I am in the process of upgrading an existing, stable Ruby on Rails application from Rails 1.2 to 2.0. It's hosted on an AMD64 FreeBSD 6.2 server. Immediately after the first deployment, even very simple calls into ActiveRecord trap with an "illegal instruction" signal. Googling and looking in the archives point to a stack overflow as a likely culprit, possibly related to the need to always link Ruby with libpthreads and a small per-thread stack size.

First, is anyone else running 6.2 in production with a Rails 2.0 application and have you seen this behavior? Is this problem likely fixed if I upgrade the server to 6.3 or 7.0? (I would rather put this off if possible, but I'm exploring all options here.)

Second, is there a way to increase the stack size without modifying the code? I'm considering building the port without pthreads (by hacking the Makefile). I don't think I call into any libraries that need pthreads now, but it'd be a nasty surprise later if I end up wanting to, so it's not my favorite choice.

Steve Madsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Light Year Software, LLC  http://lightyearsoftware.com
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