George Hartzell wrote:
I'm trying to get a Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop working on a
Mac Pro running today's -STABLE amd64.

Wow...  A Micros$$t mouse, on an Apple-branded box, using an Intel CPU, that 
implements an AMD instruction set?!  I'm not sure if that's Good or Bad.  
Either way, it would have been a chilly day in hell not too long ago.

Sorry, I don't have any useful suggestions on your mouse problem.  The fact it is 
detected & appears in dmesg suggests the USB portion is working, at least.

Is it possible that the puck needs to somehow be told to route the mouse out 
the usb connector?

Might be;  tho most stuff is auto-detect these days.  Does microshaft's web 
site have any docs on it?

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