
As a regular user, I have a cron job; 'crontab -l' says:


# run at bootup and then every 5 minutes
@reboot     $HOME/bin/ssh_tunnel
*/5 * * * * $HOME/bin/ssh_tunnel

The ssh_tunnel is an sh-script, which checks whether a particular
ssh-tunnel still exists, and if not regenerates it, as follows:

  #---------------- ssh_tunnel script ---------
  tunnel="-L 55110:localhost:110 pop3.univ.net"
  tunnel_up=`pgrep -f -- "${tunnel}"`
  [ "${tunnel_up}" = "" ] && /usr/bin/ssh -N -f ${tunnel}

It works beautifully, but why does this also generate one zombie process: USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TT STAT STARTED TIME COMMAND rob 655 0.0 0.0 0 0 ?? Z Sat02PM 0:00.01 <defunct>

The "STARTED" time, is when the PC rebooted last time.

When I remove the cronjob and reboot, the zombie process is not
created anymore. Any idea what's the problem here?


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