"dhaneshk k" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  This is Dhanesh ,    I m  a newbe to FreeBsd , I had a  intel p4 box
> with FreeBSD-6.1  Os with Gnome 2.18.  installed  and ,  this desktop
> working fine for last 2 months . Mean while  I tried to install
> OpenOffice  from ports collection for this box , but it  is asking for
> an upgrade of Xorg libraries , so I followed the   /usr/ports/UPDATING
> procedure    line by  line  ,,   every thing went fine   at the stage
> where I reached
> # portupgrade  -aP       ( while runnig this command   about an  hour
> or more  ) ther  HAPPENED a power
> failure  ,  after this    the   m/c restarted  and    the Desktop
> environment lost for ever , Its asking for command login without
> Desktop GUI login ,  ther is an error message  its showing
> gdm_server_spawn : Xserver not found  : /usr/X11R6/bin/X  : 0 -audit
> /var/gdm/: 0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt9
> Failed to start X server several times in a short time period ,
> disabling display:0
>   I tried to continue the   portupgrade -aP command again  but its
> showing errors ,
> Stale dependency  : at-spi-1.18.1_1 ----> xmlcatmgr-2.2  --  manually
> run 'pkgdb -F' to fix , or specify -0 to force
> asking  pkgdb  -F  to  run
> # pkgdb -F  I executed but  its showing some
> Duplicated origin : multimedia/gstreamer  -gstreamer-0.10.12
> gstreamer80-0.8.12_2
> Unregister any of them ?[no]
> I enter no for  3/4  times for some duplicate origins
> Then it asking  for Stale dependency at-spi-1.18.1_1 -->xmlcatmgr-2.2
> (textproc/xmlcatmgr) :
> ........................
> ............................
> Install stale dependency ?[yes]  y
> but its failed showing that        stop in /usr/ports/textproc/xmlcatmgr
> (I tried to to deinstall and make reinstall   textproc/xmlcatmgr
> many times it also failed all the times )
> Here I requesting  anyone  of you to help me to
>   1    provide the method  to retrive the Desktop   environment ?  OR
>   2  Other wise how I can remove all the the things related to xserver
> (so that  I have to install the Gnome 2.18 again   as I did   was
> portinstall  /usr/ports/x11/gnome2  )

Did you do the gstreamer updates already, as directed in UPDATING?
If so, try something like "portupgrade -rf gstreamer". 
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