
I am Daniel and I am currently a volunteer for a not for profit charity called PC's For Kids which provides an educational assistance program for the less fortunate. The charity website is www.pcsforkids.com.au

The charity currently contains 2 sites which are the main charity site and a shop front site. The shop front tries to make enough income to support the charity and cover daily operating costs.

Currently I am looking at a 256k ADSL connection which will be installed at the main charity site and a 56K modem will be installed so the shop front will be dialing in to the main site to provide internet access.

What i need to know is how easy would it be to set up FreeBSD as a server to proved both the connection to the internet, internet to lan users as well as being a dial in server so the shop site can connect in to use the internet and possible backup files to the server.

I am spent some time using unix/solaris but most of it has been follow the bouncing ball or locating answers of websites.

Thanks for your time

Daniel Warfe


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