I was looking at my regular inbox today and thinking how obscure some of
the subject lines have gotten.  Just a few of the examples would be:

My we.ight ruine.d my life x oe ty
Male_Enhancements: Fact or Fiction?
Fastest Presc[ription Dru)gs Delivery Nationwide

Then, after deleting all of these, I opened my freebsd-questions inbox,
and laughed looking at some of the subject lines we see in here:

magicfilter in FBSD 5.2 not working correctly
RE: ipnat+ipfw  + 3 gateways
Re: ASUS A7N8X's 3Com chip / Sil 3112

I guess we're a little more obscure yet, but they're getting close!  Or,
maybe I just have too much time on my hands?

Have a good day.

Eric F Crist
AdTech Integrated Systems, Inc
(612) 998-3588

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