Re: Apache web server being attacked

2010-05-19 Thread Adam Vande More
On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 6:36 PM, Aiza  wrote:

> Nothing is worse than someone insinuating the original poster don't know
> what they are talking about. I find your remarks totally un-necessary. Your
> telling the poster they don't know what their doing when it's you who don't
> know what options are offered by their register. How can you say something
> is not available when you are not the one using or providing the register
> service. For you information port forwarding is common function when the
> domain name is specified to a dynamic ip address. Check out

No you are wrong.  Matthew is correct.  Perhaps you are confusing URL
forwarding/redirect with port forwarding, but they are completely
different.  Domains on dynamic ip address REQUIRE some method of
intervention to update the DNS record when it changes eg dns/ipcheck.  The
only way a registrar could avoid doing such thing would be if they
controlled address assignment and since registrar and ISP are rarely if ever
the same organization you are forced to use the Internet in Matthew's

As far as URL forwarding goes, there are several different methods to
accomplish it.  The safest way is to simply host the vhost and http 301 it
to the correct place.  Other methods are hackish and may not be able to be
tracked if so desired as well as other limitations.

Adam Vande More
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Re: Apache web server being attacked

2010-05-19 Thread Aiza

Matthew Seaman wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 19/05/2010 04:55:26, Aiza wrote:

I take a totally different approach to this problem for my production
web sites. This is the result of people running scripts that roll
through a large block of ip address scanning each ip address for open
[STANDARD\] ports, and when they find port 80 open, they then attack the
web server. The simple solution is not to have your web server use the
standard port 80. Your web site is not know by it's ip address but by
it's url (ie; My domain name register has option
to associate my "" with any port number I want to use
at the specified ip address. This way my web site has total access by
anyone who knows it's URl, the URL is scanned by yahoo and google
indexing bot and becomes know to the public. Nobody knows or cares that
the web site is not using port 80. I then close inbound port 80 in my
firewall thus locking out all the script kiddies who run the port scan
on standard ports. This method has worked for me the last 10 years
without ever having my production web servers attacked. Sure some nay
sayers will counter by saying all the scanners have to do is scan all
the ports. Yah sure that can be done, but in 10 years it has never

If the URL for your site is then any client
that attempts to access it will try to connect to port 80.  That's the
point of having well known ports.  Now, you can explicitly state a
different port in the URL: but this is
generally only useful amongst a closed group of users: the general
public will on the whole just get confused, so it's not often
encountered on general access websites.

Your domain registrar can't control anything to do with port numbers.
For some unknown reason this is a common misconception, particularly
among management types.  The DNS only associates hostnames with ip
numbers and vice versa[*].  Now, it may be the case that your server is
behind some sort of NAT/PAT gateway or HTTP reverse proxy, and that
locally you are running apache bound to some arbitrary port numbers.
Which is fine, but unless you are specifically telling people to use a
different port in your URLs, then the world at large is accessing your
site through port 80.  Which means that port scanners can certainly find
it and attempt to attack it.  Guess what?  Because the attacks are in
the form of valid HTTP queries, they'd go straight through any sort of
port address translation just like your normal traffic.

What I think you're actually doing is that all your web sites use name
based virtual hosts.  So a query to the IP number of your server gets
directed to a different bit of the apache config (and probably rejected)
compared to a query to a site by name.  That's actually a pretty good
design, and if you combine it with a reverse proxy which knows about
what hosts and URLs should be behind it, you can filter out a lot of bad
traffic very effectively before it gets anywhere near your real web server.



Nothing is worse than someone insinuating the original poster don't know 
what they are talking about. I find your remarks totally un-necessary. 
Your telling the poster they don't know what their doing when it's you 
who don't know what options are offered by their register. How can you 
say something is not available when you are not the one using or 
providing the register service. For you information port forwarding is 
common function when the domain name is specified to a dynamic ip 
address. Check out

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Re: Apache web server being attacked

2010-05-19 Thread Matthew Seaman
Hash: SHA1

On 19/05/2010 04:55:26, Aiza wrote:
> I take a totally different approach to this problem for my production
> web sites. This is the result of people running scripts that roll
> through a large block of ip address scanning each ip address for open
> [STANDARD\] ports, and when they find port 80 open, they then attack the
> web server. The simple solution is not to have your web server use the
> standard port 80. Your web site is not know by it's ip address but by
> it's url (ie; My domain name register has option
> to associate my "" with any port number I want to use
> at the specified ip address. This way my web site has total access by
> anyone who knows it's URl, the URL is scanned by yahoo and google
> indexing bot and becomes know to the public. Nobody knows or cares that
> the web site is not using port 80. I then close inbound port 80 in my
> firewall thus locking out all the script kiddies who run the port scan
> on standard ports. This method has worked for me the last 10 years
> without ever having my production web servers attacked. Sure some nay
> sayers will counter by saying all the scanners have to do is scan all
> the ports. Yah sure that can be done, but in 10 years it has never
> occurred.

If the URL for your site is then any client
that attempts to access it will try to connect to port 80.  That's the
point of having well known ports.  Now, you can explicitly state a
different port in the URL: but this is
generally only useful amongst a closed group of users: the general
public will on the whole just get confused, so it's not often
encountered on general access websites.

Your domain registrar can't control anything to do with port numbers.
For some unknown reason this is a common misconception, particularly
among management types.  The DNS only associates hostnames with ip
numbers and vice versa[*].  Now, it may be the case that your server is
behind some sort of NAT/PAT gateway or HTTP reverse proxy, and that
locally you are running apache bound to some arbitrary port numbers.
Which is fine, but unless you are specifically telling people to use a
different port in your URLs, then the world at large is accessing your
site through port 80.  Which means that port scanners can certainly find
it and attempt to attack it.  Guess what?  Because the attacks are in
the form of valid HTTP queries, they'd go straight through any sort of
port address translation just like your normal traffic.

What I think you're actually doing is that all your web sites use name
based virtual hosts.  So a query to the IP number of your server gets
directed to a different bit of the apache config (and probably rejected)
compared to a query to a site by name.  That's actually a pretty good
design, and if you combine it with a reverse proxy which knows about
what hosts and URLs should be behind it, you can filter out a lot of bad
traffic very effectively before it gets anywhere near your real web server.



[*] I speak loosely.  That's the way it works for the HTTP(S) protocol
used by websites.  For some more recently specified protocols like XMPP
the situation is different.

- -- 
Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   7 Priory Courtyard
  Flat 3
PGP: Ramsgate
  Kent, CT11 9PW
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.14 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Re: Apache web server being attacked

2010-05-18 Thread Matthias Fechner


Am 19.05.10 05:00, schrieb Aiza:
Where do I find documentation on how to enable and use apache mods 
rewrite and redirect?

have you tried the website?
There is a lot of information and examples available:

Also google helps a lot answering this questions or find examples.


"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and 
better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. 
So far, the universe is winning." -- Rich Cook

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Re: Apache web server being attacked

2010-05-18 Thread Aiza

Matthew Seaman wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 18/05/2010 11:00:16, Aiza wrote:

I put apache13 in a jail and left inbound port 80 open in my firewall.
There is no domain name pointing to my web server. The content there is
a small apache web application that fools web
email address harvest programs into harvesting bogus email address from
web page. This is what I am doing.

Since setting this up I have not had any bots scan the site for email
address. But have had port 80 attacks that did not work. MY Apache
access and error logs follow.

[lots of logfile traces elided]

Yes.  Unfortunately this sort of thing is the norm on the web nowadays.
 It's all automated: first they program their botnets to scan for a web
server listening on port 80.  Then they use them to attempt to
compromise whatever they find -- in your case, most of what you're
seeing is an attempt to gather information on what PHP capabilities your
web server might have.

What they are doing is trying in turn a lot of the popular locations for
installing apps like phpmyadmin or phppgadmin.  Yes, they are doing this
in a particularly clueless fashion -- what exactly did you expect of the
sort of people that think creating botnets is a good idea?  They'll
probably grow out of it when they hit puberty.

In the mean time, as you don't have phpmyadmin or anything similar
installed, this is just an annoyance for you -- it clutters up your log
files but does nothing else.

If you did want to install phpmyadmin on that server, you should take
care to

  1) Keep it up to date -- there haven't been any PMA security
advisories for some months, but at one point they were coming out about
one a week.  PMA does have some very active developers though, and new
versions appear every month or two.

  2) Be sure to use access controls in your apache config to limit where
PMA can be accessed from.  Ideally, run it over HTTPS as well -- by its
nature, you will tend to send DB passwords etc. to this application, and
you want to avoid having them snooped.

  3) If you use the on-line phpmyadmin configurator, be sure to clean up
after yourself once you've generated a config file.  To use the on-line
configurator you have to create a directory
/usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin/config which you make read/write by the user
the webserver runs as.  Once you've created the in that
directory, you need to move it up one level in the directory heirarchy,
and then delete the config directory you created. (That's what your
attacker is so desperate to find -- because the directory is read-write
by the webserver process, they can use it to upload malware to your system.)



- -- 

I take a totally different approach to this problem for my production 
web sites. This is the result of people running scripts that roll 
through a large block of ip address scanning each ip address for open 
[STANDARD\] ports, and when they find port 80 open, they then attack the 
web server. The simple solution is not to have your web server use the 
standard port 80. Your web site is not know by it's ip address but by 
it's url (ie; My domain name register has option 
to associate my "" with any port number I want to use 
at the specified ip address. This way my web site has total access by 
anyone who knows it's URl, the URL is scanned by yahoo and google 
indexing bot and becomes know to the public. Nobody knows or cares that 
the web site is not using port 80. I then close inbound port 80 in my 
firewall thus locking out all the script kiddies who run the port scan 
on standard ports. This method has worked for me the last 10 years 
without ever having my production web servers attacked. Sure some nay 
sayers will counter by saying all the scanners have to do is scan all 
the ports. Yah sure that can be done, but in 10 years it has never 

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Re: Apache web server being attacked

2010-05-18 Thread Aiza

Michael Powell wrote:

Aiza wrote:

I put apache13 in a jail and left inbound port 80 open in my firewall.
There is no domain name pointing to my web server. The content there is
a small apache web application that fools web
email address harvest programs into harvesting bogus email address from
web page. This is what I am doing.

Since setting this up I have not had any bots scan the site for email
address. But have had port 80 attacks that did not work. MY Apache
access and error logs follow.

[snip log content] 

As you can see looks like a script kiddy is running something they dont
understand. "/usr/local/www/data//phpmyadmin2/"
there should only be a single / between data/phpmyadmin2.

But beside that looks like php file is a target and
phpmyadmin also is a target. The apache return code 404 means not found
so no effect to me.

Has anyone seen this junk hitting their apache web servers or have any
different explanation of what this means?

Sorry to tell you this, but this kind of thing goes on all the time. You can 
fine tune mod_security for some control for SQL injection techniques, as 
well as many other generic forms of locking down the web server in general. 

Generally speaking, the bulk of this does nothing more than filling the logs 
- BUT - all it takes is for one app to let the attacker "leak" onto your 
hard drive and they're in. I see a lot of scans for roundcube and 
phpMyAdmin. Have also seen a lot of phpBB in the past. 

The attackers spew lots of requests but the needle in the haystack they are 
looking for is that one app that has a known vulnerability. In addition to 
securing the web server itself you should monitor any app running on it for 
reported security flaws and keep them updated to the latest "safe" versions.

You can also add to the hardening of your web server (if Apache) with 
various .htaccess + mod_rewrite tricks. Examples include:

# block all smarty templates (no reason to have these exposed)
RedirectMatch gone ^/.*\.tpl$

# block all .log (log files), .sql (sql dump/export) and .conf (config 
files) files in case some day these files move to another directory

RedirectMatch gone ^.*\.(sql|log|conf)$

# block access to the 'Smarty-*' directory
RedirectMatch gone ^.*Smarty.*$

# block common files present that you don't want served
RedirectMatch gone CHANGELOG.*
RedirectMatch gone COPYRIGHT.*
RedirectMatch gone INSTALL.*
RedirectMatch gone NEW.*
RedirectMatch gone README.*
RedirectMatch gone UPGRADE.*
RedirectMatch gone VERSION.*

# block access to directories
Redirect gone /upgrade
Redirect gone /tmp
Redirect gone /var
Redirect gone /sql

#Redirect pesky stuff based on referrer
Options -MultiViews -Indexes

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /

 RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Twiceler [NC,OR]
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Morfeus [NC,OR]
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Toata [NC]
 RewriteRule .* - [F,L]

There is much and many more, just a couple of examples for ideas. :-)


Where do I find documentation on how to enable and use apache mods 
rewrite and redirect?

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Re: Apache web server being attacked

2010-05-18 Thread Paul Schmehl

--On Tuesday, May 18, 2010 18:00:16 +0800 Aiza  wrote:

Has anyone seen this junk hitting their apache web servers or have any
different explanation of what this means?

Any webserver on the internet will see that crap.  Generally it's preceded by a 
syn scan to identify hosts listening on port 80, then everything but the 
kitchen sink shows up.

Paul Schmehl, Senior Infosec Analyst
As if it wasn't already obvious, my opinions
are my own and not those of my employer.
"It is as useless to argue with those who have
renounced the use of reason as to administer
medication to the dead." Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Apache web server being attacked

2010-05-18 Thread Michael Powell
Aiza wrote:

> I put apache13 in a jail and left inbound port 80 open in my firewall.
> There is no domain name pointing to my web server. The content there is
> a small apache web application that fools web
> email address harvest programs into harvesting bogus email address from
> web page. This is what I am doing.
> Since setting this up I have not had any bots scan the site for email
> address. But have had port 80 attacks that did not work. MY Apache
> access and error logs follow.
[snip log content] 
> As you can see looks like a script kiddy is running something they dont
> understand. "/usr/local/www/data//phpmyadmin2/"
> there should only be a single / between data/phpmyadmin2.
> But beside that looks like php file is a target and
> phpmyadmin also is a target. The apache return code 404 means not found
> so no effect to me.
> Has anyone seen this junk hitting their apache web servers or have any
> different explanation of what this means?

Sorry to tell you this, but this kind of thing goes on all the time. You can 
fine tune mod_security for some control for SQL injection techniques, as 
well as many other generic forms of locking down the web server in general. 

Generally speaking, the bulk of this does nothing more than filling the logs 
- BUT - all it takes is for one app to let the attacker "leak" onto your 
hard drive and they're in. I see a lot of scans for roundcube and 
phpMyAdmin. Have also seen a lot of phpBB in the past. 

The attackers spew lots of requests but the needle in the haystack they are 
looking for is that one app that has a known vulnerability. In addition to 
securing the web server itself you should monitor any app running on it for 
reported security flaws and keep them updated to the latest "safe" versions.

You can also add to the hardening of your web server (if Apache) with 
various .htaccess + mod_rewrite tricks. Examples include:

# block all smarty templates (no reason to have these exposed)
RedirectMatch gone ^/.*\.tpl$

# block all .log (log files), .sql (sql dump/export) and .conf (config 
files) files in case some day these files move to another directory
RedirectMatch gone ^.*\.(sql|log|conf)$

# block access to the 'Smarty-*' directory
RedirectMatch gone ^.*Smarty.*$

# block common files present that you don't want served
RedirectMatch gone CHANGELOG.*
RedirectMatch gone COPYRIGHT.*
RedirectMatch gone INSTALL.*
RedirectMatch gone NEW.*
RedirectMatch gone README.*
RedirectMatch gone UPGRADE.*
RedirectMatch gone VERSION.*

# block access to directories
Redirect gone /upgrade
Redirect gone /tmp
Redirect gone /var
Redirect gone /sql

#Redirect pesky stuff based on referrer
Options -MultiViews -Indexes

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /

 RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Twiceler [NC,OR]
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Morfeus [NC,OR]
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Toata [NC]
 RewriteRule .* - [F,L]

There is much and many more, just a couple of examples for ideas. :-)


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Re: Apache web server being attacked

2010-05-18 Thread Matthew Seaman
Hash: SHA1

On 18/05/2010 11:00:16, Aiza wrote:
> I put apache13 in a jail and left inbound port 80 open in my firewall.
> There is no domain name pointing to my web server. The content there is
> a small apache web application that fools web
> email address harvest programs into harvesting bogus email address from
> web page. This is what I am doing.
> Since setting this up I have not had any bots scan the site for email
> address. But have had port 80 attacks that did not work. MY Apache
> access and error logs follow.

[lots of logfile traces elided]

Yes.  Unfortunately this sort of thing is the norm on the web nowadays.
 It's all automated: first they program their botnets to scan for a web
server listening on port 80.  Then they use them to attempt to
compromise whatever they find -- in your case, most of what you're
seeing is an attempt to gather information on what PHP capabilities your
web server might have.

What they are doing is trying in turn a lot of the popular locations for
installing apps like phpmyadmin or phppgadmin.  Yes, they are doing this
in a particularly clueless fashion -- what exactly did you expect of the
sort of people that think creating botnets is a good idea?  They'll
probably grow out of it when they hit puberty.

In the mean time, as you don't have phpmyadmin or anything similar
installed, this is just an annoyance for you -- it clutters up your log
files but does nothing else.

If you did want to install phpmyadmin on that server, you should take
care to

  1) Keep it up to date -- there haven't been any PMA security
advisories for some months, but at one point they were coming out about
one a week.  PMA does have some very active developers though, and new
versions appear every month or two.

  2) Be sure to use access controls in your apache config to limit where
PMA can be accessed from.  Ideally, run it over HTTPS as well -- by its
nature, you will tend to send DB passwords etc. to this application, and
you want to avoid having them snooped.

  3) If you use the on-line phpmyadmin configurator, be sure to clean up
after yourself once you've generated a config file.  To use the on-line
configurator you have to create a directory
/usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin/config which you make read/write by the user
the webserver runs as.  Once you've created the in that
directory, you need to move it up one level in the directory heirarchy,
and then delete the config directory you created. (That's what your
attacker is so desperate to find -- because the directory is read-write
by the webserver process, they can use it to upload malware to your system.)



- -- 
Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   7 Priory Courtyard
  Flat 3
PGP: Ramsgate
  Kent, CT11 9PW
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.14 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Apache web server being attacked

2010-05-18 Thread Aiza
I put apache13 in a jail and left inbound port 80 open in my firewall. 
There is no domain name pointing to my web server. The content there is 
a small apache web application that fools web
email address harvest programs into harvesting bogus email address from 
web page. This is what I am doing.

Since setting this up I have not had any bots scan the site for email 
address. But have had port 80 attacks that did not work. MY Apache 
access and error logs follow.

access log - - [06/May/2010:12:28:34 +0800] "GET 
//phpmyadmin/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 239 "-" - - [06/May/2010:12:28:35 +0800] "GET 
//phpMyAdmin/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 239 "-" - - [06/May/2010:12:28:36 +0800] "GET 
//PMA/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 232 "-" - - [06/May/2010:12:28:36 +0800] "GET 
//pma/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 232 "-" - - [10/May/2010:16:05:42 +0800] "GET HTTP/1.1" 404 206 "-" - - [11/May/2010:03:50:54 +0800] "GET HTTP/1.1" 404 206 "-" - - [13/May/2010:10:09:08 +0800] "GET 
HTTP/1.1" 404 206 "-" - - [15/May/2010:14:10:28 +0800] "GET 
/ HTTP/1.1" 404 206 "-" "-" - - [15/May/2010:15:07:58 +0800] 
501 - "-" "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:21 +0800] "GET 
//phpmyadmin/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 239 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:21 +0800] "GET 
//phpMyAdmin/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 239 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:22 +0800] "GET 
//PMA/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 232 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:22 +0800] "GET 
//pma/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 232 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:23 +0800] "GET 
//phpmyadmin2/; HTTP/1.1" 404 233 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:23 +0800] "GET 
//phpMyAdmin2/; HTTP/1.1" 404 233 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:23 +0800] "GET 
//mysqladmin/; HTTP/1.1" 404 232 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:24 +0800] "GET 
//myadmin/; HTTP/1.1" 404 229 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:24 +0800] "GET 
//MyAdmin/; HTTP/1.1" 404 229 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:25 +0800] "GET 
//myAdmin/; HTTP/1.1" 404 229 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:25 +0800] "GET 
//phpAdmin/; HTTP/1.1" 404 230 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:26 +0800] "GET 
//mysql/; HTTP/1.1" 404 227 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:26 +0800] "GET 
//phpAdmin/; HTTP/1.1" 404 230 "-" - - [16/May/2010:13:43:05 +0800] "GET HTTP/1.1" 404 215 "-" " - - [17/May/2010:08:38:45 +0800] "GET 
/ HTTP/1.1" 400 335 "-" "-" - - [17/May/2010:11:27:02 +0800] "GET 
/roundcubemail/README HTTP/1.1" 404 226 "-" "Morfeus strikes again." - - [17/May/2010:11:27:03 +0800] "GET /rc/README 
HTTP/1.1" 404 215 "-" "Morfeus strikes again." - - [17/May/2010:11:27:04 +0800] "GET 
/webmail/README HTTP/1.1" 404 220 "-" "Morfeus strikes again." - - [17/May/2010:11:27:05 +0800] "GET 
/roundcube/README HTTP/1.1" 404 222 "-" "Morfeus strikes again." - - [17/May/2010:11:27:05 +0800] "GET /mail/README 
HTTP/1.1" 404 217 "-" "Morfeus strikes again." - - [17/May/2010:11:27:06 +0800] "GET /README 
HTTP/1.1" 404 212 "-" "Morfeus strikes again." - - [17/May/2010:17:52:03 +0800] "GET HTTP/1.1" 404 215 "-" - - 
[18/May/2010:06:35:22 +0800] "GET 
//phpmyadmin/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 239 "-" - - 
[18/May/2010:06:35:23 +0800] "GET 
//pma/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 232 "-" - - 
[18/May/2010:06:35:23 +0800] "GET 
//admin/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 234 "-" - - 
[18/May/2010:06:35:24 +0800] "GET 
//dbadmin/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 236 "-"