On Mon, Dec 04, 2006 at 03:51:16PM +0500, DeadMan Xia .... wrote:
> Hello Every1,
> well i m using FreeBSD 6.0 with qmail. i usually used to take backups
> remotely.
> i want to check the content of wtmp files for last month which was
> overwritten by new wtmp file of current month.
> Any body help me out regarding this
> Regards,,,

What does:

# ls -al /var/log | grep wtmp

look like?

What does:

# cat /etc/newsyslog.conf | grep wtmp

look like?

I run qmail and have logs going back 4 months (newsyslog rotates them
once a month).



echo "f r a n k @ e s p e r a n c e - l i n u x . c o . u k" | sed 's/ //g'

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