Predrag Punosevac wrote:
I was wondering if anybody encountered any problems with i810 video driver on 7.0Beta15 current. Namely I did yesterday a fresh installation of an older Pentium III machine and was unable to get X going. I got Xorg as pkg_add -r by the way and the rest of the system was installed from ISO image.
Yes, I did have

Section "ServerFlags"
         Option "IgnoreAbi" "on"

I looked carefully and the listed video driver was i810. I did not manually compile that driver as I thought that was included into XOrg( at least on two other new computers I use i810 driver and it was included into XOrg). I tried though to load it manually into kernel by editing load.conf file. Sorry I am not enclosing log file as I wiped installation. It was very late last night and I thought it will take me half an hour to get things working. I end up spending
3 hours.

Then I tried PC-BSD 1.4 which is 6.2 stable from July and everything went without a hitch. I checked xorg.conf and I saw that the listed driver is Xf86-video-intel-2.1.1

Should I try to install Xf86-video-intel-2.1.1 and then just try to hand configure xorg.conf file.

I did notice some discussion yesterday about i810 but I thought it was relevant just for upgrading not for
the new installation.

Any input or suggestion will be appreciated.

Predrag Punosevac

I solved the problem after careful examination of .log file.
The default color depth of the xorg.conf file is 32 which is unsupported by i810 driver according to xorg message. Setting up DefaultDepth 16 in the section "Screen" will take care of the problem. Changing syn vertical and horizontal syn rates is not enough.

Old DeLL dimension with FreeBSD 7.0 beta 1.5 looks to me like new:-)

I thank to all of you who tried to help me out.
Predrag Punosevac

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