Note: this should go on questions@, please follow up there.

On Sun, 30 Nov 2003 14:07:53 +0100
Laurent Demaret <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Le dimanche, 30 nov 2003, à 12:23 Europe/Paris, Dev Tugnait a écrit :
> > its not quiet we are alive and kicking :)
> Good, let's see if you can kick me out from my mess ;-/
> My basic purpose is to give my children a so much nice place on their 
> pc than my one on my mac.
> Instead of their win98 ..
> So  I rode lots of docs about freebsd (specialy handbook, faq, 
> beginners), downloaded iso images of the 5.1release and started the 
> install from cd.
> Everythings were almost nice the first time (with learning, reading, 
> understanding behind) so far I tried to add wheel mouse to my 
> configuration.
> It was a bad idea because the next time I started freebsd my rc.conf 
> had a bad character (eof instead of backquote or whatever) on the 1456 
> th line (of a 1455 lines file). 

?? 1455 lines - just curios - what did you put in there ?
my desktop:
it# wc -l /etc/rc.conf
      21 /etc/rc.conf

my router:
buh# wc -l /etc/rc.conf
      32 /etc/rc.conf

> Maybee because I made change with 
> abiword ...
> Before that time I had been able to set up a good configuration for my 
> ps2 mouse and it worked fine inside kde and even in console mode.
> Unable to make a new rc.conf from the bad one I made a new install of 
> freebsd but probably not the good one as my kde taskbar don't have 
> anymore direct to shell button. (I will have a look at that later).

Alt+F2 --> konsole --> OK

> The main trouble I have now is to stop stupid behavior of my mouse : as 
> soon I move it too fast or move a couple pixels to left it refuges 
> itself on left edge of the screen. Tried to control that from kde but 
> did not get any amelioration. Kde mouse is set to sysmouse so I would 
> like to get a correct mouse behavior from sysinstall test mouse dialog.
> The best thing I can get now is with Microsoft IntelliMouse but pointer 
> still go as quick as possible to left side of the screen, whichever 
> protocol I use.
> I tried many ways to come back the first time I setted, tried to 
> remember the good words to ask google but at least get exausted : how 
> to configure freebsd mouse focus (to the macos one) in console mode ?
> "auto" give me the worse : each move of the mouse act as accept (or 
> refuse ?) sysinstall dialog "Is the mouse cursor moving"

Please send the output of:
it# dmesg | grep ps2
it# cat /var/run/dmesg.boot | grep psm

man moused will give you some hints.
-d      Enable debugging messages.

-f      Do not become a daemon and instead run as a foreground process. 
           Useful for testing and debugging.

-i info  Print specified information and quit.

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