Barry Skidmore wrote:
I am preparing to do a fresh install of 4.9-RELEASE, and read in the
Handbook the following recommended partitions, and the order in which
they should be created:


I would like to have two additional partitions, but do not see in the
Handbook their ordering, relative to the above:



Hi there, Barry...

If you're going to create separate partitions for /boot and /home, it seems that the following order would make sense:


HOWEVER, given that the default installation of FreeBSD seems to have /home as a link to /usr/home, I'd be highly reluctant to depart from that, and just keep the user home directories where they belong, in /usr/home.

Your mileage may vary.
Bill Blum
"Space isn't remote at all. It's only a hours drive away if your car could go straight up." - F. Hoyle

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