Okay, I have the abovementioned camera, which the Digikam port supports 
through libgphoto2(that very camera is mentioned). When I plug the cam in, 
turn it on, and set it to Playback mode, I get a kernel message acknowledging 
its presence, complete with model info, on ugen2.

However, no matter how much I try to fiddle with permissions on that 
device(while making sure the camera doesn't turn off), I can't get any 
software to connect to it.

I've had a similar problem with my scanner, and I noticed that xsane states 
NOT to have the kernel drivers loaded. However, the kernel driver for ugen is 
compiled into the GENERIC kernel.

Before I recompile the source tree and kernel, is it at all possible that 
keeping that driver out of the kernel(and just using kldload if I should need 
it) would allow sane and libgphoto2 to work properly? This would be my first 
time rebuilding the kernel, and I'm also trying to convince FreeBSD to work 
with my Mitsumi ATAPI CD-R without much success, so I'm rather hesitant about 
all this - though the source tree and kernel both compiled okay, I haven't 
yet installed them.


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