Tino Engel schrieb:
Dear all,

I am currently trying to get my mp3-player to work with freebsd.

FreeBSD freebsdangel.de 7.0-BETA3 FreeBSD 7.0-BETA3 #1: Sun Nov 18 15:40:16 CET 2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC i386

When attaching the device to an usb-port I receive an error message as follows:

uhub2: device problem (INVAL), disabling port 6

I slightly recall, that for FAT devices over 512MB some "largefile-option" had to be enabled.
But as far as I have googled, the option is deprecated on 7.0.

It makes no difference running the device in MTP (Microsoft semi-proprietary MediaTransferProtokoll as implemented in libmtp on FreeBSD) or MSC (MassStorageClass -> "external usb-disc mode") mode, the error stay the same.

Common Linux-Test reports say my device is working fine on linux. So it should on FreeBSD I guess.

Has anyone an idea, how to get more detailled input (than I got from dmesg) or how to enable the device.

Best regards, Tino
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Well, I solved the problem myself.
Attaching to another uhub solved the problem (whysoever)

Greez, Tino
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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