On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 15:04:19 -0300
Alejandro Pulver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> How can I use accent keys in X11?
> Thanks and Best Regards,
> Ale

Sorry for replying to my own post but I found
the solution (for English keyboards):

Using non ASCII standard characters under X11

Keyboard Configuration:

Option "XkbLayout" "en_US"


Possible combinations:

Alt + <char>
Shift + Alt + <char>
Shift, Alt + <char>


The Alt to be pressed is the right one.

The string <char> has to be replaced with a key,
with or without Shift.

Alt + <char> means to press and hold the Alt key
and then press <char>.

Shift + Alt + <char> means to press and hold the
Shift key, press and hold the
Alt key, and press <char>.

Shift, Alt + <char> means to press and hold the
Shift key, press and hold the Alt key, release
the Shift key and press <char>.


Some common characters:

á       Shift, Alt + ', <char>
â       Alt + ', <char>
ä       Shift + Alt + ', <char>
à       Shift, Alt + `, <char>
ã       Shift + Alt + `, <char>
ñ       Shift + Alt + `, <char>

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