On Sun, Jan 25, 2004 at 11:13:06AM -0800, Matthew Fremont wrote:
> The nameserver is working properly, and commands like
> dig(1), host(1), telnet(1), and ftp(1), are able to
> sucessfully resolve names. The problem appears to be
> isolated to nslookup(8).
> If memory serves me correctly, at some time in the
> past nslookup handled a reverse lookup failure of the
> server more gracefully, identifying the server as
> "Unknown", and continuing with the query.

As I recall, this quirk of nslookup(8) was one of the reasons why the
BIND project has deprecated it in favour of the better behaved tools
like dig(1) and host(1).  If you used a version of nslookup(8) that
didn't have this problem, then it must have been specially patched to
do so.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
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