Re: Upgrading SpamAssassin 3.1.6 - 3.2.1

2007-07-18 Thread Peter Boosten

Alex Pietjouw wrote:
 Hey all,
 I'm running a FreeBSD 6.2-Release machine with sendmail, clamav and 
 SpamAssassin 3.1.6 which is working great.
 I've recently updated my ports collection with CVS and pkg_version told me 
 that there's a new SpamAssassin version available in the ports.
 (Weird thing btw, the portversion command tells me there is no need to 
 Anyway, is it safe to use portupgrade on the p5-Mail-SpamAssassin port? 
 Did anyone already do this and did they ecnounter any problems?
 It's pretty vital that my server keeps running!

Did you update your INDEX-6 as well when updating the ports tree?

from /usr/ports
#make fetchindex

My spamassassin was upgraded to 3.2.1  ages ago...

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Re: Upgrading SpamAssassin 3.1.6 - 3.2.1

2007-07-18 Thread Alex Pietjouw
 Peter Boosten [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wednesday 18 July 2007 14:51:24 

Alex Pietjouw wrote:
 Hey all,
 I'm running a FreeBSD 6.2-Release machine with sendmail, clamav and 
 SpamAssassin 3.1.6 which is working great.
 I've recently updated my ports collection with CVS and pkg_version told me 
 that there's a new SpamAssassin version available in the ports.
 (Weird thing btw, the portversion command tells me there is no need to 
 Anyway, is it safe to use portupgrade on the p5-Mail-SpamAssassin port? 
 Did anyone already do this and did they ecnounter any problems?
 It's pretty vital that my server keeps running!

Did you update your INDEX-6 as well when updating the ports tree?

from /usr/ports
#make fetchindex
I just did this, and it fixes the inconsistency between pkg_version and 
portversion. Thanks for the tip!

My spamassassin was upgraded to 3.2.1  ages ago...
Ages huh? :-) 2007-06-11: SpamAssassin 3.2.1 and 3.1.9 released!

-aLex Pietjouw.

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