> Hi,
>   I have followed the install from freebsd.qmailrocks.org, 
> and everything appears to be going OK, I'm almost done with 
> the guy's walk-thru...but I found something of interest on 
> the qmail.org website - patches to do smtp-auth so I can have 
> my clients be able to 'roam' while being able to send email 
> through my SMTP gateway out.  There are a bunch of links 
> there to "patches", for SMTP-AUTH...but I have very little 
> idea about how to implement them?
>   Can someone who's done it before throw me a clue?
> Here's what I'd like to get working: 
> http://students.imsa.edu/~ngroot/qmail-1.03-starttls-smtp-auth
Is there something better?

I was thinking about using that very patch, just haven't gotten around to
trying it out.  So, if you are gunna try this out, do not use a live system
for testing.

As per the instructions included within the patch:

+How to install it:
+Simply patch your qmail-1.03 distribution with the included patch
+file and recompile & install like usual.
+The steps to do this are as follows (assuming your virgin
+qmail-1.03 install is in "../qmail-1.03"):
+  cp README.auth base64.c base64.h ../qmail-1.03
+  patch -d ../qmail-1.03 < auth.patch
+Install qmail normally, with the exception of the new arguments
+to qmail-smtpd described elsewhere in this file.
+Also obtain, unpack, compile and install the cmd5checkpw utility
+(or some other checkpassword utility) and add a sample account to
+/etc/poppasswd file.  This file must be readable by the qmail-smtpd
+user, usually qmaild.

So, I am guessing that means you do this:

#cd /usr/ports/mail/qmail
#make patch
#cd work/qmail-1.03
#fetch http://students.imsa.edu/~ngroot/qmail-1.03-starttls-smtp-auth.patch
#patch -d ../qmail-1.03 < qmail-1.03-starttls-smtp-auth.patch
#cd /usr/ports/mail/qmail
(make sure qmail is not running)
#make install

After that you will need to modify /var/qmail/rc to accommodate the
qmail-smtpd startup changes.  Please let us (or atleast me) know how it
works.  I am interested in doing this as well as soon as I have some free

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