On July 12, 2009 07:47:51 pm Michael Powell wrote:
> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_rewrite.html
> Various ways of utilizing it as it is very flexible, depending on your
> particular requirements. It usually involves at least a RewriteEngine On
> directive somewhere. Some can use it in an .htaccess but those who are
> running multiple vhosts may need something like this for each vhost:
> RewriteEngine On
> RewriteOptions Inherit

looks like the second line (RewriteOptions Inherit) was missing
seems I didn't read this section of of the docs close enough. :(
thanks for your help.

> See the section in the docs. Usually there are two other directives used to
> configure functionality after activating it. You will usually have one, or
> more, RewriteCond conditions which when evaluated run through a RewriteRule
> of some kind. Brush up on your Apache regex handling! There are cheat
> sheets around the web, easily Googled up.
> mod_rewrite is not easy and can have you pulling your hair out. If you are
> using a software that requires it the docs should have a cut and paste
> config that can get you started. Trying to figure it out from scratch
> without knowing what is needed will be next to impossible.
> -Mike
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