
> I have tried to install FreeBSD 5.0 (non-stable release) and have
> experienced some problems.  I would like to know where I can post these
> bugs and problems, so you can figure out what's going wrong.
> It would be a great pleasure for me to contribute to your problem.


FreeBSD uses GNATs for problem reports (PRs). You can find a description here:

Also the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list is a good place to ask
those questions (perhaps it's the best to ask there first and file a PR
in coordination with the list).

I'd recommend to consider the following alternatives before taken any further

- Unless you need any of the new features in FreeBSD 5.x switch back to
  FreeBSD 4.x (either 4.8 or 4.9 if you can wait approximately until 29 Sep
  2003 (but installing 4.8 now and updating it to -STABLE or the next
  release should work without a hassle))
- If you decide to stay with 5.x use 5.1 instead of 5.0 since it
  contains lots of bug fixes. IMO 5.1 is the least version you should
  use if you report any bugs on the 5.x branch, although you might even
  want to upgrade to -CURRENT and see if your problems are fixed).

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