Bill Moran wrote:
Australian National University wrote:
To whom it may concern,

We here at Australian National University are wondering if there are any
recommended (or any whatseover) simulators or emulators (software) that run on Windows X86/i386 Intel hardwre in native true standard 32-bit mode that
emulate and provide a fully operational and "ready to boot" system with a
given runtime of an emulated AMD64 PROCESSOR. Yes, that is not a typo: we
are looking for a 32-bit EXE that can provide an emulated 64-bit Processor

Why on Earth would you ask such a question on a FreeBSD mailing list? That makes about as much sense as a solar powered flashlight.
Additionally, what's with the subject?

However, Bochs does what you need, and much to my surprise, it now runs on Windows as well as Unix:


Doesn't QEMU do AMD64 too, or am I misinterpreting x86_64 as AMD64?

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