In October 2007 I have established contact with QLogic, to investigate
whether they could help us in making iSCSI HBAs work in OpenBSD by
donating some hardware and by providing free programming documentation.

Unfortunately, Qlogic has chosen to be difficult. This means, I am
forced to make this private communication public to show our user base
the truth about how I and all OpenBSD people have been led along and
lied to by QLogic. Now it's up to us (=you) to show that we won't put up
with that.

This is the original email conversation between me and QLogic, mainly
Pompey S. Nagra, product manager iSCSI HBAs:

After you have read this page, please send an email to the following
people, cite this conversation and request (politely) shipping of the
promised hardware. Do not cite any developer names, QLogic very well
knows who we are and where they should ship the HBAs to (but do cite my
name and the link to the converstation):

Pompey S. Nagra : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please make this issue as public as possible. It would be nice to also
have it on undeadly and other media.


 Stephan A. Rickauer

 Institute of Neuroinformatics         Tel  +41 44 635 30 50
 University / ETH Zurich               Sec  +41 44 635 30 52
 Winterthurerstrasse 190               Fax  +41 44 635 30 53
 CH-8057 Zurich                        Web

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