I'm seeing the same type of behaviour on my computer. It's a 9.1-RELEASE with 
xfce as desktop environment. I usually ssh to a remote server and do port 
upgrades. I leave the terminal on it's own desktop and upon returning it's 
frozen. I can't get it to react on keyboard input. I close the terminal window 
and reconnect to solve this. 

-------- Originalmeddelande --------
Från: David Noel <david.i.n...@gmail.com> 
Till: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org 
Rubrik: Strange console behavior - hangs every few minutes until a key is 
I'm experiencing something odd from a few new servers I've been
setting up today. I'll do something at the console that takes some
amount of time and produces lots of output such as fetching the ports
tree, svn updating /usr/src/, or building world, and the console will
hang. The console ceases to produce any additional output until a key
is pressed. It doesn't seem to be the case that program execution is
affected, the source tree continues to checkout, for example, but the
console is 'frozen' and produces no additional output. Has anyone run
into this before? Any thoughts as to what's going wrong or how to fix
this? I'm running 8.2 and am in the process of updating to 8.3
(buildworld is running at the moment on several of them at the moment,
with these hiccups every few minutes.. it's very odd).
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