On Sunday,  4 January 2004 at 23:45:05 -0700, Shawn Dillon wrote:
> I will be upgrading our FreeBSD 5.0 box to 5.2 right away. I would
> like to install 2 200GB WD IDE drives in a mirror.
> Basic research has shown me that Vinum should do the trick...
> Any advice before I take the plunge?


At the moment the system doesn't support swap on Vinum.  This is as a
result of some of the changes to GEOM, and it'll be fixed as soon as I
can.  Apart from that, most problems with Vinum seem to be pilot
error.  I'm aware of the fact that the man pages are rather turgid.
You might like to look at the documentation at http://www.vinumvm.org/
as well.

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