On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 01:53:43 -0500
"Mark Beaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd like to build a FreeBSD based PVR station with at least Svideo output
> and ideally digital coax sound (maybe not dolby digital) 
> Currently I have:
> P3 350 
> 448 Megs of ram
> 160Gigs of storage
> I'd like to know if anyone has had any luck with this type of system if so,
> what kind of hardware.
> If anyone thinks I'd need more hardware, please by all means let me know
> what you've had work for you, (working on a budget so nothing extra
> ordinary) I more or less just want a system that will record reasonably
> well, and possibly play back simultaneously if possible (given budget)
> Anyone have any suggestions ideas?
> FWIW: I'm looking for video cards w/ svideo out, and an encoder card
> (Hauppauge, or the like).

The Conexant MPEG-2 Codec driver for Hauppauge PVR-250/350 TV
cards was added to the ports collection yesterday
(16 Oct multimedia/pvr250).  Updating your ports would pull
that into your tree.

There has been discussions of these cards on the
freebsd-multimedia mailing list which would also be the best
place to post any questions about the cards.

I don't own one of the cards yet so I can't comment on the
performance with the system you mentioned.

Best regards,

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