Re: Reprocessing sendmail failed messages

2006-03-31 Thread Kris Anderson

--- Tim Traver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Kris,
> thanks for your attempts, but I'm not sure you
> understand what I mean...
I understand, you have a lot of files in clientmque
and you want to send them out. Thus the submission of
what I found in google.
> I cannot run a queue manually on these messages
> because sendmail thinks 
> they are permanent errors. So any queue runs on
> these messages produce 
> nothing.
Check your maillog by the way and see what it says
about the messages.
Found something else (It talks about requeuing things
and offers a script)-
> On this box we don't run a sendmail daemon. We only
> relay mail to 
> another server when the sendmail daemon gets called.
> That is why those 
> messages are in the clientmqueue dir instead of the
> regular mqueue dir.
> My real issue is that I now have these bunch of
> messages that won't get 
> processed, because sendmail assumes they are
> permanent failures.
> The q files are named with a capital Q in front of
> them, is this why 
> they are ignored ?
I happen to have a stuck message. So I'll see if I can
get the bugger sent off. Okay, I renamed the little
beast from Qf to qf and sendmail whined about it being
invalid or something. So I poked around in the mqueue
directory. In it I found two files:
dfk2VKp7im043605 (This is the body of the email)
qfk2VKp7im043605 (This is the sender stuff)

Unless you have the associated df file then it's lost.
But to veryify look inside a Qf file and see what
turns up. If you don't see the body of a message then
it looks like it is lost.

> Is there any one who knows how to revert and
> re-submit these messages ???

YAY! I did it!
backup your files first!
I took the above files, hopeing that the df & Qf pair
were there, in this case they were. If not already
shut down, turn off the queue from /etc/mail with a
make stop-mspq
Did I mention that it's a good idea at this point to
backup your queue? Back it up.
Rename all the Qf files to qf (or to test, just a df
qf pair)
ensure that group permissions are rw  (I don't know if
it is important but my guess it is because they are
going to have be erased by the queuer)
Start the queue back up with make start-mspq

Something you might want to try (again back your stuff
up and I didn't try this by the way)
rename all the files, move them to the mqueue
directory, chown them to
:daemon (they are
probably :smmsp Or something like that, but basicaly
make the group match the same group of a given

then try and tickle sendmail to sending the items off.
Probably sendmail -bp might kick it.

Anyway, hope something there helps. BTW, I looked
through sendmail source at queue.c and there's a flag
called bogus and if it's not true then sendmail stucks
an ugly message in your maillog about uid/gid not
matching. I think that has to do with the particular
group owner of a given queue directory and if things
aren't kosher then BAM! you get the ugly message. I
know I did.

Good luck.
~Mr. Anderson

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Re: Reprocessing sendmail failed messages

2006-03-31 Thread Tim Traver


thanks for your attempts, but I'm not sure you understand what I mean...

I cannot run a queue manually on these messages because sendmail thinks 
they are permanent errors. So any queue runs on these messages produce 

On this box we don't run a sendmail daemon. We only relay mail to 
another server when the sendmail daemon gets called. That is why those 
messages are in the clientmqueue dir instead of the regular mqueue dir.

My real issue is that I now have these bunch of messages that won't get 
processed, because sendmail assumes they are permanent failures.

The q files are named with a capital Q in front of them, is this why 
they are ignored ?

Is there any one who knows how to revert and re-submit these messages ???



Kris Anderson wrote:

--- Tim Traver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Hi All,

ok, I know this isn't the right list, but I've
already tried the 
sendmail group, and no response, so I'm hoping that
there might be some 
sendmail gurus on this list that can help me...

After a temporary DNS outage, several machines that
we run have email
messages on them that sendmail attempted to relay to
our mail
cluster, but failed because they could not find the
host name of the
server they were relaying to.

So, now, I have hundreds of messages in the
clientmqueue directory that
are marked as having permanent fatal errors. The top
of the d file
looks like this :

   - The following addresses had permanent fatal
errors -
(reason: 550 Host unknown)

   - Transcript of session follows -
550 5.1.2 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Host unknown (Name
server: host not found)

I see that there are many of these message that are
important, and
want to save and send them.

Is there a way to get sendmail to re-attempt to send
these messages ? I
think it just ignores them right now because of
those lines.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

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Hey there Tim,

Found this with google.

A Dr Matthew had this answer (read full text to see
what's up but here's a snippet)

If you end up with a load of messages stuck in
/var/spool/clientmqueue, you've got a similar problem
with not running
a MSP queue daemon.  The case is exactly analogous,
except that the
sendmail flags are in
/var/spool/clientmqueue/ and should

/usr/sbin/sendmail -L sm-msp-queue -Ac -q30m

and you need to set 'sendmail_msp_queue_flags' in
/etc/rc.conf to
override them.


Hope that helps.

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Re: Reprocessing sendmail failed messages

2006-03-31 Thread Robert Huff

Kris Anderson writes:

>  Found this with google.
>  A Dr Matthew had this answer (read full text to see what's up but
>  here's a snippet)
>  If you end up with a load of messages stuck in
>  /var/spool/clientmqueue, you've got a similar problem with not
>  running a MSP queue daemon.  The case is exactly analogous,
>  except that the sendmail flags are in
>  /var/spool/clientmqueue/ and should read:
>  /usr/sbin/sendmail -L sm-msp-queue -Ac -q30m
>  and you need to set 'sendmail_msp_queue_flags' in /etc/rc.conf to
>  override them.

1) cd /etc/mail
2) make stop
3) make start
4) ps -ax | grep sendmand you should see something like:

 1153  ??  Ss 0:14.88 sendmail: accepting connections (sendmail)
 1156  ??  IWs0:00.00 sendmail: Queue [EMAIL PROTECTED]:30:00 for 
15854  p6  S+ 0:00.01 grep sendm

This method uses the same scripts invoked at boot, and will
automatically read the various "sendmail_" variables out of rc.conf.

Robert Huff

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Re: Reprocessing sendmail failed messages

2006-03-31 Thread Kris Anderson

--- Tim Traver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> ok, I know this isn't the right list, but I've
> already tried the 
> sendmail group, and no response, so I'm hoping that
> there might be some 
> sendmail gurus on this list that can help me...
> After a temporary DNS outage, several machines that
> we run have email
> messages on them that sendmail attempted to relay to
> our mail
> cluster, but failed because they could not find the
> host name of the
> server they were relaying to.
> So, now, I have hundreds of messages in the
> clientmqueue directory that
> are marked as having permanent fatal errors. The top
> of the d file
> looks like this :
>- The following addresses had permanent fatal
> errors -
> (reason: 550 Host unknown)
>- Transcript of session follows -
> 550 5.1.2 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Host unknown (Name
> server:
> host not found)
> I see that there are many of these message that are
> important, and
> want to save and send them.
> Is there a way to get sendmail to re-attempt to send
> these messages ? I
> think it just ignores them right now because of
> those lines.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated,
> Tim.
> ___
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Hey there Tim,

Found this with google.

A Dr Matthew had this answer (read full text to see
what's up but here's a snippet)

If you end up with a load of messages stuck in
/var/spool/clientmqueue, you've got a similar problem
with not running
a MSP queue daemon.  The case is exactly analogous,
except that the
sendmail flags are in
/var/spool/clientmqueue/ and should

/usr/sbin/sendmail -L sm-msp-queue -Ac -q30m

and you need to set 'sendmail_msp_queue_flags' in
/etc/rc.conf to
override them.


Hope that helps.

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