Hi everyone, first let me say that I'm pretty new to bsd, so please forgive
the newbie questions; I've been using linux (redhat, suse, centos) for many
years, and so learning bsd was a bit of a learning curve, but not bad (I
almost never use gui's for administration); I was wondering if there are any
packagement tools for freebsd/pcbsd that offer simular functionality to
up2date or yum; I take care of installing and updating complete rpm based
systems using yum, and have not found a tool simular to yum for freebds (I'm
also trying to stay away from pbi's, since they are specific to pcbsd); I've
used the pkg_add, pkg_delete, portupgrade tools, but am just looking for an
easy way to ensure my entire bsd box is updated; Also, as I understand it,
bsd makes use of ports, by using tools such as cvsup, however I have never
had much success compiling my own software, as such much prefer to use
binary packages, which I understand that the freebsd authors provide; for
example, if I wanted to install pine, I would much rather install it by
running pkg_add -r pine ; I'm just looking for a simple way to update
currently installed binaries, simular to installing new binaries with
pkg_add ; thanks very much for your help with this.

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