Hi ,

I have this question which need some comment/help on:

== the setup ==
I have 2 freebsd servers with several jails running on it. Each server
have several jails thats either listening on publicly accessible IP or
listening on a loopback/private IP. The two servers are connected
together using vpn with routing that allows ServerA to connect to
private jails in ServerB and vice versa.

- JailA(
- JailB(
- JailC(

- JailA(
- JailB(
- JailC(

== the issue ==

under the current config,
ServerA can connect to all private jails in ServerB through
vpn+routing and vice versa.
Private jails in ServerA can connect to public jails in ServerB
through NAT and vice versa.

However, I cant figure out how to allow public jails in ServerA to
connect to private jails in ServerB.

Anybody have idea on how to implement it?


Mohd Izhar Firdaus Bin Ismail
Amano Hikaru  天野晃 「あまの ひかる」
92C2 B295 B40B B3DC 6866  5011 5BD2 584A 8A5D 7331
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