
Robert Huff pisze:
For a long time there has been a problem with posix-something port (as reported by portaudit) and I do not see an update to this particular port. How would I go about checking which ports/applications use this particular posix port? I am tempted to remove it but need to check why it is there in first place...

        pkg_info -R <port_name>
        This assumes you have it installed.  If not, you can try
grepping the ports tree ... which can get messy if many ports depend
on it.
Ah - I should have read pkg_info man. I often use it with -Ix switch but failed to see that it can also check dependencies.

Now I know it is required by php5-extensions-1.1. Do you think I should be relatively safe by commenting it out in the extensions file, restarting apache and seeing what is going on?

I still do not know which application really needs posix. But many thanks Robert!

Zbigniew Szalbot
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