On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 03:48:53PM +0100, Frank Bonnet wrote:
> Hi
> I have a problem at 4.6.2 with FTP.
> The machine is our FTP server, it handle FTP transferts
> for all of our users ( inland and ouland )
> All home directories are NFS mounted to a Netapp Filer.
> The problem is that SOME users cannot access to their
> home directories.
> With the std FreeBSD FTPd daemon they are logged at "/"
> and they have to manually go into their homedir.
> With pure-ftpd it refuses to let them loggin in 
> saying they have no homedir.
> I've identified the cause of problem.
> ONLY users that have 700 chmod their root directory
> are concerned.
> It does not happen thru "telnet" "su" or "ssh" accesses.
> Any idea to fix this problem ?
> Thanks

Check out the ftpd man page.  Specifically, look for the section that
refers to the file /etc/ftpchroot.  Assuming that you don't want your
users to be able to access anything other than the contents of their
home directory when logging in via ftp, then place those users names in
the /etc/ftpchroot file.  When they log in they will be chrooted to
the home directory listed for that user the /etc/passwd
(or master.passwd) file.


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