c-icap problem loading srv_clamav module

2007-08-28 Thread Ovi


I've compiled and installed c-icap, clamav and squid, in order to 
configure a HTTP proxy with antivirus support.

I am able to start c-icap process, but srv_clamav.so module is not loaded:

Here is a log from c-icap (when I run it with "/usr/local/bin/c-icap -N 
-D -d 10"):

Loading service :antivirus_module path srv_clamav.so
Found handler C_handler for service with extension:.so
Error loading service srv_clamav.so: (null)
Error finding symbol "service" in  module srv_clamav.so
Error loading service

Anybody had this problem in the past and solved it?

I have installed c-icap, clamav and squid.

Here is my c-icap.conf

Timeout 300
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 600
StartServers 3
MaxServers 10
MinSpareThreads 10
MaxSpareThreads 20
ThreadsPerChild 10
MaxRequestsPerChild 0
Port 1344
User squid
Group squid
TmpDir /var/tmp
MaxMemObject 131072

ServerLog /var/log/c_icap/server.log
AccessLog /var/log/c_icap/access.log

ModulesDir /usr/local/lib/c_icap
Module logger sys_logger.so
#Module perl_handler perl_handler.so

sys_logger.Prefix "icap"
sys_logger.Facility local1
Logger sys_logger

acl localnet_respmod src type respmod
acl localnet src
acl externalnet src
icap_access allow localnet_respmod
icap_access allow localnet
icap_access deny externalnet

ServicesDir /usr/local/lib/c_icap
Service srv_clamav /usr/local/lib/c_icap/srv_clamav.so

thank you

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Squid and c-icap - anyone have a clue for me?

2007-05-30 Thread Kurt Buff

I have a new FreeBSD 6.2-Release box that I've cvsup'ed to a current
ports tree, and installed c-icap from ports - c-icap-030606_3,1, to be
specific. When I try to execute it manually as root, or at boot after
I put:


in /etc/rc.conf, it dumps core.

Does anyone out there work with this?

I want to set up squid with clamav, and this looks like the best bet
for doing it.

I'm open to alternative ways of doing this, however - I'm not set on c-icap.

Reading the web pages on squidclam and hvap didn't seem to show them
as great alternatives, but would be willing to try either if someone
could report success and give a few pointers if asked.

Many Thanks,

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2004-06-24 Thread Cole

I would like to know if anyone has or is developing a ICAP server to run on
Or if anyone has any ICAP servers that run on FreeBSD besides that python
one that is on sourceforge.

If anyone has any links or suggestions i would gladly appreciate it.
Also im not on the mailing list, so please cc me a copy


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