On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 09:48:03PM +0200, Willie Viljoen wrote:
> Nathan,
> This won't work, the md5 system command is to generated md5 message digests. 
> These are very different from salted passwords, which are a one-way 
> encryption that will almost never be the same. Message digests are always the 
> same, using them to encrypt passwords would be abit silly :)
> Digests are used (normally) to check the integrity of a downloaded file.
> To do this from the command line (without compiling a C program to use it from 
> libcrypt) you can use perl, as Matthew Seamon points out:
>     % perl -e 'print crypt(q{password}, q{$1$xxxxxxxx$}), "\n";'
>     $1$xxxxxxxx$UYCIxa628.9qXjpQCjM4a.
> In this case, the xxxx's would be the 8 character MD5 salt.
> Will


Thanks for the clarification!  My own ignorance on the subject led me to
post bad info to the list!  I'll have to read up on all this.



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