I've installed the py-ldap from the ports doing the "make install clean" dance. 
Everything seemed to proceed smoothly. However, when I fired up my python 
interpreter and entered "import ldap" it didn't recognize the module. So 
something went wrong and I don't know what :( I did get this from the 
installation. Is it a problem? 

===>   Registering installation for py24-ldap2-2.2.0
cyrus-sasl-2.1.22: "/usr/ports/1" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete
openldap-sasl-client-2.3.27: "/usr/ports/1" non-existent -- dependency list 
py24-ldap2-2.2.0: "/usr/ports/1" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete

If not, what is the problem?
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