On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 08:05:13AM +0100, Cliff Sarginson wrote:
> Hello,
> I am getting the following complaints from 4.7-Stable.
> da1 at sym0 bus 0 target 8 lun 0
> da1: <IBM IC35L018UWD210-0 S5CQ> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device
> da1: 80.000MB/s transfers (40.000MHz, offset 31, 16bit), Tagged Queueing
> Enabled
> da1: 17501MB (35843670 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 2231C)
> da1s2: raw partition size != slice size
> da1s2: start 1026048, end 23556095, size 22530048
> da1s2c: start 1026048, end 15358139, size 14332092
> da1s2: raw partition size != slice size
> da1s2: start 1026048, end 23556095, size 22530048
> da1s2c: start 1026048, end 15358139, size 14332092
> Disk name:      da1                                    FDISK Partition
> Editor
> DISK Geometry:  17501 cyls/64 heads/32 sectors = 35842048 sectors
> (17501MB)
> Offset       Size(ST)        End     Name  PType       Desc  Subtype
> Flags
>          0         32         31        -      6     unused        0
>         32    1026016    1026047    da1s1      1     ext2fs      131
>    1026048   22530048   23556095    da1s2      4   extended        5
>   23556096   12285952   35842047    da1s3      3    freebsd      165 C
>   35842048       1622   35843669        -      6     unused        0
> # df -h
> Filesystem     Size   Used  Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/da0s2a    485M    96M   350M    21%    /
> /dev/da0s2e    969M   1.0M   891M     0%    /local
> /dev/da0s2g     13G   6.7G   5.4G    55%    /usr
> /dev/da0s2f    969M    38M   854M     4%    /var
> /dev/da1s3e    5.8G   2.8G   2.5G    52%    /home
> /dev/ad2s2e    9.6G   2.0K   8.8G     0%    /empty
> /dev/ad2s4e    6.8G   1.8G   4.5G    29%    /staging
> procfs         4.0K   4.0K     0B   100%    /proc
> linprocfs      4.0K   4.0K     0B   100%    /usr/compat/linux/proc
> dawn:/backup   7.9G   2.9G   4.6G    39%    /backup-remote

Hmmmm... da1s2 is marked as 'extended' under fdisk, and it's not
apparently mounted under FreeBSD.  However, the boot-up disk scan is
finding what looks sufficiently like a FreeBSD disklabel that it is
getting confused.  I guess that you may at one time have had a FreeBSD
slice starting at the same place as your da1s2 slice or maybe you
typo'd one time you were using disklabel.

Can you show us the output of:

    disklabel da1s2

What should the da1s2 slice contain?  One way of curing the problem
would be to zero the slice contents (ie. dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da1s2
sort of thing) but that's no good if you've got valuable data there.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey         Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614                                  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK

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