Re: Horrible installer (was: Re: FreeBSD 9)

2012-01-23 Thread gore
On Monday 23 January 2012 12:17:33 pm Mark Felder wrote:
> I've recently been presented with new information: namely that RC3
> had sysinstall as an option (I did not know this, and I've been
> reading the lists) and that it was taken away for -RELEASE even
> though it was agreed upon that would not happen for 9.x.
> I'll crawl under this rock now.

Instead of crawling under a Rock, how about everyone here, ALL of the 
people I've seen in this thread trashing each other; ALL of you, just 
take 60 seconds, take a DEEP breath, and realize we ARE a Community, 
which is a lot like a family in some ways. That means we aren't always 
going to agree with each other, and that we may even want to punch one 
another in the head from time to time, but, at the least, can all of 
you who ARE getting pissed off like that, at LEAST be respectfulof one 

God, it's like being on an Ubuntu mailing list with this thread and I 
WILL NOT stand for that! If I wanted to use shoddy shitty software that 
some asshole Billionaire ripped off from another OS I'd go buy Windows 
and pretend I was being bent over.

I don't personally care if everyone here gets along or anything, but I 
DO care when you start insulting each other over OPINIONS. I'm not 
going to say that stupid cliche about how everyone has one, because I 
think it's cheezy, but damn it this is FreeBSD! The most Stable OS on 
Earth. (If you take into account that you don't need a 40 millon dollar 
cluster to run it and all that).

I've been watching this thread from the start, and I've replied to a few 
posts myself, but it's like, seriously? You have to insult EVERY person 
you don't agree with?

I don't have an issue with insulting morons. I'd make it a sport if I 
could and I LOVE being a condescending jerk sometimes. But, on a list 
such as this, it's making us ALL look bad!

So, to all of you taking part in this thread; Can we turn the bashing 
off for a while? We're FreeBSD users, and I sort of expect... No, I 
EXPECT that we all can act professional!

So, PLEASE, if you have an issue with someone on here, and you want to 
bash them for it... Why not just reply to their email address instead 
of the list itself? work it out! Man up! If your pooter hurts; the 
Vagisil is in the same isle as the Depends. Suck it up!

(Yes, I'm trying to add humor I'm one of those people who can't deal 
with certain high stress situations so I try and crack jokes and stuff. 
But yea, I'm a playful person right now because the Oxy kicked in, but 
yea, can we not bash each other over opinions?).

Anyway, I fully understand BOTH sides of what everyone is saying. I 
really do for the most part. I know that bsdinstall has it's issues, 
but don't you think that the FreeBSD team is watching this? You know 
they WILL get it going and fix it up, so just be professional. 

Make a list of EVERYTHING that EVERYONE doesn't like about bsdinstall, 
and get the list to the right people who can do something about it. I 
mean come on You HAVE the source Write something better, or, at 
least, get the stuff that bugs you to the people in charge. It will be 

I've been working with BSD since 4.0, do you really think this is the 
first time something happened where people were upset? Jeez guys 
They'll work it out and we'll be fine, OK?


BSD user
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Re: Horrible installer (was: Re: FreeBSD 9)

2012-01-23 Thread gore
On Monday 23 January 2012 05:18:01 pm B. Kyle Adkins wrote:
> I'm very new to FreeBSD but it seems to me that the installer is
> pretty much ok.   My only wish is that there might be a little more
> info upfront somewhere, preferably in the installer somewhere, about
> setting up for a dual boot.   I couldn't find in the handbook, (that
> may be my fault, don't know, but i finally googled the info i needed,
> after thinking that I had inadvertently committed my Windows slice
> into the abyss.  maybe that was a good thing, but

Heh, I remember back in the day when I FIRST got to use FreeBSD for the 
very first time; I bought the BSD PowerPak, complete with FreeBSD 4.0, 
the 4 CD-ROM set, and a 6 CD toolkit, and "The Complete FreeBSD" book 
3rd edition,  Which is one of the best books ever written on BSD, or 
any OS period. Back then, I was running my Computer, it had Windows 98 
SE, dual booting with a Linux distro (I used a few and formatted a lot 
to try new things so it could have been any of them) and then I decided 
to tri-boot Windows 98 SE, Linux, and FreeBSD...

To put it mildly; The BSD installer overwrote my MBR even though I said 
not to, and wouldn't boot Windows. So it only booted Linux and FreeBSD.

I was TOTALLY new to Computers in general still, but even back then, I 
knew I'd stumbled upon something special. I've also had installs go bad 
and I couldn't boot Windows anymore either, so I know how you feel.

Right now, My Wife and I have 11 computers, and all of mine are running 
some form of BSD (ONLY FreeBSD and PC-BSD, which is FreeBSD with a 
pretty pain job and some custom apps that I like) and then a Slackware 
12.0 FTP Server which is just my first Computer I ever bought because 
it still works, and then, I have my main desktop dual booting Windows 7 
and Slackware as well. Every other machine is now running some form of 
FreeBSD. I like that. BSD has come a long way in terms of desktop 
usability over the years. I mean you could use FreeBSD as a Desktop or 
Workstation easily, but it COULD be a little but of a pain in the butt 
now and then for that, as it really is aimed at Servers. These days; 
It's much easier I think. And I LOVE FreeBSD. I have downloaded and 
tried out NetBSD but I didn't ever like it. I refuse to try OpenBSD, 
because I hate that damned talking turnip Theo, and, if anyone 
remembers "unixpunx" back in the day, I still have the Live CD they 
made based on FreeBSD :)

> IMO though, the installer should be as lightweight and spare as
> possible, that is, if the engineering dudes are writing it.  I would
> rather see them doing their fantastic work on the OS, not on the
> installer anyway.   Seems to me that a full-featured GUI installer
> would be a good project for the community?  

Actually, you could try out PC-BSD :) I'm installing 9.0 on my Laptop 
right now. I predict in the near future, with the rate at which PC-BSD 
is going, it's going to become MAJOR MAJOR COMPETITION to Linux, and 
even the Idiotic Ubuntu. I don't like Ubuntu... I do like Slackware and 
SUSE, but Ubuntu just. I like Debian, and it's retarded cousin 
Ubuntu is NOT for me. I use the installation media I have for it, for 
the SAME purpose I use my Windows NT and Windows Server 2003 Enterprise 
Edition CDs; Coffee Coasters.

> from my point of view, I would rather learn how to do this by hand,
> because then i would come out learning a lot more, and  knowing more
> about my own system.   Probably be next on my agenda.

I personally would like to learn that part too. However, I don't think 
it should EVER be a requirement. I mean, when it comes down to it, I 
think we could all admit, FreeBSD is the most popular BSD because it 
was the first one to actually try and get something out there that was 
installable without being a guru. NetBSD and OpenBSD are barely 
catching up, and I don't care; FreeBSD and PC-BSD, are becoming very 
quickly my main OSs these days. I used to use SUSE Debian and Slackware 
for most of my stuff, but anymore, I don't. BSD has, FINALLY, got 
something called "PC-BSD" where I can use the stability of FreeBSD, 
but, with then fast and easy set up of something like RedHat. I hate 
RedHat so I'm VERY happy Pc-BSD has come along so far. I've got 
versions of it going back pretty far heh. I actually have a CD / DVD 
case that is dedicated JUST to BSD. and it's LOADED. FreeBSD going back 
to 4.0, and other BSD stuff I have. All in there. And For 
Christmas, I got a new FreeBSD tee, hoody, and a FreeBSD CD/DVD Case. I 
LOVE it. I also got stickers and stuff, and ANOTHER FreeBSD PC Case 
thingy, and I love it.

> since this is my first contact with the community, I would like to
> thank the development folks properly for the awesome work that they
> do, and to those who contribute to this list.

If you want to thank them properly, I'd HIGHLY recommend buying some of 
the books! Look into "The FreeBSD Mall" and on the left hand side, 
you'll see a section called "

Re: Horrible installer (was: Re: FreeBSD 9)

2012-01-23 Thread B. Kyle Adkins
I'm very new to FreeBSD but it seems to me that the installer is pretty much 
ok.   My only wish is that there might be a little more info upfront somewhere, 
preferably in the installer somewhere, about setting up for a dual boot.   I 
couldn't find in the handbook, (that may be my fault, don't know, but i finally 
googled the info i needed, after thinking that I had inadvertently committed my 
Windows slice into the abyss.  maybe that was a good thing, but  

IMO though, the installer should be as lightweight and spare as possible, that 
is, if the engineering dudes are writing it.  I would rather see them doing 
their fantastic work on the OS, not on the installer anyway.   Seems to me that 
a full-featured GUI installer would be a good project for the community?  (ok, 
yeah they could have left sysinstall alone, but so what???)  If you had to 
depend on sysinstall on a daily basis, i could see having issues with the 
change, but then again, if you are using it that often a custom install 
scriptsomething... would be better anyway.

from my point of view, I would rather learn how to do this by hand, because 
then i would come out learning a lot more, and  knowing more about my own 
system.   Probably be next on my agenda.

since this is my first contact with the community, I would like to thank the 
development folks properly for the awesome work that they do, and to those who 
contribute to this list.

Kyle Adkins
Sent from my iPad

On Jan 23, 2012, at 9:27 AM, Mark Felder  wrote:

> All of these complaints can go directly to /dev/null
> Just as you don't get to express your opinion about the government if you 
> don't vote, you don't get to express your opinion about -RELEASE changes when 
> you didn't run the STABLE/RC/BETAs. You had your chance to help improve 
> FreeBSD for everyone, assuming your concerns really are valid and 
> far-reaching. You opted out. No longer the core team's problem.
> ___
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Re: Horrible installer (was: Re: FreeBSD 9)

2012-01-23 Thread Jerry McAllister
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 09:52:17AM -0600, Mark Felder wrote:

> On Mon, 23 Jan 2012 09:40:42 -0600,  wrote:
> >On Mon, 23 Jan 2012 08:27:32 -0600
> >Mark Felder articulated:
> >
> >>Just as you don't get to express your opinion about the government if
> >>you don't vote,
> >
> >Excuse me, but are you just trying to look naive?
> >
> The wording wasn't exactly as clear as it should have been, and I don't  
> feel like seeing this thread degrade into politics and conspiracy  
> theories. I should have known better.
> To clarify:
> Don't complain about major changes in -RELEASE if you refused to  
> participate in the release process.  (and bsdinstaller was HIGHLY  
> publicized for a solid year before 9.0-RELEASE.)

I understand the theory, but in reality, not everyone has the 
resources to frequently try out CURRENT or even STABLE as  
sort of Beta tests.   It is good for those who can.

In spite of that, it is good - a part of the development process - 
that people do post their complaints and concerns.  Of course, the
sendpr process is the canonical method, but really, many of these
comments need some discussion before they are ready for prime time -
eg to be posted by sendpr.   Frankly, many of the comments are rather
half baked and many are really just personal preferences that are
not actually technical failings.

That does not make them unvaluable.  It ends up being sort of an 
Email BOF session like one might get into in a FreeBSD or USENIX
conference.  That hashing out is where many new ideas and features
start and get vetted and may eventually get worked on by people able 
to do it.

The one failing I frequently see in the complaint posts and the
responses by other complainers is too frequently a lack of civility
and respect for people who are doing the work of creating and 
maintaining this system and for those who are making complaints 
and stating personal preferences (true on other similar lists such 
as CentOS, etc too).   It is not necessary or helpful to ascribe all 
sorts of negative attributes and motives to those doing the work or 
to those making comments and complaints.   Just state your bit, then 
shut your digital mouth.

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Re: Horrible installer (was: Re: FreeBSD 9)

2012-01-23 Thread Chad Perrin
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 07:25:03PM +0100, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
> And IMHO sysinstall should not exist, while good documentation about
> installing BY HAND should be there.

I agree with the part of that sentence following the comma.  That is all.

> Someone that cannot install it him/herself will not be able to ever
> manage it after so why waste time.
> Do not forget that FreeBSD is for unix users, contrary to linux
> which is for windoze haters.
> Again i propose removing sysinstall altogether.

Automation is good, provided it does not eliminate useful options and
flexibility.  You seem unaware of this fact in the general case, for some

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]
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RE: Horrible installer (was: Re: FreeBSD 9)

2012-01-23 Thread Devin Teske

> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:owner-freebsd-
>] On Behalf Of Wojciech Puchar
> Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 10:25 AM
> To: Damien Fleuriot
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Horrible installer (was: Re: FreeBSD 9)
> >> Allan
> ___
> >
> >
> > Erm, you have to realize the new installer was discussed at length here,
> > when 9.0 was still under development/beta/prerelease.
> >
> >
> > Alternatively, you could do like me and install entirely by hand:
> >
> > - boot an MFSBSD image (thanks mm@ )
> > - partition your disks from there (see for a rough
> > sketch on how to use gpart)
> > - fetch the 9.0 archives in .txz (tar.xz) format
> > - unpack archives with xz -d
> > - untar archived to the mountpoint with your new filesystems (eg: tar xf
> > base.tar -C /mnt)
> > - customize configuration files (rc.conf, fstab, root's password or SSH
> > key, sshd_config to allow root login temporarily)
> and almost like me installing previous release (FreeBSD 8) everywhere.
> i just made once bootable pendrive with system, lots of tools and
> whole system as .tar.gz files (made my own compiling from cvs)
> actually i add
> to make.conf so i don't build it at all.
> And IMHO sysinstall should not exist, while good documentation about
> installing BY HAND should be there.
> Someone that cannot install it him/herself will not be able to ever manage
> it after so why waste time.


For example, field engineers which may not be expected to know how to manage
FreeBSD _ARE_ expected to know how to install it. A manual install process is
more prone to errors than one that is guided by something/anything.

> Do not forget that FreeBSD is for unix users,

Not all "users" are people. A corporation can be considered a "unix user" which
changes the perspective quite a bit.

> contrary to linux which is
> for windoze haters.
> Again i propose removing sysinstall altogether.

And you'll have your wish... over time! The community has agreed to phase out
sysinstall(8) gradually over the next 2 or three releases (producing either a
10.0 or 11.0 that is free of sysinstall depending on how things progress with
respect to replacement utilities such as bsdinstall and the proposed bsdconfig).

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Re: Horrible installer (was: Re: FreeBSD 9)

2012-01-23 Thread Wojciech Puchar


Erm, you have to realize the new installer was discussed at length here,
when 9.0 was still under development/beta/prerelease.

Alternatively, you could do like me and install entirely by hand:

- boot an MFSBSD image (thanks mm@ )
- partition your disks from there (see for a rough
sketch on how to use gpart)
- fetch the 9.0 archives in .txz (tar.xz) format
- unpack archives with xz -d
- untar archived to the mountpoint with your new filesystems (eg: tar xf
base.tar -C /mnt)
- customize configuration files (rc.conf, fstab, root's password or SSH
key, sshd_config to allow root login temporarily)

and almost like me installing previous release (FreeBSD 8) everywhere.

i just made once bootable pendrive with system, lots of tools and
whole system as .tar.gz files (made my own compiling from cvs)

actually i add

to make.conf so i don't build it at all.

And IMHO sysinstall should not exist, while good documentation about 
installing BY HAND should be there.

Someone that cannot install it him/herself will not be able to ever manage 
it after so why waste time.

Do not forget that FreeBSD is for unix users, contrary to linux which is 
for windoze haters.

Again i propose removing sysinstall altogether.
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Re: Horrible installer (was: Re: FreeBSD 9)

2012-01-23 Thread Mark Felder
I've recently been presented with new information: namely that RC3 had  
sysinstall as an option (I did not know this, and I've been reading the  
lists) and that it was taken away for -RELEASE even though it was agreed  
upon that would not happen for 9.x.

I'll crawl under this rock now.
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Re: Horrible installer (was: Re: FreeBSD 9)

2012-01-23 Thread Mark Felder

On Mon, 23 Jan 2012 09:40:42 -0600,  wrote:

On Mon, 23 Jan 2012 08:27:32 -0600
Mark Felder articulated:

Just as you don't get to express your opinion about the government if
you don't vote,

Excuse me, but are you just trying to look naive?

The wording wasn't exactly as clear as it should have been, and I don't  
feel like seeing this thread degrade into politics and conspiracy  
theories. I should have known better.

To clarify:

Don't complain about major changes in -RELEASE if you refused to  
participate in the release process.  (and bsdinstaller was HIGHLY  
publicized for a solid year before 9.0-RELEASE.)

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Re: Horrible installer (was: Re: FreeBSD 9)

2012-01-23 Thread Jerry
On Mon, 23 Jan 2012 08:27:32 -0600
Mark Felder articulated:

> Just as you don't get to express your opinion about the government if
> you don't vote,

Excuse me, but are you just trying to look naive?

Jerry ♔

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Re: Horrible installer (was: Re: FreeBSD 9)

2012-01-23 Thread Mark Felder

All of these complaints can go directly to /dev/null

Just as you don't get to express your opinion about the government if you  
don't vote, you don't get to express your opinion about -RELEASE changes  
when you didn't run the STABLE/RC/BETAs. You had your chance to help  
improve FreeBSD for everyone, assuming your concerns really are valid and  
far-reaching. You opted out. No longer the core team's problem.

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Horrible installer (was: Re: FreeBSD 9)

2012-01-19 Thread Damien Fleuriot

On 1/19/12 3:25 AM, Allan McKinnon wrote:
> I finally got to install FreeBSD 9 onto my computer and noticed that the 
> installer is now different.  It seems to me that it forces you into doing 
> extra steps that I was comfortable doing on my own.  I really enjoyed the old 
> installer because then I had complete control over how I tweaked my computer 
> during and after the install.  I am surprised that there is no gui present 
> while installing FreeBSD because it feels more like Ubuntu or a windows 
> install (somewhat).  Please, please, please take this nightmare away and 
> bring the beloved installer that was before FreeBSD 9.
> Thank you for listening.
> Allan   
> ___

Erm, you have to realize the new installer was discussed at length here,
when 9.0 was still under development/beta/prerelease.

Then would have been the best time to voice your frustration over the
new scheme.

Alternatively, you could do like me and install entirely by hand:

- boot an MFSBSD image (thanks mm@ )
- partition your disks from there (see for a rough
sketch on how to use gpart)
- fetch the 9.0 archives in .txz (tar.xz) format
- unpack archives with xz -d
- untar archived to the mountpoint with your new filesystems (eg: tar xf
base.tar -C /mnt)
- customize configuration files (rc.conf, fstab, root's password or SSH
key, sshd_config to allow root login temporarily)

And then most of all, profit ;)

I've been doing installs this way first with 8.x (using the install
scripts on the CDROM) then now with 9.x unpacking the .txz archives.

I'm quite happy with it, the process is simple enough to document and
reproduce, and offers suitable customization options.

We've developed a tiny web interface here that lets us customize the
size, type and label of our GPT partitions, hostname, IP address, root
password and SSH accounts/keys to deploy on such newly installed machines.
The interface spits the whole wall of commands to paste once logged in
to the MFSBSD image to install the new OS and configure it.

Works like a charm really.
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