On Oct 13, 2004, at 10:05 AM, Ed Budd wrote:

Eric Crist wrote:
On Oct 13, 2004, at 7:00 AM, Subhro wrote:
Are you authenticating yourself before attempting to send out mail to
the ISP SMTP. To prevent spammers, almost all ISPs allow the use of
their SMTPs only after you prove them that you are really a legitimate
customer. Also many ISPs wont allow you to use their mailservers
unless the IP which you are using (rather which had been assigned to
you) belongs to their own pool.

I am trying to use my own SMTP server, not my ISPs. Not only that, but I AM trying to authenticate. As I said in my previous post, I can send when dialing in to the 'net, but not when connecting from the ghetto network I'm on here. Only SMTP traffic seems to be stopping/timing out. I can receive mail just fine.

I had this problem once at a hotel. Turned out the hotel was transparently intercepting smtp traffic and funnelling it through their own relays. T-Bird's CRAM-MD5 auth was failing because their relays didn't support it. Try telnetting to what you think is your smtp server and see if your own banner comes up or something else -- that's how I discovered what was happening. It was a little unnerving until I figured it out.

Out of spite I just tunnelled everything through ssh. How dare they f**k with my mail!


Yeah. Shortly after sending my last email, I did just that. Their server responds that it _is_ my server, but AUTH and other things don't work. I'm staying at a hotel, but I just so happen to be installing new access-control hardware for this casino, which owns the hotel. Their MIS/IT staff aren't the brightest, and I've come to learn that there is not SMTP server setup to handle the funneling. Kinda ironic - they funnel to their non-existent mail server.

To fix this, I opened a non-standard port on my mail server and was using that. What I realized was they aren't blocking 465, which is open for SSL, which I had just forgotten to setup on this new laptop (bought it two days before going out of town).

Long story short - their IT staff aren't the brightest.

Eric F Crist
Secure Computing Networks

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