM -0600, Eric Schuele wrote:
> > The online manual mentions it in 16.13.  Wouldn't hurt for it to be
> in 
> > the man page as well.
> Oh, yeah, thanks.
> This makes things clear. I missed this somehow.
> > AFAIK FreeBSD 5.0+. Other *BSD as well, i believe... but someone
> else 
> > would have to answer that.
> > 
> > >(AFAIK, softupdates is supported also in other members of the BSD
> > >family, yet the NetBSD dump manpage didn't have such a -L flag...)
> OK, as I understand now, softupdates might be available for other
> BSD-s,
> but snapshotting is not a "free bonus" which comes with softupdates,
> but
> a new innovation based on that... and is a true FBSD innovation. So
> I'd
> guess it's still a unique thing.

Not quite: NetBSD also features softupdates and also supports snapshots
(though I don't know how stable it is, as I've never tried it on my
NetBSD system).  The snapshot interface under NetBSD is different from
that on FreeBSD: you can create a snapshot "device" that can be used to
snapshot a file system.  (You can then mount or dump the snapshot device
to get a consistent image/backup of the filesystem being snapshotted.)
The main difference appears to be you are not limited to snapshots
residing on the same file system of which you are taking a snapshot,
which could be handy for near-full active filesystems.  See fss(4) and
fssconfig(8) man pages under NetBSD for details.

The other thing to note about FreeBSD snapshots that I don't think has
been mentioned is that they are only supported on UFS2 filesystems,
meaning they are unavailable under FreeBSD 4.x and earlier (or on older
filesystems created by those older versions of FreeBSD).

I've been using snapshots under FreeBSD 5 onwards, pretty much since the
feature became available, and have only ever had a problem once (due to
a race condition in the snapshot code, it was surmised), and that was
with a nightly automated network backup of snapshots of all filesystems
on a system with high disk I/O.  I find it to be a really valuable



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
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Re: Vinum migration 4.x-5.4

2005-08-19 Thread Paul Mather
On Fri, 19 Aug 2005 11:01:55 -0500, Robin Smith

> There seems to be a consensus in the references I've found that vinum
> is completely broken on 5.4 and that gvinum/geom_vinum is not ready
> for production use.  As it seems to me, this means that anyone using
> 4.11 (say) and vinum will have to abandon vinum (i.e. quit doing
> software
> RAID) in order to upgrade to 5.4.  That can be both laborious and slow
> (e.g. if you have /usr on, say, a four-drive vinum volume in 4.11,
> you're
> going to have to replace those drives with something else in order to
> go
> to 5.4.  Is that false, and is there a relatively simple way to get 
> geom_vinum in 5.4 to read a vinum configuration produced under 4.11
> and
> start the vinum volume as it is?

I am using geom_vinum on RELENG_5 without problems.  However, I use only
mirrored and concat plexes, and most of the problems I've heard people
experiencing involve RAID 5 plexes.

Geom_vinum uses the same on-disk metadata format as Vinum, so it will
read a configuration produced under 4.x---in fact, this was one of its
design goals.  BTW, Vinum is not the only software RAID option under
5.x: you can use geom_concat (gconcat) or geom_stripe (gstripe) for RAID
0; geom_mirror (gmirror) for RAID 1; and geom_raid3 (graid3) for RAID 3.
I successfully replaced my all-mirrored geom_vinum setup in-place on one
system with a geom_mirror setup.

Finally, if you are migrating from 4.x to 5.x, you might consider a
binary installation with restore rather than a source upgrade.  That
way, you can newfs your filesystems as UFS2 and get support for, e.g.,
snapshots, background fsck, etc.



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
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Re: Obtaining portsmanager meta package for alternate OS

2005-07-15 Thread Paul Mather
On Fri, 15 Jul 2005 10:08:05 -0400 (EDT), "Jacob A. Siehler"

> >> Try running configure then make just like any other linux program
> and see
> >> if it compiles, if it doesn't let me know what the error is.  I
> understand
> >> Mac OS X is based on FreeBSD, does it have FreeBSD's port
> infrastructure?
> > My Mac (OSX 10.2) doesn't have anything remotely resembling a port
> > infrastructure installed as part of the OS. All the OSS that I've
> installed
> > was done through what I will call binary 'bundles' mostly from .dmg
> files.
> > They each provided their own installer (usually using the
> applescript
> > langauge).
> The nearest OS X analogy to the ports system is fink:

There is also DarwinPorts ( and the
NetBSD pkgsrc ( system (which, IMHO, is more
ports-like than Fink) also supports MacOS X (although I'm not sure if
pkgsrc still has the requirement of a case-sensitive file system).

DarwinPorts, pkgsrc, and Fink can co-exist on the same system.  I use
mainly DarwinPorts on a MacOS X Server system I use, with Fink sometimes
to fill in the gaps when a port is missing from the DarwinPorts
collection.  Both DarwinPorts and Fink have an update mechanism.
DarwinPorts supports multiple "views" of a package, too, allowing
multiple versions to exist for those ports that require older/newer
versions to build or run properly.  If you're into GUIs, Fink has
FinkCommander to scratch that itch.



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
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Re: gmirror on local + nfs volume

2005-04-19 Thread Paul Mather
On Tue, 19 Apr 2005 16:07:29 +0200, Feczak Szabolcs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I have read about this some months ago on the list, but I can not find
> it now. Can someone explain how to make a Geom mirror with one local
> and one remote component ? (so basicly syncronize two volumes between
> machines automagically)

I don't know about NFS, but I remember someone doing something similar
to what you describe using geom_gate for the remote component.  See
ggated(8) and ggatec(8) for how to set up an use a geom_gate provider.

Geom_mirror works with GEOM providers, and I don't believe NFS fulfills
this requirement.  So, it's unlikely that geom_mirror with a NFS
component would be possible.

Note that the geom_mirror + geom_gate synchronisation would be one-way.



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
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Re: gmirror losing drive

2005-04-19 Thread Paul Mather
On Tue, 19 Apr 2005 14:38:33 +0200, Andrea Venturoli

> Danny Howard wrote:
> > I'm not entirely sure on this one ... you have RTFM?
> Obviously. I started with the tutorial at 
>, but I read the whole manual 
> before setting it up.
> > There's "gmirror 
> > configure -a" ... but that is about synchronization.
> Yes, and synchronization works fine.
> > What does gmirror info says before you forget / insert?
> Hm, I'd have to reboot.
> Right now it says:
> Geom name: gm0
> Components: 2
> Balance: split
> Slice: 2048
> Flags: NONE
> SyncID: 5
> ID: 2253479574
> Providers:
> 1. Name: mirror/gm0
> Mediasize: 36778544640 (34G)
> Sectorsize: 512
> Mode: r3w3e2
> Consumers:
> 1. Name: da1
> Mediasize: 36778545152 (34G)
> Sectorsize: 512
> Mode: r3w3e3
> State: ACTIVE
> Priority: 0
> Flags: DIRTY
> SyncID: 5
> ID: 4069582681
> 2. Name: da0
> Mediasize: 36778545152 (34G)
> Sectorsize: 512
> Mode: r3w3e3
> State: ACTIVE
> Priority: 0
> Flags: DIRTY
> SyncID: 5
> ID: 4172309470
> Geom name: gm0.sync
> After a reboot I only see da1 under Consumers and State is DEGRADED 
> (Componentis are still 2, though).
> > My hunch is that you are not rebooting cleanly, so when the system
> comes 
> > up, gmirror thinks it has to re-sync the disks
> I would expect this behaviour, but:
> a) I am rebooting cleanly;
> b) it doesn't just need resync (that happened to me on another
> machine), 
> it really loses one drive/Consumer!!!

> BTW: system is 5.3p9 now

I've been using geom_mirror for quite a while.  I currently use it on
6-CURRENT and 5.4-STABLE systems.  The implementation has evolved since
first I used it, and some kinks have been worked out.  You may be
experiencing some of these kinks.

Do you have swap on your geom_mirror?  In earlier versions of
geom_mirror, even a clean shutdown would cause a mirror to be marked
degraded if swap was still active.  The fix at the time was to amend the
stop_cmd in /etc/rc.d/swap1 to do an explicit "swapoff -a" (or similar).
Later modifications rendered this explicit step unnecessary.

I also remember a short window in which I experienced the same problem
of losing a drive/consumer at reboot when a mirror would become degraded
(in my case, due to the TIMEOUT - WRITE_DMA problems I was having with
5.x/6.x).  This seemed to go away with a subsequent upgrade.

So, if you are planning to upgrade when 5.4-RELEASE rolls around, you
might find that these problems disappear.  Otherwise, you may be stuck
with at least one of them.



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
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Re: Anthony's drive issues.Re: ssh password delay

2005-03-29 Thread Paul Mather
Duo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Anyway, I think we should all do ourselves a favor, and kill this
> thread. 
> I know it will be hard, Anthony will try really hard to say something
> even 
> stupider, in a vain attempt to make us want to reply...but, there are
> a 
> plethora of other things we could ask on this list, which are more 
> appropriate.
> I get alot from this list, in terms of interesting problems, and
> fixes, 
> and general advice. Anthony drives down the signal to noise ratio.
> Let's 
> just all collectively ignore the sock puppet, and the arm its
> connected 
> to. I really would like to stick to filtering people, and not whole 
> threads. Indeed, I shouldnt have to. Nobody should have to.
> Let's end it, for the children!

If not for the children then please end it for those of us who receive
the list in digest form.  This seemingly endless Anthony Atkielski soap
opera is excruciating to have to wade through!  At this point it's just
the same old same old being repeated ad nauseum. :-(

Have mercy on us! :-)



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
--- Frank Vincent Zappa
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Re: Accessing Windows XP Desktop (Home Edition) remotely

2005-03-22 Thread Paul Mather
On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 16:26:54 -0500 (EST), "Ean Kingston"

> > On Tuesday 22 March 2005 02:18 pm, Christopher Nehren wrote:
> >> Hash: SHA1
> >>
> >> On 2005-03-22, daniel scribbled these
> >>
> >> curious markings:
> >> > security note:
> >> > vnc is *not* encrypted and is not generally considered secure.  any
> >> > ports you open/forward should be directed to your ip only.  even
> >> > better, try a knocking daemon.
> >>
> >> This is why you set up an SSH tunnel between the two machines. The
> >> Handbook (as always) shows how to do this, with examples.
> >>
> >> Best Regards,
> >> Christopher Nehren
> >
> > To forward a VNC session through SSH, the user will need to install a
> > SSH application on the Windows computer.  PuTTY is a free example, and
> > is available at:
> >
> >
> AFAIK Putty is a client only. The original user wanted to access his WinXP
> Home system from FreeBSD. So, Putty isn't going to do it. I think there is
> an OpenSSH implementation (both client and server) for Win32 that runs on
> XP. I know the cygwin implementation works (but the original poster may
> not want that much added to the XP system).
> and

I have successfully used the Win32 OpenSSH installer available via to provide a SSH server on a remote
Windows 2000 Professional system.  That OpenSSH package can be installed
via an installer to provide OpenSSH using a minimal requisite cygwin
environment.  The OpenSSH server can be run as a Windows service.

Like the original poster, I wanted a way of using a Windows system
remotely from FreeBSD.  In my case, it was so I could remotely admin and
troubleshoot a friend's Windows 2000 PC.  As well as using the OpenSSH
for Windows mentioned above, I used TightVNC (
for the VNC server on Windows and for the client on FreeBSD (installed
via the net/tightvnc port).  I restrict the VNC server to accept
connections only from localhost, and use an SSH tunnel to encrypt all
the VNC traffic between the two systems.  (I can even start and stop the
VNC server service remotely by issuing a "net start winvnc" and "net
stop winvnc" via SSH to start and stop it, respectively.)

I've found the setup to work well in practice.



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
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Re: Grainy X Windows and KDE.

2005-02-17 Thread Paul Mather
On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 23:25:05 -0600, "Dmitri Furman"

> Dear FreeBSD experts.  Your help with this would be greatly appreciated. I 
> spent a week now trying to setup FreeBSD on my Dell Dimension 8200 Desktop.  
> Most of the time was spent setting up Xorg to work.  I have Nvidia video 
> card GeForce MX4400 with 32 MB or RAM.  I had to rebuild kernel to make 
> Nvidia driver work.  I am able to run in 1024x768 mode but picture is really 
> grainy.  I specified depth at 24 and also tried 32.  I have a 15" Flat Panel 
> monitor.  If anyone had any luck or has some pointers on what I have to do 
> to resolve grainy colors problem please let me know what I need to do.  

I'm not sure what you mean when you say "grainy," but I do know that
with flat panel monitors you get the crispest display when you run X at
the native resolution of the flat panel monitor.  If you run it at some
other (lower) resolution, the results can be somewhat blurry, IMHO, as
the lower resolution is being mapped onto the higher native resolution
(and sometimes at a different aspect ratio).

So, a fix would be to determine the native resolution of your flat panel
display and to use that (adjusting font sizes, etc. as needed).  In my
case, I was running a Sony 19" CRT monitor at 1152x864 and replaced the
Sony with a flat panel display.  The picture looked a bit fuzzy until I
switched to using the native 1280x1024 resolution of the flat panel, at
which point the picture quality improved dramatically.



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
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Re: Instead of, why not...

2005-02-12 Thread Paul Mather
On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 21:25:36 +0100, Anthony Atkielski

> Paul Mather writes:
> > As I said, that's why you'd contract with one of those outfits in
> the
> > "Vendors" section.
> If they can do the job.  Since they didn't write the code, though, they
> aren't ultimately accountable for it.

I hate to burst your bubble, but neither is any other OS vendor
ultimately accountable for its code.  By that, I mean you can file
"problem reports" or "trouble tickets" or whatever the phrase du jour
is, but the company is ultimately under no obligation to fix them.
(Also, if you read your license carefully, they don't guarantee the OS
will work, nor are you protected against it destroying your data.)  Even
some critical reported bugs go unfixed for relatively long periods of
time.  (This is not to suggest that problems don't get fixed, but merely
an illustration that when it comes down to it, you have no guarantees
with them, either.)

Just because a support/contracting company is not "ultimately
accountable" for code they didn't write does not mean they can't put
together a well-crafted solution that is known and tested to work within
given client parameters.  (FreeBSD's general adherence to POLA helps
here.)  MSCEs aren't "ultimately accountable" for Windows code, but they
get hired all the time to fix things and build solutions, right?

> > BTW, it is usually not realistic to expect an organisation to have
> "all
> > the expertise it needs to support those solutions in-house and on
> site."
> That depends on the size of the organization.  I've encountered
> organizations that wrote their own operating systems.

 Which would make them representative examples, I suppose (note my
use of the word "usually")...

And, with that statement, I'll confess that the laws of diminishing
returns threshold has now been reached for me in this thread and I'll
bid my farewell.  The reason I posted in what is probably the biggest
bikeshed of the year was due to one of your pronouncements that it was
not possible to get professional "telephone support" when it comes to
FreeBSD.  I pointed out it is.  That's all.  I'll leave it to the
various consultants that frequent the list(s) to argue the merits and
relative quality of the service they provide. :-)



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
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Re: Instead of, why not...

2005-02-12 Thread Paul Mather
On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 11:01:27 +0100, Anthony Atkielski

> Paul Mather writes:
> > The operating system is one thing; a certain level support is
> another.
> > That's Free/Open Source software for you.
> Yes.  And it's one of the factors that makes the open-source movement
> highly self-limiting.  I don't know of any way around it.  But that's
> why I'd only recommend open-source solutions for mission-critical
> functions if an organization already has all the expertise it needs to
> support those solutions in-house and on site ... because if something
> goes down, that's the only serious support that will be available.  In
> many situations, a limited level of support is tolerable, but not for
> key and mission-critical production use.

As I said, that's why you'd contract with one of those outfits in the
"Vendors" section.  This is not rocket science.

(BTW, it is usually not realistic to expect an organisation to have "all
the expertise it needs to support those solutions in-house and on site."
A simple case in point is the [mission critical] enterprise backup
solution used at our University: Tivoli TSM.  Sure, we have a TSM
administrator who can serve in an operational capacity.  But, she sure
can't fix bugs in the TSM software (nor repair the hardware).  That's
why we have a Tivoli support contract, because Tivoli [IBM] have people
who [hopefully eventually] can.  Ditto with our Sun systems.  We don't
have on-site Sun engineers, but we do have a support contract with
emergency call-out that fulfills the same practical function.  The same
is true of solutions built out of Open Source products.)



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
--- Frank Vincent Zappa
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Re: Instead of, why not...

2005-02-11 Thread Paul Mather
On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 03:54:27 +0100, Anthony Atkielski

> Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC writes:
> > This is also ridiculous.  No CEO or CIO is going to  give a RAT's
> > about what is said in a mailing list about a particular product.
> Probably.  But the problem is that there is nothing else with FreeBSD.
> If you want support, you post to a mailing list, and hope that someone
> answers you without abusing you or flying off the handle.  You cannot
> call a toll number and have a cool-headed professional walk through your
> issue and solve the problem.

If you want that type of support, you might want to try one of the links
under the "Vendors" section of

You can't expect to *rely* on timely support or solutions to your
FreeBSD problems from the FreeBSD mailing lists (or even the FreeBSD
developers), but you do have a reasonable expectation of receiving
effective tech support from a vendor from which you are buying a FreeBSD
solution (or contracting for FreeBSD support of same).

If you can't find a vendor that provides the level of support you assess
you need, then you'll have to look at another OS.  That's just one of
those harsh realities.  Although plenty of people do manage well with
just the mailing lists and *BSD Web sites for support, it's inaccurate
to suggest that's the *only* avenue of support.

> The Web site actually looks pretty amateurish compared to the
> competition.  It screams "shareware hobbyist" rather than "enterprise
> solutions center."

The operating system is one thing; a certain level support is another.
That's Free/Open Source software for you.  If the freely available help
and support does not meet the comfort zone of you or your company,
you'll have to pay someone to get it into that zone.  That's where the
niche of the entries found under the "Vendors" section of the Web site fits in.  This applies pretty much across the
board in my experience, whether it's *BSD or the many Linux
distributions.  Even OS vendors providing "enterprise solutions" will
require you to pay for support.  You can't download the freebie and
expect 24-hour call-out support. :-)

> > But we are talking about a cross section of user's in unofficial
> > channels. That does not mean a thing to these people.
> It does when that's the only thing they can see.

Then they should learn to scroll down a bit and follow hyperlinks. ;-)



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
--- Frank Vincent Zappa
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Re: Please don't change Beastie to another crap logo such as NetBSD!!!

2005-02-11 Thread Paul Mather
On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 12:04:34 -0600, "Andrew L. Gould"

> On Friday 11 February 2005 08:14 am, Dag-Erling Smrgrav wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > > Imagine Linux dropping Tux for some meanlingless, lifeless logo?
> >
> > I'm glad you asked.
> >
> > Tux is a mascot, not a logo.  These are Linux logos:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > DES
> No Slackware?  In my opinion, Slackware has the widest deviation in 
> professionalism between their logo and mascot. 
> logo(s):
> mascot (pipe-smoking penguin):

Quite a deviation indeed, especially considering their mascot is an
obvious nod to the Church of the SubGenius (
the true purveyors of SLACK!




"Throw this posting against the wall RIGHT NOW!"
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Epson Perfection 2400 USB scanner support

2005-02-02 Thread Paul Mather
I'm looking to buy a scanner and was thinking about getting an Epson
Perfection 2400 USB scanner.  It is listed as having "complete" SANE
support, but it is not listed as being supported in the uscanner(4) man

According to a page ( on the SANE
Epson back-end Web site, the vendor and product id for the Epson
Perfection 2400 are 0x04b8 and 0x011b respectively.  I looked
in /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/usbdevs on the system on which I'll probably use
the scanner (running FreeBSD 6-CURRENT) and I noticed there is indeed an
entry with the same product id, but it is identified as "GT-9300UF
scanner".  The entry in /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/usbdevs on my NetBSD/alpha
system actually identifies 0x011b as "Perfection 2400 scanner."

So, is the Epson GT-9300UF just an alternative market name (Japan,
perhaps?) for the Epson Perfection 2400?  (Though the "UF" suffix would
indicate it has both USB and FireWire interfaces.)

Is anyone successfully using an Epson Perfection 2400 USB scanner under
either FreeBSD 4.11-STABLE or FreeBSD 6-CURRENT?  (Does it work
reliably?  Would you recommend this scanner?)

If anyone has any general recommendation for a cheap scanner that works
well under FreeBSD, I'd be glad to hear it.



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
--- Frank Vincent Zappa
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Re: Mixer does not work

2005-01-22 Thread Paul Mather
On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 00:19:45 -0600, Adrian Patino II

> i have both onboard sound and soundcard
> ###
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:11:0: class=0x040100 card=0x80651102 chip=0x00021102
> rev=0x0a hdr=0x00
> vendor   = 'Creative Labs'
> device   = 'EMU1 Sound Blaster Live! (Also Live! 5.1) - OEM
> from DELL - CT4780'
> class= multimedia
> subclass = audio
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:17:5:class=0x040100 card=0xa0021458 chip=0x30591106
> rev=0x50 hdr=0x00
> vendor   = 'VIA Technologies Inc'
> device   = 'VT8233/33A/8235/8237 AC97 Enhanced Audio Controller'
> class= multimedia
> subclass = audio
> hw.snd.targetirqrate: 32
> hw.snd.report_soft_formats: 1
> hw.snd.verbose: 1
> hw.snd.unit: 0
> hw.snd.maxautovchans: 0
> hw.snd.pcm0.buffersize: 4096
> ##
> I disabled onboard sound in the bios
> the sound is working but
> mixer controls have no effect on volume 
> is mixer controlling onboard sound instead of soundcard?
> if so, how can i change that?

I have the same sound card as you ("EMU1 Sound Blaster Live! (Also
Live! 5.1) - OEM from DELL - CT4780") and very recently had the same
kind of experience: the sound was working, but the mixer had no effect
on the volume.

In my case, the solution was woefully simple: I had my headphones (which
I use for speakers) plugged into the wrong output jack.  Moving them
from the black 3.5 mm jack to the green one "solved" my problem.  When I
looked carefully at the jacks on the card, I discovered the black one
designated "2" and the green designated as "1."

Mixer lists the following devices: vol, pcm, speaker, line, mic, cd,
rec, ogain, line1, phin, phout, and video.  None of them has any
apparent effect on the volume of the black 3.5 mm jack, which kind of
begs the question as to whether it is possible to control the volume of
that particular output jack from FreeBSD at all.

So, if you are using the black output jack, I suggest you switch to the
green one. :-)



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
--- Frank Vincent Zappa
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Re: FreeBSD server(s) to backup multi-platform systems remotely

2004-12-30 Thread Paul Mather
On Thu, 30 Dec 2004 11:13:54 -0500, Danny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From a backup point of view, my goal...
On a nightly and automated basis - to take a snapshot of all new and
modified data from a FreeBSD server and Windows server. Then compress
and hopefully encrypt the data and send it to a remote FreeBSD server
through some form of efficient and secure file transfer. Uncompressed
the nightly data may total ~20MB.
From a restore point of view, my goal...
To be able to download the compressed backup(s) from the remote server
and restore the previous days data.
Hopefully this explains my situation.

You might want to check out the sysutils/duplicity port.  This is its 

Duplicity backs directories by producing encrypted tar-format volumes and
uploading them to a remote or local file server. Because duplicity uses
librsync, the incremental archives are space efficient and only record the
parts of files that have changed since the last backup. Because duplicity
uses GnuPG to encrypt and/or sign these archives, they will be safe from
spying and/or modification by the server.
I don't know if it works under Windows, but it's written in Python so it 

I used duplicity for a while to back up a system to another that was 
backed up on which I had an account but had no administrative control.  
(Hence, encrypted backups were a nice feature.)

You might want to look at other ports such as sysutils/dar, 
archivers/rvm, sysutils/rsnapshot, etc. for ideas.

"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
   --- Frank Vincent Zappa
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Re: Typo in: cache-update (portindex) - hangs(?)

2004-12-13 Thread Paul Mather
On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 09:55:55 +0100, Christopher Illies

>  > Thanks for your reply and sorry for the typo. Yes cache-init also
> took
> > > a couple of hours on my computer, but when it finished i got the
> command-promt
> > > back. But I am having problems with cache-update. I include the
> last
> > > paragraphs of my original post with the typo corrected:
> > > 
> > > for upating the portstree I do:
> > > # cvsup -g -L 2 ports-supfile
> > > # cache-update
> > > # portindex -o /usr/ports/INDEX-5 (I am using 5-stable)
> > > # portsdb -u (I am also using portupgrade)
> > > # portupgrade -arR (or whatever)
> >  
> > What happens if you add
> > 
> > # make fetchindex
> > 
> > immediately after the cvsup?
> I just tried it and it does not change the behaviour of cache-update.
> cache-update still shows a short burst of activity before it becomes
> idle, but does not return to the command promt.

The reason cache-update becomes idle is that it is waiting for input:
specifically, it's waiting for something from which it can determine the
latest changes to your /etc/ports hierarchy.  (See the cache-update man
page for more details.)

In your case, you should just be able to pipe the output of the cvsup
command into cache-update to achieve the desired effect.  (You might
need to use "cache-update -f cvsup-output" the tell it what kind of
input format you're feeding it.)  In other words, try something akin to

 cvsup -g -L 2 ports-supfile | cache-update -f cvsup-output

I use the "cvsup-checkouts" input format when running cache-update.  In
other words, my cache-update command is as follows (I'm running

cache-update -f cvsup-checkouts -i /var/db/sup/ports-all/checkouts.cvs:.

(Note that the final "." is significant.)

Cache-update can also use the "-f plain" input format in conjunction
with its "find-updated" command to look for changes made after a given
date.  See the find-updated man page for details.

So, you have a lot of flexibility in how you can update the portindex

> But if I understand it correctly, isn't the whole purpose of the
> portindex-suite to provide yet another mechamism to create an up to
> date INDEX(-5) file, but both being faster than 'make index' (portsdb 
> -U) and more up to date than 'make fetchindex'? So wouldn't the 'make
> fetchindex' kind of defeat the purpose of using portindex? Sorry,  for
> all the questions, I am still trying to figure this all this out for
> myself. I am still quite unexperienced in FreeBSD .. ;-) 

You are correct.  If you have portindex installed then using "make
fetchindex" does indeed defeat the purpose. :-)



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
--- Frank Vincent Zappa
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Re: Un-GNOME-ing a FreeBSD box

2004-12-12 Thread Paul Mather
On Sun, 2004-12-12 at 16:14 -0700, Brett Glass wrote:
> At 10:56 AM 12/12/2004, Paul Mather wrote:
> >On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 18:54:18 -0700, Brett Glass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >wrote:
> >
> >> Again, I really find it hard to believe that there would be no
> >> provision 
> >> for deleting a port AND the ports on which it depends cleanly. I tend
> >> to use a minimal number of ports and packages, and so didn't realize
> >> that this was such a difficult thing until now.
> >
> >The problem with deleting a port and the ports on which it depends
> >cleanly is that there may be other ports depending on a dependency.  So,
> >there needs to be some arbitration to decide what legitimately should go
> >and which should stay.
> What's needed is a way of doing "garbage collection" -- reference counts
> plus a way of resolving circular dependencies (which reference counts
> can't handle).

That would be okay for ports you explicitly installed, but not, I think,
for ones that were installed as dependencies that you nevertheless wish
to keep (i.e., that you would have explicitly installed, too, but
couldn't because they were already installed).  So, there still needs to
be some way of arbitrating what you want to retain, akin
to /usr/local/etc/pkg_leaves.exclude, or similar.

As for resolving circular dependencies, I can't think of a legitimate
case where they would arise.  They can't, by definition: the ports
dependencies form a directed acyclic graph (DAG), right?



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
--- Frank Vincent Zappa
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Re: Un-GNOME-ing a FreeBSD box

2004-12-12 Thread Paul Mather
On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 18:54:18 -0700, Brett Glass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Again, I really find it hard to believe that there would be no
> provision 
> for deleting a port AND the ports on which it depends cleanly. I tend
> to use a minimal number of ports and packages, and so didn't realize
> that this was such a difficult thing until now.

The problem with deleting a port and the ports on which it depends
cleanly is that there may be other ports depending on a dependency.  So,
there needs to be some arbitration to decide what legitimately should go
and which should stay.  You can't delete a dependency until you also
delete all the ports depending upon it.  If some of them are ports you
want to keep, then the dependency has to stay.

I find the sysutils/pkg_cutleaves port very useful for trimming back on
the ports you've installed but may no longer need.  This is especially
true for some ports that might install various ports needed to build a
given port, but which are not needed for it to run.  The pkg_cutleaves
port can be used to deinstall safely these build dependencies.

Pkg_cutleaves works from the leaves of your installed ports inwards to
the root.  It will invite you to delete ports that are "leaf" ports,
i.e., ones that have no ports depending upon them.  As you cut
unnecessary leaves, more leaves become available for trimming.
Eventually, you'll either cut back to something you're happy with, or
you'll end up deleting everything. :-)

You can create a /usr/local/etc/pkg_leaves.exclude file detailing ports
you never want to cut.  (I add to this file as I add ports to my system
that I want to keep.)  This is handy for reducing the amount of trimming
questions you're offered and generally helps speed up the whole process.

So, I suggest you use sysutils/pkg_cutleaves as a clean solution to the
port de-installation problem.



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
--- Frank Vincent Zappa
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Re: mkisofs and large files

2004-12-08 Thread Paul Mather
On Wed, 8 Dec 2004 04:08:12 +, RW

> I've been trying to burn a single large file (a 4.2 GB encrypted gbde 
> filesystem within a file) to a DVD, but mkisofs tells me the file is too 
> large. 
> I looked on Google and found that mkisofs had a filesize  limit of 2 GB, but 
> this was increased to 4 GB, so I dropped the filesize to 4095 MB, but it 
> still failed, so I guess the version in ports still has the 2 GB limits.

The mkisofs of sysutils/cdrtools has the 2 GB limitation; the mkisofs
installed by sysutils/cdrtools-devel does not.

> Does the development version of cdrtools in ports have the 4 GB limit? If so, 
> how can  I get sysutils/dvd+rw-tools to use the newer version, is it just a 
> matter of deinstalling them both and  changing the dependence in 
> pkgtools.conf? 

The sysutils/dvd+rw-tools port just looks to see if you have a
${LOCALBASE}/bin/mkisofs present.  If not, it will install the
sysutils/cdrtools port.  Because sysutils/cdrtools-devel installs into
the same place as sysutils/cdrtools, if you have the
sysutils/cdrtools-devel port installed then sysutils/dvd+rw-tools will
use its version of mkisofs.

But, I would issue a big caveat about what you are proposing to do: you
may be able to burn the DVD, but it is likely that you will not be able
to access the large (> 2 GB) file under FreeBSD from the burned disc.

I ran into this problem myself.  I wanted to burn a > 2 GB file to DVD
and was able to do this successfully after installing the
sysutils/cdrtools-devel version of mkisofs and using the sysutils/dvd
+rw-tools port.  But, attempts to access the file fail from the mounted
burned DVD.  For example, if you try and ls the file, you'll get
something along the lines of "ls: foo.tgz: Value too large to be stored
in data type" and attempts to access the file will fail.

I believe the problem is that the kernel cd9660 filesystem support in
FreeBSD only understands the older < 2 GB format.  BTW, I could use the
file under Windows XP, and was able to verify the file correct via a MD5
checksum against the original file I burned.  The file on DVD was
unusable under FreeBSD, though.

So, because you might be burning FreeBSD-specific data (GBDE), the
ability to access the burned data under FreeBSD sounds like a necessity.
You should consider the caveat I mentioned, therefore, and perhaps try
and slice your data into < 2 GB pieces.  (DVD-Video slices its video
into < 1 GB pieces.)



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Re: ipfilter loading on 5.3

2004-11-08 Thread Paul Mather
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 12:01:41 -0500, "dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
> I believe i am having a configuration error. I've got a new 5.3
> box to
> which i'm atempting to get ipfilter going. I read the updated handbook
> and
> have added:
> ipfilter_enable="YES"
> ipfilter_rules="/etc/ipf.rules"
> ipmon_enable="YES"
> ipmon_flags="-Dsvn"
> to my rc.conf file. When i try to manually load up my rules file with:
> ipf -FA -f /etc/ipf.rules
>  i am getting an error "can not open no such device"
> I have not compiled anything for ipfilter in to the kernel as i had
> done
> previously i understood from the handbook that ipf was capable of
> being
> dynamically loaded and the rc.conf line would suffice.

I recently updated a system from 5.2.1 to 5.3 and had problems with
ipfilter (dynamically loading it, as you are above).  In my case, I
noticed this during boot, when ipfilter was being activated:

 link_elf: symbol in6_cksum undefined

The net effect was that the kernel module would not load, due to the
unresolved symbol.

In my case, I was using a custom kernel that lacked "options INET6". 
Re-building my kernel with that option added (i.e., with IPv6 support
enabled) fixed the problem and the ipfilter kernel module now works.

I'm guessing there's some kind of hidden dependency on IPv6 in 5.3 as
far as the ipfilter kernel module is concerned.  (This didn't seem to be
the case in 5.2.1, from what I remember.)



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Re: (g_)vinum]

2004-10-22 Thread Paul Mather
On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 10:55:37 +0200, Mark Frasa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 2004.10.22 10:26:25 +, Mark Frasa wrote:

> > > On Thursday 21 October 2004 12:21, Mark Frasa wrote:

> > can you or anyone tell me how to make gvinum load automatically?
> > 
> > In /boot/loader.conf I set:
> > 
> > vinum_load="YES"
> > vinum.autostart="YES"
> > 
> > This doest not work, even:
> > 
> > gvinum_load="YES"
> > gvinum.autostart="YES"
> > 
> > When i boot in single user mode and i mount the gvinum volumes,
> everything is OK!
> > Thus it really is the problem of the autoload and start of vinum.
> > 
> > Mark.
> AH, i found the error:
> the configfile was named gvinum.conf
> Thus vinum _did_ load but could nog find any disks.
> Now i renamed it to /etc/vinum.conf it starts up, reconizes all the
> plexes and disks and tells every part is up.
> The error is see is:
> Mounting root from ufs:/dev/gvinum/root
> set root by name failed
> ffs_mountroot: can't find rootvp
> Root mount failed: 6
> Then it goes to manual root filesystem specification.
> Any ID?

It looks from the above that you are loading the vinum kernel module,
not the geom_vinum kernel module.  To load the correct one, add the
following to your /boot/loader.conf file:


That's all you need.  You should remove any extraneous cruft from
/etc/rc.conf that might cause the vinum kernel module to be loaded,
e.g., remove "start_vinum" if it's there.  Also remove any
non-geom_vinum Vinum entries from /boot/loader.conf.  E.g., remove
"vinum_load" and "vinum.autostart" if still present.

Note that the Vinum configuration resides on the drives, so you
shouldn't need an "/etc/vinum.conf" or similar to configure your Vinum
volumes on subsequent reboots.  You only need it initially to create the
Vinum configuration.

Geom_vinum will scan the drives during boot and activate any Vinum
configuration it discovers.



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 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
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Re: Bind 9.3.0 startup failure

2004-09-23 Thread Paul Mather
On Thu, 23 Sep 2004 12:12:15 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> /etc/defaults/rc.d contains:
> #
> # named.  It may be possible to run named in a sandbox, man security for
> # details.
> #
> named_rcng="NO" # XXX Temporary. Enable to use new rc
> #functionality in support of named. See
> #variables below.
> named_enable="NO"   # Run named, the DNS server (or NO).
> named_program="/usr/sbin/named" # path to named, if you want a different one.
> named_flags="-u bind -g bind"   # Flags for named
> named_pidfile="/var/run/named/pid" # Pid file  
> named_chrootdir=""  # Chroot directory (or "" not to auto-chroot
> it)
> named_chroot_autoupdate="YES"   # Automatically install/update chrooted
> # components of named. See /etc/rc.d/named.
> named_symlink_enable="YES"  # Symlink ${named_pidfile} and /var/run/ndc
> # to their chrooted counterparts.
> The /etc/rc.d/named script is unaltered from clean install of the OS.

But, the /etc/rc.d/named in 5.2.1 is designed to work with BIND8, not
BIND9.  I'd expect problems trying to get it to work smoothly with BIND9
as-is, not least because some of the options to named have changed.  For
example, "-g" in BIND8 sets the group under which named will run; under
BIND9 it instructs named to run in the foreground, not in the background
as a daemon, and to log everything to stderr.  If you use the default
named_flags setting from /etc/defaults/rc.conf with BIND9 and start up
via /etc/rc.d/named, then named will likely get confused.

In short, I wouldn't rely on a script designed to drive BIND8 to work
flawlessly with BIND9.  As someone else pointed out, you should really
be using rndc to control named and to observe its status, not
/etc/rc.d/named status, etc.

Note that 5.3 will ship with BIND9, so I'd expect the startup scripts to
be re-written to work accordingly.



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 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
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Re: DVD question...

2004-09-20 Thread Paul Mather
On Sun, 19 Sep 2004 22:09:31 -0400, Glenn Sieb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Richard Lynch said the following on 9/19/2004 4:41 PM:
> >>But I'm having a dickens of a time finding something that will let
> me
> >>author DVDs. Any pointing in directions or help would be greatly
> >>appreciated!
> >>
> >>
> >
> >By 'author' you mean 'burn', right?...
> >  
> >
> No. I said 'author' I meant 'author' not 'burn' :)
> >Or are you talking about compiling your mpeg files into a DVD file
> system?
> >  
> >
> Yes--'author'ing :)--putting movie(s) on a DVD with a menu, etc.
> T'anks,
> G.

You might want to try these ports:


(The latter is a front-end to the former.)



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2004-09-15 Thread Paul Mather
On Tue, 14 Sep 2004 21:53:28 -0700 (PDT), borg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> --- Joshua Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have been having been having some issues with BIND
> > that have been
> > driving me up the wall. I believe I may have located
> > the problem. I
> > believe I had both BIND8 and BIND9 installed on the
> > same system. So I am
> > reinstalling from the ports collection and
> > overwriting BIND8 completely.
> > I wish to avoid this issue in the future. I found
> > this in a how to
> > online and was wondering if it is accurate. 
> That's a very common confusion. Usually after
> installing Bind9 from the ports "named -v" gives you
> the 8.x version. A fast and dirty method to override
> the old Bind8 with Bind9 tools and file:
> cd /usr/ports/net/bind9
> make install clean
> ln -fs /usr/local/bin/dig /usr/bin/dig
> ln -fs /usr/local/bin/host /usr/bin/host
> ln -fs /usr/local/bin/nslookup /usr/sbin/nslookup
> ln -fs /usr/local/bin/nsupdate /usr/sbin/nsupdate
> ln -fs /usr/local/sbin/named /usr/sbin/named
> ln -fs /etc/namedb/named.conf /usr/local/etc/named.conf

A perhaps quicker/cleaner way to overwrite the base BIND is to do the

 cd /usr/ports/dns/bind9
 make PORT_REPLACES_BASE_BIND9=yes install clean

Or, you can append 'PORT_REPLACES_BASE_BIND9=yes' to your /etc/make.conf
file before you build and install the port.


"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
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Re: IP Filter on FreeBSD 5.2.1

2004-09-07 Thread Paul Mather
On Wed, 2004-09-08 at 02:12, Wayne Pascoe wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 05:50:59PM -0400, Paul Mather wrote:
> > 20030925:
> > Configuring a system to use IPFILTER now requires that PFIL_HOOKS
> > also be explicitly configured.  Previously this dependency was
> > magically handled through some cruft in net/pfil.h; but that has
> > been removed.  Building a kernel with IPFILTER but not PFIL_HOOKS
> > will fail with obtuse errors in ip_fil.c.
> > 
> > 
> > (It's a good idea to look in /usr/src/UPDATING before updating your
> > system.)
> Fair enough - to a point. I only look for things that apply to my
> system when reading UPDATING... things that have changed since my last
> update. In september 2003, I wouldn't have read the ipfilter related
> stuff, because I wasn't using ipfilter at that time.

But it's always a good rule of thumb that when faced with a kernel/world
build failure to go back and take a closer look through UPDATING for
something you might have missed.  It could be argued that this would
also apply if you were enabling a feature (or adding a piece of
hardware) not previously used before.

> I'm sure someone won't mind including a single line in a howto because
> that then turns it into a definitive reference, that doesn't require
> referencing twoo locations.

I believe I misunderstood your original posting.  I'd thought you were
going to apprise the FreeBSD developer responsible for ipfilter that
people should be told they needed the PFIL_HOOKS option.  From the
above, it appears it's the howto author that is the intended recipient. 
Mea culpa!

The unfortunate thing about "definitive references," though, is that
when push comes to shove, UPDATING will take precedence.  In the case of
PFIL_HOOKS, it has vanished as an option under 6.0-CURRENT (though it
was present for a while, IIRC)...



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
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Re: IP Filter on FreeBSD 5.2.1

2004-09-07 Thread Paul Mather
On Tue, 7 Sep 2004 22:12:23 +0100, Wayne Pascoe

> On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 08:07:34PM +0200, Remko Lodder wrote:
> > I think you missed this option:
> > 
> > options PFIL_HOOKS  # pfil(9) framework
> > 
> > in your kernel config file..
> > 
> > Try it and see it's magic ;)
> Thanks a bunch - that did the trick. I've checked the doc I used to do
> this, and it wasn't mentioned. I'll submit something to the maintainer
> tomorrow.

The maintainer is likely to direct you to this entry in 5.2.1's

Configuring a system to use IPFILTER now requires that PFIL_HOOKS
also be explicitly configured.  Previously this dependency was
magically handled through some cruft in net/pfil.h; but that has
been removed.  Building a kernel with IPFILTER but not PFIL_HOOKS
will fail with obtuse errors in ip_fil.c.

(It's a good idea to look in /usr/src/UPDATING before updating your



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
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Re: Help me ObwanKnobi your my only hope.

2004-08-16 Thread Paul Mather
On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 14:11:14 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I have spent many usless hours looking at, and 
> in an attempt to find a ftpd that I can cap / choke the 
> outgoing bandwith.
> Do you know of any such animals?

Yes, ProFTPD (ftp/proftpd in ports) will let you do this flexibly.  See
the TransferRate directive used in proftpd.conf for details.  (E.g.,



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 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
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Re: Running Mozilla FireBird 6.1.6 Under Linux Emulation On FreeBSD 4.10

2004-08-14 Thread Paul Mather
On Sat, 2004-08-14 at 03:50, Rob DeMarco wrote:

>   While I have some familiarity with the ports tree, I didn't install
> it this time because of limited disk space (though I suppose I could
> do a partial port-tree install).  Also, my P150 makes compiles long
> and painful :)
>   To avoid all that, I'm trying to see if a simple binary pkg_add
> to Linux-emul 7 would do the trick.

You can instruct portupgrade to use binary packages only when
upgrading.  See the "-PP" option for details.

Be careful when using partial ports trees that you get all the portions
a package needs.  (Portupgrade still needs to be able to determine what
the latest version is of a port and its dependencies.)

Also, if you do decide to force-delete emulators/linux_base 6 and
pkg_add emulators/linux_base 7 then be sure to run "pkgdb -F" to fix up
the dependencies.

> I could try a direct pkg_add from the FBSD-5 ports tree (it all
> goes into /compat anyway, right?) but I'm not sure about the kld
> issue.  Anyway, I'll think about my options, and whether compiling
> from scratch is really worth it for me.  Thanks for your help!

There is a linux_base-7.1_7.tgz in the packages-4.10-release/emulators
directory on (under /pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386).  That
would be a better option for you, IMHO, if you're running 4-STABLE.

I seem to recall when installing linux_base-8 that the only thing it
actually compiled and built was the rpm package (a dependency).  The
rest was just fetching and unpacking various RPMs.  So, I wouldn't worry
about too much compilation demands for this particular port.



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 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
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Re: Looking for commercial code gone open source

2004-08-13 Thread Paul Mather
On Fri, 13 Aug 2004 13:10:22 +0100, Jonathon McKitrick

> Does anyone know where there are any web-accessible examples of large or
> medium sized commercial software products that have been open sourced?
> I'd like to see some examples of code that were not written from the
> beginning with the intention of being open source.

OCLC's SiteSearch was commercial but has now been turned over to the
open source community.  It is at
(SiteSearch is a Z39.50-enabled digital library/OPAC application.)

It also seems like Firebird (/usr/ports/databases/firebird) started life
as the commercial database InterBase.



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 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
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Re: Running Mozilla FireBird 6.1.6 Under Linux Emulation On FreeBSD 4.10

2004-08-13 Thread Paul Mather
On Fri, 13 Aug 2004 04:03:01 +, Rob DeMarco

> I wanted to run Mozilla FireBird 6.1.6 under Linux emulation so
> that I could use the Flash plugin.  I installed linux_base-6.1_6
> from the 4-stable packages directory and downloaded FireBird.  But
> FireBird required a later version of Linux emulation (7.???) that
> I could only find in the 5-stable directory.
> Will Linux emulation be updated for FreeBSD 4-stable?  I assume
> I can't install the latest version since it's apparently for 5.0
> and later.

I am using linux_base-8-8.0_4 on my FreeBSD 4.10-STABLE system, so I can
confirm that it is possible to use something more recent that
linux_base-6.  (In fact, the default linux_base is 7.)

It looks like you have the emulators/linux_base package already
installed, but it is back from when 6, not 7 used to be the default. 
You should be able to use portupgrade to upgrade your linux_base-6.1_6
to a more recent version.  This does assume you have the ports tree
installed (and preferably up to date via cvsup) under /usr/ports...

If you don't have portupgrade (sysutils/portupgrade), then you should
install it.  It's really useful!



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
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Re: tmpfs for FreeBSD?

2004-08-12 Thread Paul Mather
On Thu, 12 Aug 2004 00:53:15 -0500, Dan Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> In the last episode (Aug 11), adp said:
> > I'm looking for a ramdisk-style filesystem for FreeBSD that can be
> > used for scratch space, e.g., tmpfs in Solaris. The filesystem should
> > be able to grow and shrink in memory (and use real disk space as
> > needed) depending on the amount of free RAM on the system. I don't
> > want just a fixed sized block of memory reserved for /tmp. I will be
> > using this for scratch files that are quickly created and then
> > destroyed, and will average around 2MB each. We are expecting out tmp
> > filesystem to need around 256MB to 512MB on average.
> The best available at the moment is a swap-backed filesystem.  It will
> consume ram/swap as it grows, but won't release swap space when you
> delete files.  If you're running 5.*, just put this in rc.conf:
> tmpmfs="YES"
> tmpsize="512m"
> and make sure you have at least 512MB of swap, so if it does happen to
> grow to full size and then have most of its files deleted, the free
> blocks can be pushed out to swap.

Alternatively, for 4.x (and 5.x) you can simply have an mfs /tmp entry
in /etc/fstab.  Here is what I have in /etc/fstab for a 128 MB /tmp on
my 4.10-STABLE system:

 swap  /tmp  mfs  rw,nosuid,-s262144  0  0

On my 5.2-CURRENT system, I have this:

 md/tmp  mfs  rw,-s128m  0  0

Note how the device to mount on is "swap" in 4.x and a "md" device in
5.x.  Under 4.x, a "df -h" looks something like this:

Filesystem Size   Used  Avail Capacity  Mounted on
mfs:28 124M29K   114M 0%/tmp

and like this under 5.x:

Filesystem  SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/md0124M 12K114M 0%/tmp

The "-s" option in the /etc/fstab mount entry determines the size of the
underlying VM device.  In the case of the OP, that would be "-s512m" or
larger.  Make sure there is at least as much swap space to back it.

FWIW, in 5.x you can also use a malloc-backed md device for a true RAM

Also, under 5.x, you can use a vnode-backed md device to use a large
regular file as underlying backing storage.  This would be handy, I
presume, if you didn't want lots of your swap consumed by /tmp usage. 
In 4.x, this would be accomplished via vn devices.  Be careful of the
mount order when attempting this, though, if you want a virtual /tmp
created during boot.

See mount_mfs(8) for details and options.



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 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
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Re: IMAP Prefrence

2004-08-11 Thread Paul Mather
On Wed, 11 Aug 2004 11:45:09 -0700 (PDT), "Joshua Lewis"

> I am trying to set up my mail server with Postfix and wish to use IMAP.
> I tried asking the postfix mailing list this question and did not receice
> and feedback.
> Does Postfix have built in IMAP support or do I have to use a third party.
> If I have to use a third party are there any suggestions?

You have to use a third-party application.  I highly recommend Dovecot,
which you can install via the mail/dovecot port.  It supports IMAP/IMAPS
and POP3/POP3S; many mailbox formats; and many user database back-ends
(/etc/passwd; LDAP; PostgreSQL; MySQL; etc.).  It is highly
configurable.  Be sure to look at the port Makefile for build options.



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
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Re: ATA powermanagement and ATA spindown.. request (?)

2004-08-11 Thread Paul Mather
On Wed, 11 Aug 2004 19:13:08 +, heikki soerum

> For countless years Linux, windows and several other OS for the Peasants
> has had powermanagement on their ATA drives... And countless times has
> my harddrives on my fileserver suffered the Click of Death Syndrome
> bacause of overheating.. Until an kind soul made an patch to
> atacontrol and the 5.2.1-Release kernel that at least allowed me to
> manually issue an spindown command to my harddrives...
> And lo and behold!, It was even usable on mounted harddrives! Alas,
> setting an cronjob to issue spindown commands isn't that wise, since any
> writing or reading being done when the drives are accessed will freeze
> for 10-20 seconds while the drive spins down and then up again..
> And manually login in as Root to issue the atacontrol sleep command gets
> to be an hasle after an while.
> Now the 5.2-current is working it's way towards 5.3 (hopefully stable)
> I'm getting nervous that the patch hasn't been submitted.. Or wheter
> someone would be kind enough to code an timer that spins an drive down N
> seconds/minutes after the last access to the drive.
> First off all, does anyone else have any demand for such an feature?
> I can't post the patch until it's creator has given his permission.
> Maybe someone else would like to se such an feature inncluded into
> freebsd?
> Or are there someone out there willing to write such an feature?

Have you tried sysutils/ataidle from ports?  Here is the pkg-descr:

ATAidle is a utility to set the power management features
of ata hard drives.  This includes idle and standby timeouts,
APM and acoustic level settings, and it can show details about
the installed devices.

Author: Bruce Cran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
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Re: Replacing Bind8x with Bind9

2004-08-10 Thread Paul Mather
On Mon, 9 Aug 2004 22:36:54 -0700, "Joshua Lewis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> How to I totaly replace Bind8x on my 5.2.1 system?

I run BIND 9 chroot on a 5.2.1-RELEASE-p9 system.  I installed it from
ports (/usr/ports/dns/bind9).

Basically, to replace the base BIND 8 installation, you need to append
the following to your /etc/make.conf:


Then, cd to /usr/ports/dns/bind9 and do a "make install clean" to
install it.  The  PORT_REPLACES_BASE_BIND9 will cause the port
installation to overwrite the base version.  The NO_BIND will prevent
your ports version being overwritten when you next build and install

I don't believe the chroot startup support in /etc/rc.d/named for 5.2.1
works for BIND 9, as it's designed for BIND 8.  Setting up chroot for
BIND 9 is a little more involved (from what I recall) than for BIND 8. 
I do believe there is a small tutorial out there somewhere.  (I ran
across one when I was setting up my BIND 9.)

Of course, you will also need to configure BIND 9.  It is stricter than
BIND 8, and will fail to startup on certain configuration errors that
once were treated as warnings.

> Is there a command to run to replace bind8 durring install?

I don't believe there is.

> Do I need to make changes to my startup files?

Yes---depending on whether you are running chroot or not.  You may also
need to mount a devfs via /etc/fstab to get certain required devices
like /dev/random (again, if you're running chroot).

BIND 9 will be the default in 5.3, due out in early October.



"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
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