Hello...i'm a newbie here. I want to use my Nokia 3105 as a modem to
create PPP connection to my ISP. Please anyone who knows how to setup
that device tell me... thx before

On Linux usually we link the device to something like /dev/modem.
I didn't know anything how to do that on FreeBSD. I'm using FreeBSD 6.1
with KDE 3.5.

Message log from 'dmesg':
ugen0: Prolific Technology Inc. USB-Serial Controller C, rev 1.10/3.00, addr 2

When CA-42 recognized, the ugen0 device is appear like these:
# ls /dev
acd0            ctty            lpt0            stderr          ttyv8
acd0t01         cuad0           lpt0.ctl        stdin           ttyv9
acd1            cuad0.init      mdctl           stdout          ttyva
acpi            cuad0.lock      mem             sysmouse        ttyvb
ad0             cuad1           net             ttyd0           ttyvc
ad0s1           cuad1.init      net1            ttyd0.init      ttyvd
ad0s2           cuad1.lock      net2            ttyd0.lock      ttyve
ad0s3           devctl          net3            ttyd1           ttyvf
ad0s3a          devstat         net4            ttyd1.init      tun0
ad0s3b          fd              network         ttyd1.lock      ugen0
ad0s3c          fd0             nfs4            ttyp0           ugen0.1
ad0s5           fido            nfslock         ttyp1           ugen0.2
ad0s6           geom.ctl        null            ttyv0           ugen0.3
agpgart         io              pci             ttyv1           urandom
apm             kbd0            ppi0            ttyv2           usb
ata             kbd1            psm0            ttyv3           usb0
atkbd0          kbdmux0         ptyp0           ttyv4           usb1
bpsm0           klog            ptyp1           ttyv5           usb2
console         kmem            random          ttyv6           xpt0
consolectl      log             sndstat         ttyv7           zero

Most people I saw prefer commandline PPP to make connection, but
as a newbie I prefer using KPPP.

I was confused because the device onlye available are /dev/cuad0 to
/dev/cuad4 on my KPPP. Then please someone help me solve my problem..

Thanks b4 for your attention :)

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