I m RAVIKANT from india. Currently i m last sem of MCA. In mca i gave
  a presentation on freebsd, netbsd, openbsd, mcosx, darwin in contrast
  to linux.

i found it quite interesting.

  i would like to assosciate my career to freebsd and want to become
  part of development team.

i need some guidance,

i have good knowledge of c

i know basics of c++, and unix

but i dont know how to get into freebsd

i hope you all will help me

A few more suggestions.

1.  Continue your fine efforts with FreeBSD advocacy
in your country.  Join or start a users group; write articles
or "how to's" for users in your language.  Examine the
state of documentation in your language, and see if you
can help with the documentation in your language.

2.  Learn to "port" applications to FreeBSD.  See the
porter's handbook.  Port something useful, and maintain
it well.

3.  Read lots of source!  (also, read lots of the
mailing lists....)

4.  Take a look at open problem reports via
the web interface.  Patch something, and post
it to the www, then call attention to this patch
via the appropriate mailing list.  Better yet, submit
the patch in reply to the bug report ... perhaps
a FreeBSD "committer" will see your patch and
use it.  If this happens often, or frequently, you
may gain a reputation for fixing issues.  I have a
feeling that many current FreeBSD committers
started out this way.  Now they are trapped forever,


Kevin Kinsey
DaleCo, S.P.
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  • [no subject] RAVIKANT PRASAD
    • Re: Vulpes Velox
    • Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P.

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