On 9/27/07, Aryeh Friedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Last night I mentioned it is now avaible... has any one tried it with
> anything near this combo:
> P-35 Chipset
> GeForce 5200 GT (PCI)
> The reason for asking is when I installed it the kernel reconizes my
> card but Xorg (7.3) doesn't recognize it (same as before the beta)....
>  BTW it does not implement --enable-all-gpus it seems right now

I'll be testing it tomorrow, with a PCI 5200 and a PCI-E 7100(?), but
with 6.2. I unfortunately am one of the users who simply gets a reboot
when x starts with the driver that's currently in ports, so I'm hoping
I can can at least get further than that.

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