Building 6.3-RELEASE on dual Xeon boxes, SMP kernel builds fine, all 4 CPUs launch on reboot.

        options         SMP
        device          apic

But I get a TON of interrupts from acpi0 -- about 68,000 per second according to vmstat -i. With system at idle with almost no services running, here is output of top -S:

last pid:  1026;  load averages:  0.94,  0.96,  0.91
63 processes:  6 running, 42 sleeping, 15 waiting
CPU states: 0.0% user, 0.0% nice, 0.0% system, 45.3% interrupt, 54.7% idle
Mem: 9296K Active, 13M Inact, 28M Wired, 16K Cache, 17M Buf, 3843M Free
Swap: 4096M Total, 4096M Free

PID USERNAME THR PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE C TIME WCPU COMMAND 13 root 1 171 52 0K 8K RUN 0 42:54 99.02% idle: cpu0 21 root 1 -52 -171 0K 8K CPU2 2 32:26 85.25% irq9: acpi0 11 root 1 171 52 0K 8K RUN 2 10:33 12.74% idle: cpu2

Notice high load (0.94, often higher) and 45% interrupt.

If turn off ACPI (set hint.apic.0.disabled=1 in loader.conf), the interrupt 'storm' ceases, but then I'm only running on one CPU.

Help? -- John
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