Hi all,

First of all, I have spent a lot of time reading up on

Anyway, I live in a shared accomodation with 2
roommates and a landlord and we share a cable internet
connection. It is 2Mbit/400Kbit connection. Sometimes
when one of us is downloading a song through Kazaa or
a new Linux or FreeBSD iso, the bandwidth gets hogged
and other users can't get through.

I was trying to configure dummynet using Fair Queues
but I seem to be missing something. I tried to modify
some of the examples on Luigi Rizzo's web site
(http://info.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/ip_dummynet/) but it
doesn't seem to be working.

It is a very simple setup. 

Private network (> FreeBSD 5.1
firewall doing NAT (DHCP on external interface)

My configuration file excerpt:

ipfw pipe 1 config bw 400Kbit/s
ipfw pipe 2 config bw 1000Kbit/s
ipfw add queue 1 ip from to any via
ipfw queue 1 config weight 5 pipe 1 mask src-ip

ipfw add queue 2 ip from any to via
ipfw queue 2 config weight 5 pipe 2 mask dst-ip

When I do a "ipfw pipe show", the output is:

firewall# ipfw pipe list
00001: 400.000 Kbit/s    0 ms   50 sl. 0 queues (1
buckets) droptail
    mask: 0x00 0x00000000/0x0000 -> 0x00000000/0x0000
00002:   1.000 Mbit/s    0 ms   50 sl. 0 queues (1
buckets) droptail
    mask: 0x00 0x00000000/0x0000 -> 0x00000000/0x0000
q00001: weight 5 pipe 1   50 sl. 0 queues (64 buckets)
    mask: 0x00 0xffffffff/0x0000 -> 0x00000000/0x0000
q00002: weight 5 pipe 2   50 sl. 0 queues (64 buckets)
    mask: 0x00 0x00000000/0x0000 -> 0xffffffff/0x0000

The queues are always "0". So, it seems to me like
they are not getting created. What am I missing? I
have looked everywhere for answers. Any help would be
greatly appreciated.


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