Andrew Falanga wrote:

I recently updated some of my ports (due to the fact that I now have a high speed connection to the Internet at home). One of the ports I updated was
vim.  I used portupgrade -r <vim_port_name> and let it do its thing.  All
went well, but now gvim no longer exists. When I was try to execute it, I get, "E25: GUI cannot be used: Not enabled at compile time". I've built vim at work simply from the source code from and I know how to build for GUI support. However, I'm not very familiar with the BSD make or the ports
making process and couldn't find a clean way of defining, or in this case
preventing the definition of,

.if defined(NO_GUI)
WITHOUT_X11=    yes

I took this from /usr/ports/editors/vim/Makefile. How do I manipulate the ports build process to recompile vim with GUI support? I would rather use
vim/gvim than any other editor and without GUI support, it's quite lame.

By the way, after reading the response to my post about how to get
portupgrade back, I went to look through the /usr/ports/UPGRADING file for vim notes. However, the only thing I found concerning vim was something to
with vim-part, or something similar to that, with respect to the KDE
distribution.  There was nothing about the actual VIM port.  Oh, nearly
forgot, before this, I had vim 6.x installed from ports. I did have the GUI
version before hand.


If you use the editors/vim port and not editors/vim-lite, this should be enabled by default. If not, then you should talk to the port maintainer.
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